Dad Academy

Chapter 1941 The Malanhua Children’s Choir reunites!

Liuliu was brought into the recording studio by Li Yuxiao.

Liuliu said: "I'm going, kids, I'm going, I'll be back as soon as I go."

Everyone waved to her to say goodbye.

Luliu entered the recording studio, and everyone watched through the glass. Luliu's singing could be heard from the audio equipment.

But it hasn't started yet.

Li Yuxiao is first teaching Liliu to sing "Chasing Dreams".

After a while, the porridge officially started.

Li Yuxiao also came out, came to Zhang Tan, and whispered: "It's so difficult to sing."

Zhang Tan looked forward and replied, "As long as she is happy."

Xiaobai behind her looked at her old man and felt that they were talking, but she didn't hear the sound.

At this time, Liuliu had already started singing.

She stood in the recording studio, wearing big headphones on her head, and started singing along with the arrangement:

Where is the world full of flowers?

If it really existed then I would definitely go

Good guy, the first line was wrong. It was obviously a world full of flowers, but she changed it to a world full of flowers.

As the prelude of the song ended and the treble part entered, everyone saw Liuliu standing in the glass room, shouting at the top of his lungs, bending over and stamping his feet, his face turned red, and broken sounds could be seen everywhere.

It can no longer be described as not singing well, but as terrible as it sounds.

"Oh my god, I'm going deaf."

Xiaobai first covered his ears, left the front of the glass wall, and sat on the chair behind.

As soon as she moved, the other children also left one after another. They could no longer support Luoliu, it was too noisy and unpleasant.

In the end, Dudu stood stubbornly at the feet of Zhang Tan and Li Yuxiao, encouraging the little sisters.

She didn't wear a red ribbon tonight, but she clenched her little fists to give Luliu silent strength.

Liliu seemed to be doing a witch dance.

Zhang Tan tried her best to hold back her laughter, thinking that if she could sing enough at one time, she would not want to sing again next time.

When the door of the recording studio opened and Luliu walked out, it was Dudu who was supporting him.

She was panting, sweating on her forehead, and looked weak.

Seeing everyone there, she forced herself to smile.

Dudu: "Pang Liuliu, please sit down quickly and drink some water."

She helped Liuliu sit on the chair, and Xi'er teleported to Liuliu, holding a first aid kit in her hand and looking at Liuliu with a worried look on her face.

"Do you want to save? Do you want to save?"

"I'm so tired." Liuliu said. The next second, she saw Xi'er take out a syringe from the first aid kit and then prick her thigh with a needle.

"Ouch--it's fucking stupid! Xi'er--you stab me!"

Liuliu "screamed".

I was really caught off guard. Xiwawa's movements were too fast.

Liliu actually had a lot of acting roles. After all, the syringe didn't have a needle, so Xi'er didn't use much force.

"hiahiahia~~Liuliu, you feel energetic right away."

Shouting so loudly is completely different from the wilting look just now. Isn't this very effective?

"Liuliu, do you want a bear drink?"

It was Xiaobai who brought the bear drink.

Liuliu was stunned. Although she and Xiaobai were still in a cold war, Xiaobai took the initiative to show his kindness and gave her another bear drink that she couldn't refuse.

"Thank you."

Liuliu took the bear drink and thanked him.

Xiaobai said happily: "You're welcome, Liuliu, you sang well."

After the words fell, everyone was shocked, and everyone took a peek, →_→

Is Xiaobai serious?

Xi'er, who was holding a first aid kit at the side, opened her mouth in shock. She remembered that it was Xiaobai who couldn't listen to it first.

Just as she was about to speak, Xiaobai covered her mouth and dragged her away.

Liuliu laughed at Xiaobai who walked away: "Thank you."

"Thank you, we are all good friends."

Liuliu was originally dissatisfied with her singing, but Xiaobai actually gave her such great recognition, which made her wonder if it was her own misunderstanding that she actually sang very well?

