Dad Academy

Chapter 1936 Xier’s Autumn Outing Diary

The moon was shining faintly on the treetops, and it was starting to feel a little cool at night.

Teacher Xiaoliu called all the children into the classroom and prevented them from running out to play.

In order for children to stay in the classroom with peace of mind, teachers have prepared many fun projects.

For example, painting, building blocks, reading picture books, listening to Cheng Cheng's stories, playing chess with Pony, and playing Xiao Du, etc.

Of course, the most important thing is watching TV.

As soon as the TV is turned on, children will immediately come over with small stools to sit on.

At 9:30 in the evening, Tan Jin'er came to take Xi'er home.

The two of them walked out of the yard and walked on the gravel road. There were no longer any people enjoying the cool air and chatting in the alley. After all, the temperature had dropped.

Tan Jin'er held the huge dog doll and said impatiently: "Aren't you going to put the dog doll in your room at Little Red Horse? Then why do you have to move it back home?"

She couldn't understand Xiwawa's brain circuit. She obviously planned to leave the dog doll in her room, but she was stunned to move back to her home in Huangjia Village first.

She couldn't move it, so Tan Jin'er could only help her.

She said as she walked, looking down at Xi'er who was holding a dog doll in her hands.

This kid was shouting slogans like hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

However, Tan Jin'er still felt a little sore in her arms.

"hiahia, go home and take a look first, and then move back to the little red horse~"

Tan Xi'er is usually very talkative, but her personality is a bit stubborn, and no one can change her mind about something she has decided.

Tan Jin'er was speechless.

She was holding such a big stuffed doll and walking in the alley of Huangjia Village. Although it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, there were not that many people, but that was only relatively speaking.

There are still a lot of people eating and strolling around. When they see such a big dog doll appearing, whether they know it or not, they will ask, "Hey, what a big dog."

At this time, Xi'er would smile and happily tell people that she and her good friend were shot during the shooting.

"It was shot~"

"I know, I know, people know, there's no need to keep saying it." Tan Jin'er advised her sister to keep a low profile.

"How would people know if I didn't tell them? They won't know until I tell them." Xi'er said plausibly.

Tan Jin'er understood a little bit, and it was unnecessary to transport the dog back home, and then transport the little red horse back tomorrow, just for parade, right, so that Tan Xi'er, the child, could show off.

Tan Jin'er couldn't help but wonder, who does her sister's personality look like? It's not like her, and as she grows up, this little girl's personality gradually becomes more different from hers.

She is becoming more and more like her mother, Tan Jiner said to her heart.

Finally, the two of them reached the downstairs of their home, and Xi'er took the lead and ran up the corridor.

"I'll clear the way for my sister. Hey~ Xiaobai, please turn on the light~"

Following Xi'er's shout, the sensor lights in the corridor lit up.

"Sister, be careful and walk slowly."

Following the voice prompts from her little sister, Tan Jiner arrived at the door of her house holding the dog doll.

Xi'er took the key and took the initiative to open the door.

The door of her house was a bit small, so Tan Jiner tried to get in while holding the dog doll, but it got stuck in the doorway.

"No, my sister is stuck~" Xi'er shouted.

Tan Jin'er struggled twice but couldn't get away. He couldn't help but said to Xi'er at home: "Stop yelling, Xi'er. Come and help me."

Xi'er was pulling inside the house, while Tan Jin'er was pushing outside. Finally, the dog puppet was squeezed in and passed the door smoothly.

"It's not easy. If it weren't for my sister's help, my dog, the puppet, wouldn't be able to enter the house. Sister, I'll get you a glass of water. You drink some water."

The little sister diligently poured a glass of water for her sister. Tan Jin'er sat on a chair in the living room and panted. She was indeed a little tired.

She took Xi'er's water glass and drank it. In a blink of an eye, Xi'er ran out of the house, not knowing what she was going to do.

Fortunately, she could hear Xi'er running in the corridor, so she didn't pay too much attention.

But after a while, she called Bai Jianping and Malanhua.

