Dad Academy

Chapter 1908 Genius u0026 Cheater


Xiaobai asked Xiaoxiao why he was looking for her if he didn't sleep at night.

She looked impatient because this little pudding was annoying. If you quarrel with her, she will scream in anger.

"Smiling like a hammer~"

Xiaobai shouted back.

The little pudding didn't speak, but kept grinning, looking silly.

Xiaoxiao suppressed her smile and said hopefully: "Xiaobai, can you sleep with me?"


"What did you say?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did you say?"

"Then why don't you ask me what you said, but you tell me what you said?"

"..." Xiaobai took a deep breath and asked "softly", "Guawazi, what did you say?"

"Sleep with me."

"Crawl out of my way——"

"If you are not dead, you must sleep."

"Tui Tuan, are you scolding me?"

"No, no, I didn't scold you, Xiaobai, please sleep with me, I'm a little scared~"


When Teacher Xiaoliu came to the dormitory on the second floor, he didn't see Xiaobai there. He thought Xiaobai had gone home to sleep, so he didn't pay much attention.

She sat at the door and wrote down today's school records, then got up and walked to the dormitory to check the dormitory.

The three children were sleeping in the dormitory, and the bed closest to them was Xiaoxiao's bed.

Before she got closer, she saw that Xiaoxiao's little bed was bulging with a child lying down and sleeping.

She took a closer look and saw the bright moonlight shining through the window on the small bed. Two small figures were huddled together. Xiaoxiao hugged Xiaobai's waist tightly. Xiaobai stared at the bright moon with wide eyes. She looked like she had no love left in her life.


Teacher Xiaoliu was surprised. She thought Xiaobai had gone home to sleep, but who knew he was actually lying here with Xiaoxiao.

Xiaobai nodded slightly and whispered: "I don't even know how to cry!"

"Why...why are you lying here?" Teacher Xiaoliu asked.

Xiaobai said helplessly: "You ask this melon boy."

Xiaoxiao didn't sleep, she was pretending to sleep. Seeing that Xiaobai had exposed her, she stopped pretending and hugged Xiaobai tighter, not letting her go.

"Teacher Xiaoliu, Xiaobai will sleep with me tonight, she won't go anywhere."

Teacher Xiaoliu looked at Xiaobai, and Xiaobai said angrily: "I wish I were a killer with no emotions."

What she didn't say in the second half was that she could kill the annoying Xiaoxiao.

Finally, Xiaobai went back to his home to sleep.

Not only did she not stay with Xiaoxiao, but she also beat Xiaoxiao and left angrily.

Because Xiaoxiao, a melon kid, actually bit her chest.

Xiaobai immediately went into a rage and almost pulled Xiaoxiao off the bed and asked her to fuck her more than ten times.

Xiaobai left, Xiaoxiao became addicted to milk, and the little milk teeth were grinding and grinding, and she couldn't get enough energy.

She looked at Teacher Xiaoliu.

Teacher Xiaoliu’s baby is still breastfeeding.

Teacher Xiaoliu: "..."

She suddenly felt so panicked.

Xiaobai returned home without saying a word.

Zhang Tan said: "Why did you come back so late? I was just going to find you."

"Hmph, then you didn't look for it either~"

Xiaobai went back to his room and closed the door, leaving Zhang Tan wondering why, but he could tell that Xiaobai's aura was not right.

He knocked on the door and said inside: "I'm coming in~"

There was no sound inside. Zhang Tan opened the door and saw that Xiaobai had climbed onto the bed and was lying with his back to him.

He seems worried.

Zhang Tan walked over softly and sat by the bed without speaking.

After a while, Xiaobai turned around and took a look, only to see that Old Man Zhang was still there.

After being silent for so long, she thought Boss Zhang had left.

Huh, what a trick kid.

Zhang Tan then asked Xiaobai what happened.

Xiaobai didn't know what to say, she couldn't say it.

She was not angry because she was bitten by Xiaoxiao, but she thought that she had never eaten Nene.

there has never been.

There is no memory of this at all.

They all drink milk powder.

This is what a child without a mother is like.

The more Xiaobai thought about it, the sadder he became.

She originally wanted to live with her grandma, but her grandma had already gone to bed, so she had to go back to her bedroom.

Talk to the old man?

She didn't know what to say.

This feeling was like a wall in her heart, making her uncomfortable. It was very difficult to spit it out, so she could only let it go slowly.

Zhang Tan told her a bedtime story, and Xiaobai felt better and slowly fell asleep.

Under the desk lamp, Zhang Tan stretched out his hand and gently stroked Xiao Bai's bangs to one side, exposing his forehead.

Xiaobai's face is flushed. As her nutrition keeps up, her complexion is much better than before, and there is more flesh on her face.

This is a good sign.

Seeing that she was really asleep, Zhang Tan leaned over and kissed her before turning off the light and leaving.

The room fell into darkness and became very quiet. After a while, there was the sound of turning over on the bed.

The second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a normal working day.

Xiaobai went to school, and Zhang Tan listened to the work report of the past month in the comic studio.

After that, he chatted with Xin Xiaoguang and Wu Shiying. Not long after, Wu Shiying left because of something, leaving only Zhang Tan and Xin Xiaoguang.

Xin Xiaoguang suddenly asked: "Boss, you said that if girls are small, will it really affect future generations?"

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment, why did Xin Xiaoguang ask this suddenly.

He didn't take it seriously, just thinking that Xin Xiaoguang had nothing to say and found such a topic.

The two talked casually, and when Zhang Tan was about to leave, he remembered that Xin Xiaoguang and Teacher Xiaoyuan went to meet their parents during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and asked how it went.

"Very good, very good." Xin Xiaoguang said with a smile.

Zhang Tan: "That's good. Let's get it done soon."

As he walked out, Xin Xiaoguang muttered behind him: "You are younger than me, why do you talk like my dad?"

"What? Do you want to recognize your boss as your godfather?"

Wu Shiying's words suddenly came from behind, startling Xin Xiaoguang.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhang Tan's "The Matrix" script was also written. He first sent the electronic version to Art Life Group and asked them to take a look first and then talk about it later.

That afternoon, Smith called me, speaking authentic Mandarin.

Smith was very interested in the script and asked many questions.

Zhang sighed and praised: "Smith, I can see that you are a professional, because the questions you asked are very professional."

Occasionally flattering, it feels very novel and unique.

Smith on the other end of the phone was very helpful and burst into laughter.

The two discussed it for a long time and agreed to meet again tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Smith said to his assistant: "Zhang Tan is either a genius or a cheater."

"Is the script good?" the assistant asked curiously.

Smith said: "I am very impressed. The design is very exquisite."

Assistant: "It seems that he is famous in China for a reason. Perhaps, with our help, he will be able to leave his own works in Hollywood in the future."

"Hollywood?" Smith said with some disdain, "Their movies are never works of art, they are just industrial products, and their artistic value is almost zero."

The assistant was silent. It seemed that Smith was very prejudiced against Hollywood movies.

He thought of what Smith had just said. Zhang Tan was either a genius or a cheater, so he asked, "Should we check the originality of this script to be on the safe side."

Smith thought for a while and said: "Quietly, do it yourself and don't let a third person intervene."

"Don't worry." the assistant said.

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