Dad Academy

Chapter 1915 Ring

It is late autumn, the weather is getting colder, and Pujiang City finally no longer looks like a sauna day. This is a rare good weather in the year.

The morning sun seems to be much cooler, no longer as hot as in summer.

Sometimes, you can also bask in the sun for a while without feeling too hot.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the subway station in Pujiang is crowded with people. People walking in the crowd will be affected unknowingly and can't help but speed up, even if they have nothing to do.

Li Wen got caught in the crowd and followed the crowd to the subway station. He squeezed onto the subway. There was no place to sit, so he could only hold on to the handrails and stand together in the crowd.

He did not buy a car and always traveled by public transportation.

Today I am going to Little Red Horse Music Company to participate in a music show.

This is their first show. "Chasing Dreams" appeared out of nowhere a few days ago and became popular at a rapid speed.

The song became a hit with its passionate melody.

At nine o'clock last night, the song entered the top three of the new song chart for the first time!

This surprised Li Wen and others.

They thought the song would be a hit, but they didn't expect it to explode at such a speed.

It was too fast, everything was too fast, like in a dream.

Li Wen grabbed the armrest, thinking a lot along the way, and suddenly heard a faint singing voice coming from his ears.

"Run forward to face cold looks and ridicule

How can you feel the vastness of life without going through hardships?


He turned around in surprise and saw a young man standing next to him, also holding the armrest, with headphones in his ears, listening to music, and glanced at a beautiful woman sitting in the seat directly in front of him.

He didn't notice Li Wen's attention, thinking that he was peeking in secretly.

Li Wen smiled and looked away. He could vaguely hear the singing in the young man's earbuds. The song was his song "Chasing Dreams".

It's really popular, Li Wen thought, like a dream, he was confirmed again.

When he arrived at the subway station, he got off with the flow of people, took the escalator, came to the ground, walked on the roadside, and five minutes later, arrived at the Little Red Horse Music Studio.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the Little Red Horse Galloping Technology Building started to get busy, and people kept entering at the gate.

Little Red Horse Pentium Technology Company is no longer the rookie company it was back then. Now it has more than 2,000 employees, and the data center alone has more than 1,000 employees.

The company is still recruiting heavily.

Li Wen followed everyone into the building and entered an elevator.

There were so many people that it was just full.

Most of the people in the elevator were from technology companies, so the floor they pressed was either the 5th or 6th floor. Only Li Wen pressed the 10th floor.

The 10th floor is where the music company is located.

A girl standing next to the button saw him pressing the number "10" and couldn't help turning her head to look at him curiously.

Li Wen smiled at her, but unexpectedly the girl actually asked: "Are you a singer in a music company?"

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone in the elevator looked at Li Wen silently.

Li Wen was stunned for a moment and replied friendly: "Yes."

The volume of the girl's speech did not increase significantly, but her tone was much higher, and it was clear that she was very happy.

"Are you from the Dada band?"

Li Wen was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "How did you see this?"

The girl pointed at his hat, and Li Wen instantly understood that there was something written on his hat: Dada Band.

"I am."

Everyone in the elevator looked at him with envy.

Everyone knows now that the Dada band is popular and will definitely become even more popular in the future because their boss Zhang Tan is helping them write songs.

The future is bright.

When the elevator reached the 6th floor, the door opened and everyone walked out. Li Wen stood alone in the elevator and waved to them, smiling and saying: "Goodbye, goodbye, thank you."

When the elevator door closed, he laughed and laughed at himself: "I actually became a star."

When he reached the 10th floor, he stepped out of the elevator and came to the conference room.

Keyboard player Lu Yaohong has arrived, but Chen Yubin and Chen Yang haven't come yet.

"Brother Wen is here~"

Lu Yaohong was playing with her phone intently. When she saw Li Wen arriving, she raised her head to say hello and continued to press keys frantically. Her hand speed was worthy of that of a keyboard player.

As soon as Li Wengang sat down, he raised his head and was startled to see Lu Yaohong suddenly approaching him and looking him up and down with strange eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Li Wen thought there was something wrong with his clothes, so he couldn't help but look at his own outfit.

Lu Yaohong pointed to his finger and said, "Wearing a ring, did you propose?"

She was so observant that she saw the ring on Li Wen's finger at a glance.

"Yeah." Li Wen tried his best not to reveal too much of his emotions. He wanted to be steady and reserved. This was his personality.


Lu Yaohong was pleasantly surprised and really happy for him.

"Teacher Madoka, are you going to marry Brother Xiaoguang?"


"I saw a ring on your finger."


"Wow, are you really getting married? When will you have a baby?"

"Do you want to have a boy or a girl?"

Xiaobai stretched out his hand to push back Xiaoxiao's suddenly popped-up little head, and looked at Teacher Xiaoyuan expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"'s too early." Teacher Madoka was a little embarrassed, but more cautious.

If she said something at this time, it would immediately spread throughout Little Red Horse that night, and then everyone in Little Red Horse Comics Studio would know about it the next day. There would be no secrets at all.

So she was determined not to leak important information to Xiaobai and Xiaoxiao.



"Don't make random guesses..."

In the evening, in Little Red Horse Academy, Xiaobai was questioning Teacher Madoka.

The children in the academy haven't started to come yet, only Xiaobai and Xiaoxiao.

In the past, Xi'er and Xiao Du were competing for first place, but in recent days, Xiaoxiao was always the first to arrive.

Her mother left after dropping her off. It looked like she was very busy with work and in a hurry.

Fortunately, Xiaoxiao is very sensible, never cries or makes trouble, and can have fun alone.

This little girl has a social problem. She can strike up a conversation with children wherever she goes. No matter whether she knows them or not, she can chat with them and always looks familiar.

Moreover, despite her small size, she is the youngest in the academy, but she is not easy to mess with.

Xiao Du can be beaten to tears by her. Is this a baby that is easy to bully?

Xiaoxiao is very different from the original Xiwawa.

She is much more powerful than Xiwawa.

There were no other children in the academy, so she played with Xiaobai.

No matter Xiaobai calls her or not, she just follows him like a little tail.

Teacher Madoka dismissed these two people and left in a hurry, not wanting to chat with them.

"Xiaobai, it's time to eat~"

Teacher Jiang came to call Xiaobai to go home for dinner.

"Come here~"

Xiaobai looked back and saw that Xiaoxiao, who had been inseparable just now, did not come this time. He just stood there and watched her. When he saw her looking back, she immediately showed a silly smile.

Xiaobai paused for a moment, waved to Xiaoxiao and said, "Come here~"

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