Dad Academy

Chapter 1889 Missed opportunity

Liuliu defeated Cheng Cheng in the chess game. It didn't take a minute for the news to spread throughout the little red horse. Even the parrots whining in the yard knew about it.

I don’t know who this parrot learned from. A bird imitating the cry of a wolf is such a confusion of species.

Luoliu was so proud that he almost walked sideways on the little red horse.

She seemed to have forgotten what happened when she was grabbed and beaten by Xiao Lizi before and she was unable to fight back.

If you didn't take revenge for the unpleasant things at the time, just forget about it and don't think about it too much.

Just when she was proud, Xi'er found her and wanted to challenge her.

Luoliu laughed and didn't take Xi'er seriously at all.

Because she knew that Xi'er was just a rookie and was addicted to food.

When Xi'er and Cheng Cheng played chess before, she was the one who pestered Cheng Cheng to play with her. Cheng Cheng was very bored and multitasked, reading picture books and playing chess with her at the same time. In this way, Xi'er had not won a single game.

Liuliu didn't take Xi'er seriously at all, but when Xi'er asked her to give in, she firmly refused.

She couldn't afford to suffer a loss, what if the boat capsized in the gutter.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and refused to give in. Anyway, her desire to win is not that strong. What she enjoys is this process. Even if she is abused, it is like playing football. She has lost and lost again and again, and she has no problem at all. Demotivate her.

As a result, because no one gave in to the other, the two rookies fought in an anxious battle, and it was difficult to decide the winner for a while.

Cheng Cheng came over to take a look and left immediately, without even bothering to take a second look.

She could tell at a glance that both of them were rookies.

After a while, the two ended the battle. It was Luliu who coaxed Xi'er into admitting defeat.

Liuliu said that playing a game of chess burned out many of her brain cells, and now she needs to rest and replenish her strength.

She found a piece of butter bread from nowhere and hid in a corner to eat it.

This corner is where Cheng Cheng usually reads quietly. She came here specifically to eat bread and listen to stories.

It's a beautiful thought.

When she made the request, Cheng Cheng agreed readily.

Liuliu was overjoyed and immediately offered to give some bread crumbs to Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng declined.

Just give crumbs? Hey, hey!

She started talking and said: "Once upon a time, there was a little pig. It had nothing to do when it was full..."

Pomegranates: →_→

"Don't listen, don't listen~"

Liuliu waved his hand and left immediately. If she stayed for a while longer, she was worried that she would explode. This Cheng Cheng, Gua Wazi, would tell her stories like "The Little Pig Has Nothing to Do When It's Full." Not only was it deceiving her, but it was also an insinuation and insult to her!


She found Xi'er and asked Xi'er if she was convinced.

"I obey you, Liuliu, I obey you——hiahia~~~"

Xi'er laughed.

Liuliu also laughed.

She thinks that besides Chubby, Xier is her best friend in Little Red.

Xiaobai drives her away and asks Xier if she has called her godfather.

Xi'er said he was beaten, "My godfather said he would be back in a while."

Xiaobai was a little relieved, but in the final analysis, he was still uneasy.

She slipped back home, found her astronomical telescope from the study, went to the balcony, and looked at the bar street.

It’s so lively there, with bright lights and greenery and lots of people walking around.

When Xiaobai saw this, he muttered: "A bunch of melon boys! They don't go home in the middle of the night and they only know how to play."

At this moment, Zhang Tan and Li Yuxiao were in a bar on Bar Street, not Tang Yu's bar.

He and Li Yuxiao found a booth and sat down. The light in the bar flickered on and off, and they couldn't recognize who was who when they weren't close.

So Zhang Tan and Li Yuxiao didn't have to worry too much about being recognized. They kept a low profile and only ordered fruit wine, which had a very low alcohol content, so they didn't have to worry about getting drunk.

At this moment, there was a female singer singing on the stage of the bar, and she was singing the song "Words Can't Express Their Meanings" that was very popular recently by Li Yuxiao.

The singing is good, but it's not comparable to Li Yuxiao's version.

Obviously, this female singer is not what Li Yuxiao is looking for, let alone what Zhang Tan needs.

But they did not rush, but sat quietly, waiting for other singers to take the stage.

In a bar like this, it is impossible to have just one resident singer. Usually several will be arranged to take turns performing on stage in one night.

Zhang Tan waited patiently, he was not in a hurry.

Li Yuxiao was not in a hurry. She enjoyed the atmosphere very much. It reminded her of the days when she sang in bars. Although it was hard work, she recalled that it was a good time.

She looked at Zhang Tan next to her. If it weren't for this man, she would still be singing on this stage right now.

The female singer finished singing, and then sang two more songs before leaving the stage. The stage was quiet for a few minutes, and finally a few young people came on stage.

This is a band.

Li Yuxiao immediately looked at Zhang Tan, and Zhang Tan understood that this should be the band Li Yuxiao wanted to recommend.

There are 4 people in total, three men and one woman. The woman is the keyboard player, and the other three men are the lead singer, the bass player, and the drummer.

Zhang Tan didn't know the name of the band. Li Yuxiao didn't introduce it, and the band didn't introduce it after they came on stage. They started singing directly. It seems that they are the permanent band here. People who come often should know it, so they simply omitted the introduction. link.

Another reason may be that people who come to the bar don't care too much about the name of a band.

The band sang three songs in succession. After listening to it, Zhang Tan felt that the singing was good, but it could not be said to be outstanding and lacked emotion.

But Zhang Tan can also understand. These people must have been singing for a long time tonight and are tired.

But Li Yuxiao was quite disappointed, and she couldn't help but be secretly worried about these people.

This is a rare opportunity, and it would be a pity to miss it like this.

Especially when opportunities are missed without them even knowing it.

So Li Yuxiao said to Zhang Tan: "I'll go for a while, you sit down first."

The bar was noisy. In order to let Zhang Tan hear what he was saying clearly, Li Yuxiao pressed her mouth almost to his ear.

She stood up and left in a hurry. Zhang Tan followed her figure and saw her standing with the band who had just stepped off the stage.

They were obviously familiar with each other. It could be seen that these people were very happy to see Li Yuxiao.

After a few chats, Li Yuxiao returned, and the band members who had just stepped off the stage walked onto the stage again.

Li Yuxiao returned to his seat and sat down. He came over to Zhang Tan again and said, "Listen to one of their songs again."

Zhang Tan moved away slightly and nodded.

He saw the lead singer of the band waving towards the booth where they were sitting, saying that he would bring a song "Mohe Dance Hall".

This time I sang much better than before.

After singing the song "Mohe Ballroom", when the band members looked at the booth where Li Yuxiao and Zhang Tan were sitting again, they found that it was empty.

Several people got off the stage and returned to the backstage lounge to discuss what had just happened.

Several people were a little disappointed.

Li Yuxiao just told them that someone wants to listen to their songs and let them show their best.

What Li Yuxiao said was not so obvious, but several people could tell that the person coming was probably a musician. Was he here to inspect them?

They did see Li Yuxiao and another person sitting in the booth, but they were far away and the light was dim, so they couldn't see who it was.

However, by the time they finished singing, Li Yuxiao and the other party had already left. Is this dissatisfaction?

Several members of the band were inevitably disappointed, realizing they had missed something, but not exactly what.

The person who can let Li Yuxiao accompany him must be a big shot, maybe that one.

Several members of the band were sitting in the lounge. No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"It's all my fault. I felt uncomfortable in my throat when I woke up today, so I kept it closed while singing." The lead singer broke the silence and said.

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