Dad Academy

Chapter 1899 A smooth curtain call

The third Sailor Moon to appear is Xiaomi.

The fourth one is toot.

The fifth path is Cheng Cheng.

Every time someone appears, the playground erupts into loud cheers.

The manga "Sailor Moon" is popular among little girls, and the transformation dance makes everyone excited.

"No, Liuliu won't stop performing."

Zhang Tan was a little worried, why was Dayanyan the last one to show up? She never liked being a sideshow.

I don't want to sit on the edge of the seat, because it doesn't suit Da Yanyan's status.

At the beginning of the live dance, she was the last one to appear. Can she bear this?

But when the sixth light came on, Liliu's figure appeared on the big screen, and Zhang Tan felt relieved.

But soon, he discovered how Liliu had become a resentful couple.

She was expressionless, like a dancing tool, the kind that lacked emotion.

It seems that her name was replaced by "wai", which still hit her hard.

While the dance was going on, judging from the reactions at the scene, the response was very good and everyone responded enthusiastically.

Zhang Tan said a few words to Teacher Jiang, then got up and came to the day after tomorrow. He wanted to communicate with the host. Before the show started, there was no name for the pawns. So, can they be named after the show? Can't they be left out alone? One person, this is unfair to Liuliu.

Not to mention that children are unhappy, adults will also be unhappy when they encounter it.

As soon as he showed up the day after tomorrow, he found that it was noisy. Zhu Xiaojing and several other people were staring worriedly at the stage with the staff.

Zhang Tan went over to inquire and found out that Liliu had gone crazy just now.

If it weren't for Da Yanyan's general knowledge, she would have stopped acting immediately.

But despite this, Dayanyan was still very unhappy. Didn't you see that there was no expression or look on her face? She is a tool.

On the one hand, Zhu Xiaojing was worried that Liuliu would quit and step down directly. On the other hand, she was worried that Liuliu would be deeply affected and feel unfair for her.

Zhang Tan told her that he would go to the host to communicate, and Zhu Xiaojing took it seriously.

However, the two did not go to the host first, but to the director backstage.

When the director heard that Zhang Tan was here, he was very polite.

Zhu Xiaojing explained his purpose, and the director immediately patted his chest and promised that he would change things. He used the intercom to talk to the host and called him over.

The host arrived soon. He was in a hurry and asked the director what was going on.

Zhang Tan didn't want to escalate the matter, so he just told the director to explain it calmly.

"When you announced the curtain just now, you only missed Shen Liuliu's name. When it's over, don't forget to say her name. It's best to say her name first."

The host quickly said there was no problem, apologized to Zhu Xiaojing, and then hurried back to his post.

Zhang Tan followed and left the backstage. At this time, the transformation dance ended amidst bursts of cheers.

The host immediately said: "Let us once again give warm applause to thank Shen Liuliu, Tan Xier... the children for their wonderful dance!"

There was an instant reaction on Liuliu's face.

Seeing this, Zhang Tan stopped worrying.

When he appeared backstage again, he heard Luoliu's hearty laughter as soon as he arrived.

She hugged Dudu's shoulders and laughed forward and back. She didn't know what she heard that made her like this.

"Old man, do you think I dance well?"

When Xiaobai saw Zhang Tan appear, she asked immediately. She was full of expectations, and her expression seemed to say, praise me quickly.

Zhang Tan said: "I think that's not a performance, you are just showing yourselves, because you are Sailor Moon. Have you forgotten? Sailor Moon is made according to you."

Xiaobai's face shone with pride.

The little girlfriends were very happy to hear it.

Xiwawa also laughed for a while, and the little guy suddenly said: "Godfather, everyone said that Sailor Moon was not the painting of us, you lied to us!"

Who said this? Who are these people? !

Zhang Tan guarantees that Sailor Moon is definitely them.

He diverted Xi'er's attention and asked her if she remembered dancing the waltz.

The performers of this show gathered somewhere, and Zhang Tan also took Xi'er there.

As for the other children, they all returned to the seats at the front desk with the adults and could enjoy the show in peace.

"Zhang Tan is here."

Everyone greeted Zhang Tan enthusiastically.

During these days, they practiced dancing together and got to know each other a lot.

Many people knew Zhang Tan's name before, and they know it even more now.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Are we going to practice again?"

The dance teacher arranged for everyone to practice it now, and after waiting for a while, the staff asked them to come forward and wait for the show. Not long after, Zhang Tan heard the host on the stage announcing their program names.

"Play in order! Don't crowd-" the staff said.

Zhang Tan took Xi'er's little hand and walked to the front of the team.

They were the first to lead.

Zhang Tan was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and Xi'er was wearing a fluffy skirt. Her body was as thin as a rag doll.

Off the stage, the group of girlfriends applauded enthusiastically. Xiaobai and Liuliu even stood up excitedly, their palms turning red.

Tan Jin'er was also watching nervously from the audience. When she saw Xi'er's face shining brightly, she couldn't help but feel her feelings and be happy for her.

As the music played, pairs of fathers and daughters danced gracefully.

The adults are willing to be dance partners, mainly to set off the little girls and let them show off their dancing skills.

The more Tan Xier dances, the more confident she becomes. She has practiced ballet and has solid basic skills. She is even more comfortable dancing the waltz with graceful and cute posture.

It was not unreasonable for the dance teacher to ask Xi'er and Zhang Tan to stand in the C position.

Xiaobai, who was off the stage, watched intently. She whispered, as if to herself: "Xiwa is so happy~"

She couldn't help but envy Xiwawa, and she really wanted to dance this dance with the old man.

However, she was not jealous at all. All she felt in her heart was that she was happy for Xiba, and felt that the old man and Xiba were like father and daughter.

The dance ended smoothly, and everyone walked off the stage after the show.

Xiaobai was already waiting backstage, and Xiwawa was the first to run over, grabbing Xiaobai's hand and chattering excitedly.

The two of them were jumping and hugging each other, and they were so excited that they became silly.

Tonight's mission was finally over, and the stone in Zhang Tan's heart fell.

The moon overhead was getting brighter and brighter, illuminating the night.

After watching the whole party with peace of mind, everyone reluctantly left.

Liuliu suggested that everyone go have a late-night snack and continue chatting.

Although they knew she had selfish intentions, the adults still accepted her suggestion and went to have a late-night snack before going back to their respective homes.

Now when I go home, the children can't sleep, they are all so excited.

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