Dad Academy

Chapter 1891 The principal tied a red rope around his neck

Zhang Tan returned home and moved the astronomical telescope on the balcony.

He knew that Xiaobai always liked to use telescopes to look around, especially at the bustling West Chang'an Street and the bustling bar street.

One time, she even saw her godmother Tang Yu and excitedly called to tell others.

It is now half past nine in the evening, and there is still half an hour before Little Red Horse Academy is ready to close.

According to past rules, Xiaobai will not go home at this point.

At this time, parents will come to the academy one after another to pick up their children and take them home. Xiaobai will stay in the classroom and work with the teachers to arrange for the children to go home.

She seemed to have a sense of ownership.

Zhang Tan didn't plan to urge her to go home to take a bath and sleep. He planned to go to the study to work for a while.

But I saw that the living room was very messy, with rag dolls scattered around, and some bear drink bottles on the coffee table.

He quickly cleaned up, and the trash can was almost full. He replaced it with a new trash bag. After packing everything, he returned to the study.

But the study room was also in a mess. These children did their homework here, and their homework books and schoolbags were scattered everywhere.

Zhang Tan looked down and saw an exercise book under his feet.

He bent down and picked it up, only to see "Shen Mu Liu Mu Liu" crookedly written on the cover.

This...should be "Shen Liuliu".

It’s just that when I write the word “Liu”, I think it’s two characters.

Zhang Tan was speechless, picked up his homework, found Liliu's schoolbag, and stuffed it into her schoolbag.

He thought in a wicked way, if he stuffed Liuliu's homework into Xi'er's schoolbag, and then stuffed Xi'er's homework into Liuliu's schoolbag, what would happen at school tomorrow?

He packed up the children's homework books and schoolbags, and then he had time to sit down at the desk, turn on the computer, pull out a document, and start writing the script.

This time he had to prepare a movie script for a Sino-foreign joint venture. After thinking about it, he felt that "The Matrix" was very suitable.

Therefore, the script he is writing now is "The Matrix".

After writing for less than half an hour, someone came to the house.

The door to the study room was pushed open, and a red face stuck out from the crack of the door. It was Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai and Zhang Tan looked at each other, laughing and saying, "I knew my old man was here, so I said so."

She turned around and said the last sentence to the person behind her.

Zhang Tan couldn't see who was behind him, but he felt that there was probably a nest of people behind him.

"Xiaobai, you little melon, please let us go in and get our schoolbags—"

Luliu's voice came from behind, and then Xiaobai went after her in anger, and then Xi'er walked in with a smile.

"Daddy, you're getting your schoolbag~ I have to go to school tomorrow."

Behind her, Xiaomi, Cheng Cheng, and Dudu filed in.

As for the other two, they did not come in. Zhang Tan only heard the loud killing sounds in the living room.

The children took away their schoolbags, said goodbye to Zhang Tan, and left the study. Xi'er stayed at the end, looking at Zhang Tan's computer screen curiously.

Zhang Tan saw her sneaking glances and said proactively, "I'm working, not chatting."

"hiahia~" Xi'er laughed and asked, "Are you writing a story?"

You know quite a lot.


As soon as Zhang Tan finished speaking, Cheng Cheng, who had just reached the door, stopped and looked back with bright eyes.

"Daddy, what story are you writing?" Xi'er came close to Zhang Tan, raised her chin and looked at the computer screen, and at the same time waved to Cheng Cheng at the door: "Cheng Cheng, come here~"

Cheng Cheng slipped over immediately, but the two of them looked at the dense words on the screen and couldn't understand them at all.

There are too many words they don't know.

Xi'er asked Zhang Tan to tell them.

Zhang Tan briefly told the outline of the story. Cheng Cheng was already in a daze. Xi'er yawned directly. After he finished telling it, he said: "It's not good. I'm sleepy after listening to it. Ouch, I have to leave. What the hell?" Goodbye dad."

Telling the truth baby is really hurtful, such a good story cannot be told well.