"Liuliu, do you want to listen to the song you just sang?" Zhang Tan asked.

The audio of the song Liliu sang just now has been produced.

"666, what a duck! Children, come and listen to the duck. Come on, Dudu."

Dudu stood motionless, pretending not to hear, pretending to be chatting with Xi'er about treating illnesses and saving lives.

"Xiaobai, come on~"

She had just reconciled with Xiaobai, and now it was time for Mili to mix oil, so Liuliu invited Xiaobai to listen together.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Xiaobai made an excuse.


"I'm going to the pit!"


Liuliu muttered that there were so many children, but no one wanted to listen to the song with her.

She was so angry that she had no choice but to go by herself.

Zhang Tan put on big headphones for her, Li Yuxiao opened the audio file, and Liuliu's singing started to play.

Liuliu's feet were swaying, and she was looking forward to it.

As she listened, her feet stopped shaking and moved tightly together.

After listening for a while, Liuliu silently took off his headphones and said to Zhang Tan and Li Yuxiao, "I'll go to the pit too."

Li Yuxiao couldn't help laughing.

The porridge is gone.

Scared away by his own singing.

The tuner said awkwardly: "I've worked hard."

I can't really blame him for the terrible recording, he did his best to tune it.

It was rare that I was in such a mood today, and all my girlfriends were here, plus three little ones, so Zhang Tan suggested that they let them sing together.

The Malanhua Children's Chorus reunites!

And new blood has been added, Xiao Lizi, Xiao Youyou and Xiao Weiwei have also joined.

Everyone was laughing and joking and entered the recording studio. Li Yuxiao worked hard and first taught them to sing "Chasing Dreams".

They definitely can't sing in the original key, so they have to downgrade the key.

After adjusting for a while, everyone stood up in order from tallest to shortest and began to sing.

Zhang Tan took his mobile phone and videotaped them.

After singing it once, I found that it is not easy to sing even if the key is dropped. It is too difficult for children.

Zhang Tan suggested, "Why don't you call Shi Baobao?"

Without Shi Baobao, the choir would not be able to survive.

Zhang Tan went to the classroom and found Shi Baobao who was playing chess with Xiao Ma.

A Shi Baobao was playing chess, surrounded by several little girls.

Xiao Ma might not have seen such a battle before, so he couldn't help but get excited, and he went wild and killed Shi Baobao.

Zhang Tan's appearance happened to be a rescue for Shi Baobao.

After leaving the classroom and walking across the courtyard, Shi Baobao took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh and said, "Pony is really good at chess."

The killing left him confused.

"Playing chess is his strong point." Zhang Tan said.

He took Shi Baobao to the music studio and there was no need to teach him any more. Apparently Li Yuxiao had already taught him to sing "Chasing Dreams" at home.

The little girlfriends had already stood in line. Seeing this, Shi Baobao consciously walked to the edge to stay with Xiao Youyou, who was standing on the edge because he was the smallest.

This made Li Yuxiao, who originally wanted him to stand in the middle, give up his mind.

How could Shi Baobao dare to stand in the middle? Luliu and Dudu were right there. These two people would often catch him whenever something happened. He didn't even have time to hide.

After standing in line, Li Yuxiao directed everyone to come again.

Zhang Tan continued to record on his mobile phone.

However, despite Shi Baobao's efforts, everyone still sang with broken notes.

It's been like this after trying it several times.

It seems that I really can't sing "Chasing Dreams".

In other words, Luoliu is stupid and bold and dares to try.

After discussing with Zhang Tan, Li Yuxiao decided not to sing.

However, the children were in high spirits. If they didn't sing "Chasing Dreams", they would have to sing something else, otherwise these children would not go back.

Li Yuxiao looked at Zhang Tan and asked Zhang Tan to make up his mind.

“They sang ‘Little White Boat’ before.” Zhang Tan said, “How about singing ‘The Lonely Brave Man’?”

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