Dad Academy

Chapter 1955 Dad didn’t come, but mom came.

Xiaobai quickly got away and called Teacher Xiaoliu over.

Teacher Xiaoliu walked over nervously and saw Xiaoxiao sitting on the bed, looking at her with bright eyes.

This made her even more worried, fearing that the little one would suddenly talk about eating nene.

Fortunately, Xiaoxiao was not addicted to milk tonight. She just wanted to talk to Teacher Xiaoliu.

"It's very late, it's time to go to bed." Teacher Xiaoliu said.

"Talk." Xiaoxiao said stubbornly.

Teacher Xiaoliu didn't know if she was really just talking, but she didn't want to do anything else.

Fortunately, her worries were unnecessary. Xiaoxiao did just talk to her, and the content was nothing more than some children's whimsical and weird ideas.

Xiaoxiao lay on the bed and closed her eyes. Teacher Xiaoliu left quietly.

Time passed slowly, and it was already eleven o'clock. The whole Little Red Horse became quiet. Looking out from the window of the bedroom on the second floor, you could see the bright lights in the distance, and the noisy sound came faintly, as if it was very far away. Far, far away, like in a dream.

The yard of Little Red Horse was unusually quiet, with only the gentle breeze blowing through the woods, making the leaves rustle.

The street lights were on in the yard, and Lao Li was no longer in the yard. The lights on the guard box at the door were on, so he must have gone indoors.

In the silence, Teacher Xiaoliu heard footsteps coming from downstairs. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. She walked up the stairs and appeared in her field of vision. The sensor light in the corridor turned on, and she could clearly see the person coming.

It was a woman, with a very tired look on her face.

Xiaoxiao's mother is here.

"Teacher Xiaoliu~ You worked hard today."

"It's not hard, Xiaoxiao just fell asleep not long ago."

"I'll take her home."

Teacher Xiaoliu led the way, led her into the dormitory, and quietly came to Xiaoxiao's bed.

Then under the dim night light, they saw Xiaoxiao lying on the quilt, her face exposed, her face flushed, and her breathing steady.

Sleeping soundly.

This made Xiaoxiao's mother unable to bear to disturb her sleep, but there was nothing she could do unless she came early tomorrow and picked her up before Xiaoxiao went to bed.

She gently lifted the quilt and held Xiaoxiao's soft little body in her arms.

This movement woke up Xiaoxiao from her sleep. The little girl opened her sleepy eyes and saw clearly that it was her mother. She muttered, "Daddy didn't come, but mommy came." Then she lay in her mother's arms and arched her little head. , found a comfortable position, lay motionless, and continued to sleep.

Xiaoxiao's mother hugged Xiaoxiao, went downstairs, walked out of the building, crossed the yard, said hello to Lao Li, and walked out of the open door into the night.


After the song "Lonely Warrior" became popular when sung by the Malanhua Children's Chorus, it was planned to be handed over to the Dada band.

Otherwise, singing by the Guangma Orchid Children's Choir would be a bit of a waste.

Chen Yubin, the lead singer of the Dada band, received a call from Li Yuxiao and asked them to go to the company this morning.

The Dada band was originally just a band that sang in bars and did not sign a contract with any music company or brokerage company. After getting the song "Chasing Dreams", they signed a contract with Little Red Horse Music Studio and became He became an artist under his banner and became fellow disciples with Li Yuxiao.

The Dada band is a star band that became famous instantly. They were not well-known before, and their usual job was to travel to and from major bars to sing.

After a song became popular, their lives and careers have undergone earth-shaking changes. They no longer go to bars to sing, but participate in various activities, some are commercial performances, some are variety shows or music shows.

They need that kind of exposure, being in the media eye from time to time.

They hired two assistants to help them arrange their itinerary, handle various business contracts and agreements, etc.

Li Yuxiao called them to come to the company and asked their assistants first to find out whether they were free that morning.

Chen Yubin didn't ask much about anything. Li Yuxiao was their senior sister and their benefactor. She would respond to anything and there was no need to hesitate.

He notified other members of the team and made an appointment to arrive at the company at nine in the morning.

Everyone readily agreed.

Originally, Chen Yubin arranged to meet and party with friends. After becoming famous, he had much less personal time and could no longer arrange it freely.

However, Chen Yubin did not complain at all. If he did complain, it would be too hypocritical.

I want to be famous but also want to have freedom in my personal life. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

“Not everyone is Boss Zhang.”

In Chen Yubin's opinion, Zhang Tan may be the only one who can do this.

"I don't know what Sister Xiaoxiao wants from us." Chen Yubin said in his heart.

After thinking about it randomly, I stopped thinking if I couldn't figure it out. I went out early the next day and had breakfast at a breakfast shop near my home.

The shop owner knew him well. He used to come to this shop for breakfast, but he didn't come very often recently.

The shop owner also listened to their popular song "Chasing Dreams" and felt very strange that someone he knew suddenly became popular. However, Chen Yubin didn't come during this time, so he couldn't talk to him. He even wondered if Chen Yubin was moved.

After all, he has become famous and has no shortage of money. It is normal to move out of this community.

As time passed and no one came, he became more and more certain that Chen Yubin had probably moved away.

It was just that he walked so quietly, which made him sigh.

After all, we have known each other for many years. Whether we want to say goodbye or if we really don’t have time, it would be a good idea to send a message.

Of course, there's no problem if he doesn't.

However, just when the store owner thought that Chen Yubin had moved away, this morning, Chen Yubin walked into the store casually and casually.

The shop owner glanced at it indifferently at first, thinking it was just an ordinary customer, but then he felt something was wrong. When he looked over, it turned out to be Chen Yubin, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

Chen Yubin, who moved, is still there!

The shop owner was happy and asked enthusiastically: "Xiao Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you going to eat this time?"

Chen Yubin said with a smile: "Soup noodles and minced meat. I've been a little busy recently. I leave early and come home late. I don't have the chance to come to your breakfast shop."

The shop owner ordered food for him first, and then couldn't help but asked curiously: "You are now famous. You have been dormant for many years, but once you become famous, will your life be very different from before?"

Chen Yubin answered with a smile, there were some people in the breakfast shop, but the shop was not big, with only six tables, and four people usually sat at each table.

At this moment, the customers in the store heard the conversation between the two and looked over. Some did not recognize Chen Yubin at first, but they soon knew it.

He is actually the lead singer of the recently popular "Chasing Dreams".

Having breakfast at a roadside shop and meeting celebrities is a wonderful experience.

This breakfast was quite lively. Chen Yubin had to deal with curious diners while eating breakfast.

After he ate in a hurry, he left quickly.

Maybe this is the difference before and after becoming famous.

I got on the subway and arrived at the company in half an hour. First I went to my band’s office.

The company has prepared a large office for them, and they can stay here when they come to the company.

This office looks more like a large living room, with a set of sofas by the window, a large desk, and a computer. They don't usually use it much, but whoever needs it can use it.

When Chen Yubin arrived, drummer Li Wen had already arrived, and others arrived one after another within the next ten minutes.

"What does Sister Xiaoxiao want from us?" bassist Chen Yang asked.

Chen Yubin said: "You'll know when you get there, let's go."

He got up and took everyone out to Li Yuxiao's office.

When they arrived, they found no one in the office. The staff next to them said that Li Yuxiao was in the recording studio at the moment and asked them to go directly to the recording studio.

Several people immediately looked at each other and became energetic.

For the last three hours, please give me your monthly pass. It’s the period when the monthly pass is doubled.

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