"Cheng Cheng, are you leaving?" Xi'er asked Cheng Cheng.

"Let's go~"

Cheng Cheng did not hesitate to leave, feeling that Boss Zhang's story was really wrong this time.

The two of them left the study, and two other children who were playing tag in the living room finally came in.

Unexpectedly, the two did not hate each other, and Luoliu did not look sad.

The two of them had their arms around each other, as if they were going to be together.

"Get your schoolbag~"

Xiaobai said something loudly. Although he didn't look at Zhang Tan and said it, Zhang Tan consciously understood that this was what he said to him.

"Take it~" Zhang Tan replied in vain.

Xiaobai and Liuliu each took their schoolbags and hurriedly chased the others.

Soon, the house became quiet.

Zhang Tan seized the time and wrote for another ten minutes. Suddenly, he felt that writing was really hard work. He had been writing for so long and only so far, but he had not written even one-tenth of the story.

If he is so rich, why should he write the script himself instead of dictating it and hire a gunman? For example, a happy baby?

Thinking of Xi'er, he suddenly realized, why hasn't Xiaobai gone home yet?

He stood up and went out. When he saw the light at the end of the corridor was on, he walked over.

The door of Teacher Jiang's room was open, and the light inside flowed to the corridor, and Xiaobai was inside.

The child was carrying a schoolbag and sitting dejectedly in the living room, receiving education from Teacher Jiang.

Is Xiaobai naughty?

After Zhang Tan listened for a while, he realized that it was Xiaobai who had just planned to run away with Liuliu and others with his schoolbag on his back, but she almost fooled him, but fortunately, Lao Li was careful.

Lao Li almost took advantage of Xiao Bai and let her out.

In order to remind himself to be more careful about Xiaobai in the future, Lao Li emphatically wrote this sentence under today's date in his thick leather notebook:

Xiaobai escaped once and was caught.

After receiving the education from his grandma, Xiaobai was taken back by Old Man Zhang, took a bath, lay on the bed, and lay by the window to watch the moon in the night sky.

"Old man, why is the moon so bright today?"

Zhang Tan raised his head and looked at the moon. It was not full yet, and there were some defects, but not much. This indicated that the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon.

"Because it's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival."


Xiaobai suddenly lost interest. She climbed back on the bed, lay down, and said dullly: "Old man, is the Mid-Autumn Festival about family reunion?"

"Yes, like the moon, full."

"But I see that the moon is not round, it is missing."

"The flowers are not fully blooming, the moon is not fully round, and the little ones are not full, these are the most common states in a person's life."

Xiaobai didn't understand, so he muttered something, and he didn't know what he thought of, and he giggled.

The next day, Zhang Tan sent her and Xi'er to school.

On the short way to the classroom, Xi'er took the opportunity to nag Xiaobai, telling her to study hard, not to skip classes, not to be playful, and not to be careless.

Xiaobai took a detour instead of going the same way as her. It was too nagging.

Xi'er followed and continued to give her earnest instructions. When she saw Liuliu wandering outside the classroom with her schoolbag on her back, she called out to her and waved her to come too.

When Liuliu saw it was her, she simply got into the classroom without giving her any chance to lecture.

"Ha, principal, I'm sorry."

Xiaobai met the principal on the road, passed by him, and greeted him casually.

Xi'er also said: "hiahia~ Good morning, principal, you are so handsome today~ Wow, you are wearing a tie~"

The principal wore a special red tie today because there was a happy event.

He wandered for a long time on the way from the school gate to the teaching building. Xi'er was the first to notice his red tie.

The principal couldn't help but feel very good, thinking about the experience of being blocked by this kid in the office that day and taking crazy photos, phew~~

However, Xi'er didn't intend to exchange more greetings with him. After the child dropped these words, he ran away.

The principal seemed to have been flirted with and just came to talk about sex, but the person who started the conversation ran away.

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai, look, there is a red rope tied around the principal's neck."

Xi'er's words came from afar.

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