Dad Academy

Chapter 1944 Aunt, I’ll come over and sleep with you tonight

Zhang Tan’s Little Red Horse galloping account uploaded the Malanhua Children’s Chorus. The first day there was no movement or excitement.

He has very few fans and is a transparent person on the Pentium app.

Not many people know him, and few ordinary users know about it.

But speaking of it, many of his 6,236 fans are insiders, and there are almost no zombie fans.

Among these people are directors, actors, singers, screenwriters, producers, producers, business executives, program hosts, etc.

These people have great energy.

They followed Zhang Tan because they wanted to know the movements of this predator, but who knew? This predator often dived and rarely surfaced. His updates were rarely updated once a month, and there were only a handful of videos on his account.

Oh, the most recent time was when I went on an autumn outing with my children.

There are no children in the video, only the scenery, but you can hear the children's chatter, which is very lively.

Moreover, Zhang Tan wrote a sentence, saying that he was participating in an autumn outing for primary school students. Only then did everyone know that this was the case, otherwise they would have thought that he was out looking for a filming location.

This time, everyone gradually discovered the video posted by Zhang Tan. Children appeared in the rare video. Some of them are familiar. The most famous one is probably the 5 billion box office heroine, Shen Liuliu Dayanyan.

Secondly, some people know Xiaobai.

Xiaobai has participated in many film and television works and is Zhang Tan's daughter, so everyone knows her better.

As for Xi'er, she only left a faint impression on people.

Not recognized.

The character Xiao Qing she played as a child was somewhat impressive, but nothing more.

"What kind of song is this? It's very nice."

"The children sang really well and were full of energy."

"The song is really nice. Is it Mr. Zhang's new song?"

Everyone left messages one by one, but unfortunately Zhang Tan rarely read the messages. If you wanted to wait for him to reply, it would take as short as two or three days, or as slowly as ten days. Well, he usually didn't reply.

Zhang Tan's account looked lively for a while, but it was only lively on a small scale.

Until someone reposts the video, these people themselves have many fans, hundreds of thousands are the least, and many have millions or tens of millions.

As soon as they forwarded it, the video immediately went viral.

Li Yuxiao also forwarded the video immediately and added the text:

Teacher Zhang's latest song, "The Lonely Warrior", was sung so well by the Malanhua Children's Chorus! Come and listen.

She has more than 50 million fans, so as soon as she forwarded it, she immediately attracted the attention of many fans.

The Malanhua Children's Choir and the new song "Lonely Brave" are what attracted their attention.

At first, everyone just thought the children's singing was so exciting, but after listening to it, they found that the song was also very good.

Then I checked it and found out that it was a new song that I had never heard before. Then I saw the text written by Li Yuxiao, Teacher Zhang.

After everyone checked who the so-called Teacher Zhang was, and someone spread the word in the comment area, they found out that there is such an outstanding person as Zhang Tan.

In addition to Li Yuxiao’s repost, there are also many celebrities who are reposting it, such as the actor Zhang Yuyan.

Even Su Lan retweeted it and wrote:

Haha, the singing is good. I recognized Xiaobai, Liuliu and Xier. They have grown up, but they are still so cute.

Two days later, when Zhang Tan opened the Pentium Video account again, he discovered that the video he posted had become popular, with more than 10 million likes.

The reason why he thought of opening his account was because he received many message reminders telling him to check his account quickly.

At the same time, many singing internet celebrities have covered "Lonely Warrior".

This song also became popular all of a sudden.

"show me."

After Xiaobai learned that his singing video suddenly became popular, he played the video over and over again and watched it with gusto.

She felt that she sang really well.

The happiest person should be Shen Liuliu and Dayanyan.

Now she can legitimately say that she is a big singer.

"Are you really going to stay at your aunt's house tonight?" Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai who was packing things in the room.

The kid suddenly had a whim and wanted to stay at his aunt's house tonight.

"Well, I haven't seen my uncle and aunt for a long time. I want to take care of them."

That's so sweet to say, but——

"But you should call your aunt first and ask her if it's okay for you to come and stay tonight? You can't just go and stay without saying a word." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai laughed and said, "Don't worry, old man. My uncle and aunt will welcome me very much. They keep asking me when I will stay there. I said I'm very busy. Don't have time tonight." If I go, they will be very happy."

Zhang Tan said: "If you want to go, they will definitely be happy, but you should tell them beforehand so that they can be prepared, right?"

"ε=(ο`*))) Sigh~ I don't even know how to yell at you, so I'll yell at you."

Xiaobai was sure that this was unnecessary, but for the sake of the old man, he decided to call his aunt.

She used Zhang Tan's mobile phone to make a video call.

"Hey, Zhang Tan, you're so cute~"

Ma Lanhua's voice came from over there, and her figure appeared on the phone screen at the same time.

I saw her sitting on the sofa seriously, looking at the screen.

However, when she saw Xiaobai here, she immediately became less serious.


"What are you yelling about!"

"Auntie - I'll come over and sleep with you tonight."

"Come to sleep with me? Don't come! Don't come!"

Ma Lanhua was furious and complained wildly that Bai Chunhua was ungrateful and a heartless child, so she was not welcome at all tonight and told her not to come. If she came, she would be kicked out.


Seeing that her crazy output had confused Xiaobai, Malanhua was so proud that she threw the knife further.

"We are going to bed, don't come over, just go and play by yourself."

"Auntie, don't you love me anymore?"

"Why do I love you so much? Why don't you love me?"

"I love you."

"Pfft~~Hahahaha~ I'm laughing so hard."

"...Smile like a hammer."

"What did you say?"

"Smile like a hammer."


"Smile like a hammer~ Where is my uncle? I'm on the phone with him."

"Then hang up, hang up."

"Give your phone to uncle! I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Guawazi, this is my cell phone. Why should I give it to your uncle? If you hang up on me, then call your uncle."


"Your uncle asked you not to shout, he can't hear you, hahahaha."

Xiaobai was so angry with Malanhua that the phone call ended in a big quarrel.

The two of them were just about throwing knives at each other.


Xiaobai gasped and his face turned red with anger.

It's a lot like Xiao Lizi being driven crazy with anger.

It's also very similar to the porridge exploding on the spot due to Xiaobai's anger.

She walked around the house angrily, and suddenly realized why her old man was missing. How could such an old man disappear after just making a phone call? Where did he go?

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