"Look, look at my stuffed dog. It was shot by Dudu and I during a shooting. We are really good at shooting. Is hiahia big?"

Xi'er was enthusiastic and introduced her dog puppet to Bai Jianping and Ma Lanhua.

Tan Jin'er quickly stood up and invited them to come in and sit down.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries, but it was too late, so Bai Jianping and Malanhua left.

Xi'er wanted to run over but was caught by Tan Jin'er.

"Wash your face, go to bed, and don't run away again."


Excited one night, the next day, in school.

In the first-grade class, the students were reading loudly. Teacher Yu Xiaoqian was sitting in front of the podium. There was a pile of homework books on the table. This was the autumn outing diary that had just been collected.

She is reading, grading, and writing comments one by one.

I read six diaries in a row. Not to say they are all the same, at least they are roughly the same. They all start with: Today is Sunday, our first graders went on an autumn outing. We took a bus to Hupao Park. I heard that there used to be tigers roaring here, so it was called Hupao. garden……

Teacher Yu Xiaoqian finished reading another diary entry, which was basically a running account. She wrote a comment: The time, place and characters are all there, so next time I will write more emotionally.

Put down this exercise book and pick up another one. On the cover of the book is written: Meng Chengcheng.

Teacher Yu Xiaoqian was refreshed. Cheng Cheng is an expert at writing and is the best child in her class at writing compositions and telling stories.

Her composition will definitely be good, I look forward to it~

Opening the homework book, I saw the clear handwriting on the first line, which read: *\u0026……¥ # ¥ @¥ # ¥¥%……\u0026\u0026…………

I finished reading it quickly. Yu Xiaoqian felt that it was too short, but looking at the number of pages, it was even longer than the previous six diaries.

It must have been so well written that she couldn't help but read it.

The writing is so good, Yu Xiaoqian said in her heart, it deserves to be Cheng Cheng’s composition.

She thought about it and originally wanted to give it 100 points, but finally changed it and gave it 95 points. The other 5 points not given were for Cheng Cheng to continue to improve.

She put down Cheng Cheng's homework, but instead of putting it back on the pile of homework, she put it aside alone, planning to read it to the whole class later.

Then, she took a book from the pile of homework books and saw that the name was: Tan Xier.

Okay, little talkative homework book, let’s see what she talks about.

When she opened the page and looked at it, Yu Xiaoqian was speechless. All she saw was:


This is water word count! Yu Xiaoqian said in her heart.

She looked up at Xi'er's seat, and happened to meet Xi'er's eyes. Xi'er grinned at her, glanced at the exercise book in her hand, and actually gave her a thumbs up.

Yu Xiaoqian pretended to be dignified, without any expression, lowered her head and continued to read the article.

Fortunately, the second sentence is not hahaha.

"Today we are going on an autumn outing. I got up early in the morning. I looked up and saw the sun. It's such a nice weather today. Does Mr. Sun know that we are going on an autumn outing? Hahahahaha~"

Another long hahahaha.

Yu Xiaoqian took a deep breath. This problem of Xi'er's child needs to be corrected. Well, she needs to be taught.

Keep reading.

"I made dumplings and went to find my godfather with my sister. The godfather was still sleeping in. Xiaobai got up and she got angry when she saw me. Xiaobai is really angry. She is getting more and more angry now. She used to That's not the case, why has she changed? The godfather said that girls will change when they grow up, especially when they are 18 years old. Has Xiaobai changed in advance? We wore school uniforms, and Xiaobai said she wanted to wear a skirt , Why is she like this? Doesn’t she listen to what the teacher says? I want to teach her well..."

Then there is a long chat with Xiaobai, which mainly talks about how she taught Xiaobai the truth, and how Xiaobai argued hard, but he just didn't listen anyway.

Yu Xiaoqian almost lost her patience, but this diary was very long, so she could only continue reading it patiently.

Fortunately, the next paragraph is not about reasoning with noobs.

"Mr. Du and Mr. Liu entered the maze and couldn't get out. Xiaobai and Xiaomi also went in and couldn't get out. I also went in, and I came out again."

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