Dad Academy

Chapter 1930 Visitation

The next day, I was going to the hospital to visit Xiaoxiao's grandmother, which was what I had agreed to before.

A group of best friends who just want to play and don’t want to work will go together. Liuliu and Dudu will go to the hospital first and meet at the hospital.

Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi will go to Little Red Horse first and go to the hospital with everyone.

Teacher Jiang will go too.

She heard that Xiaoxiao's grandmother was hospitalized. Although she didn't know her or even met her, she still decided to go together.

Early in the morning, Teacher Jiang prepared breakfast. After eating, Xiaobai hurriedly ran to sort out the gifts for visiting Grandma Xiaoxiao.

They are all supplements and fruits that are easy to digest.

"Shall I carry it?" Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Tan: "Okay, but it's a bit heavy."

"I'm very strong, old man, I'm going downstairs~"

Zhang Tan just blinked, and Xiaobai ran away with the gift.

In the yard, Lao Li hasn't come yet, but people from the comic studio have come, and they are here to work overtime.

"Good morning, Xiaobai, do you want to go out?"

The visitor is Wang Bingyi, the leader of the second team of the comic studio, who is responsible for the earliest serialized comic series "Qin Shi Mingyue".

"Ha, we are going to see Xiaoxiao's grandmother~"

Xiaobai knew Wang Bingyi. After all, she often visited the comic studio.

"What happened to her grandma?" Wang Bingyi asked. She also knows Xiaoxiao. Although this little one has not been at Little Red Pony for a long time, she is lively and naughty and often runs around. The comic studio is where she often comes and everyone in the studio knows her. she.

"Her grandma is sick and hospitalized." Xiaobai said.

Wang Bingyi couldn't help asking more questions, but Xiaobai didn't know much.

After Wang Bingyi left, Xi'er and Tan Jin'er also came.

Xi'er had a smile on her face as soon as she arrived. Her unique laughter had already arrived before anyone arrived.

She exchanged greetings with Xiaobai and politely asked Xiaobai if he slept well last night.

When we were leaving, my sister said that she had to be polite and polite to others today and not laugh too casually.

So Xi'er planned to be polite to Xiaobai first, like adults greeting each other when they meet. She didn't ask if she had eaten, which was good enough, but asked if she slept well. This showed that she was polite to Xiaobai but also revealed that So kind.

It's a pity that she asked at the wrong time.

When she asked if she had eaten, Xiaobai would definitely answer her well.

But what she asked was whether she slept well.

"No! I had a dream last night, and it was all about writing my autumn outing diary. I didn't sleep well at all." Xiaobai said angrily.

Xi'er was amazed, hiahia smiled, and asked what happened, why she wrote a diary of her autumn outing in her dream.

Xiaobai glanced at Xi Hanhan: "It's not all because of you. You always tell me to write a diary and write a diary. It annoys me to death."

Xi'er smiled happily, not apologetically at all, but rather proud.

Xiaobai didn't want to talk to her and stayed away from her.

Xi'er gave her one of her freshly made dumplings to eat.

She made this as a gift to Xiaoxiao's grandmother. Eating dumplings brings good luck.

"Crawl away, crawl away, don't get close to me, stay away from me~"

Xiaobai waved his hand, telling Xi'er to go away and not come closer.

Xi'er was laughing and joking, like a little tail. The more he kept her away, the more she clung to him, making him look slimy.

Not long after, Meng Guangxin arrived with Cheng Cheng, and Ding Jiamin also arrived with Xiaomi.

Yesterday, Ding Jiamin and her boyfriend were both on duty, so they did not accompany Xiaomi on the autumn outing. Today, she was free and came immediately.

After everyone arrived, everyone got in the car and went together.

Zhang Tan drove one, and Ding Jiamin also drove one.

When they arrived at the hospital, it was 8:30 in the morning. Liuliu and Dudu had already arrived and were looking at each other's gifts.

It looked like Liliu wanted to carry it and run away.

Dudu grabbed her sleeve and refused to let her take it away.

"This is mine. My mother bought it. I gave it to Xiaoxiao's grandmother myself."

"Hahaha, I'll help you duck Dudu, I'll help you carry it."

"I don't want it, just let it go."

The two of them pulled, and although Luoliu refused to let go, she couldn't walk. Dudu pulled her sleeves, and she couldn't walk.

In terms of strength, Liuliu is no longer Dudu's enemy.

Everyone arrived and walked to the hospital together.

Zhang Tan called Xiaoxiao's mother and found out the floor and ward.

They walked up to the second floor. As soon as they entered the corridor, they saw a child standing in the middle of the corridor, staring at the entrance. As soon as he saw them, he immediately jumped up happily and shouted happily behind him: "It's Xiaobai." They are coming~~They are really coming, mother - grandma~~my good friends are coming——"

Behind her, a young mother walked out of the ward door. She was Xiaoxiao's mother.

When she saw Zhang Tan and others, she came up to them.

Xiaoxiao happily ran into the ward, and Xiaobai and other children also ran over, leaving a few adults chatting in the corridor.

When Zhang Tan walked into the ward, he saw Xiaoxiao introducing her good friends to her grandmother who was sitting on the hospital bed.

Xiaoxiao was so excited that she happily introduced her good friends to her grandmother, emphasizing that these were all her good friends.

The little pudding always looked proud when he said this.

Although she is a child, only three years old, she has already made many good friends, and her good friends even come to visit her grandmother. How can this make her not proud or proud.

Even Liliu was the embodiment of perfection in her eyes today.

The children gathered around the hospital bed to visit Xiaoxiao's grandmother.

This is an old man with a kind appearance. Although the disease has made her look very thin, she has a kind look and a kind face, and there is no sadness on her face.

"Thank you, thank you."

Xiaoxiao's grandmother felt very good when she saw so many children, and kept thanking them for the gifts they sent.

"Is Xiaoxiao good in the academy?" she asked.

"Be good, I'm so good, grandma~"

Xiaoxiao answered quickly.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi nodded, saying that Xiaoxiao was very good and sensible.

Xi'er opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but Luoliu and Dudu jointly covered her mouth and dragged her away quietly.

Tan Jin'er saw her little sister being dragged out of the ward like this, and even looked at Xi'er for a few seconds. After thinking about it, she decided to pretend not to see her little sister's look for help.

In the ward, Teacher Jiang and Xiaoxiao's grandmother had more topics in common, and the two elderly people chatted very happily.

The children were walking around the hospital, and Xiaoxiao even volunteered to take them around the hospital, as if she was familiar with the place.

It’s impossible to say that she really walked around the hospital, just like when she first came to Little Red Pony, she spent an entire night walking around the academy, talking about Little Red Pony comics work, Little Red Pony, etc. She visited Ma Music Studio, the dormitory on the second floor, the dormitory on the second floor, and Boss Zhang’s house on the third floor.

Very courageous.

Xiaoxiao's grandmother's illness is not a serious one, but her recovery ability is weak, so she should not be careless about minor illnesses.

Everyone stayed in the hospital for more than an hour before saying goodbye and leaving.

Xiaoxiao and her mother took them all the way to the parking lot, and Xiaoxiao kept waving, inviting them to stay for lunch.

Although it's only less than ten o'clock.

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