Dad Academy

Chapter 192 Eyes Full of Tears (2-3/3)

Chapter 192 Eyes Full of Tears (2-33)

PS: The two chapters are combined into one.

It’s another new day at Pujiang Film Studio.

Gao Xiaolan was busy today and could not attend the regular morning meeting. Zhang Tan was the only one there.

When I entered the conference room, I happened to meet Sheng Xiaoxiao, the producer of "Unreachable".


Zhang Tan took the lead and nodded with a smile.

This is a well-groomed mature woman, and it is obvious that she has high standards for life style.

The two had never dealt with each other before, but they had met several times during meetings, and they never looked up or down.

"you're good too."

Sheng Xiaoxiao smiled and raised her chin slightly, which made people feel that she said this because Zhang Tan said hello first, otherwise she didn't want to talk.

The two entered the conference room separately.

"Zhang Tan is here."

"Zhang Tan, "Female Thirty" is very popular now."

"My family member is also following the show and always asks me if I can give some spoilers."

Everyone greeted Zhang Tan one after another.

Someone around Sheng Xiaoxiao also said to her: "Mr. Sheng's "Unreachable" ratings ranking is high again, congratulations."

Sheng Xiaoxiao looked away from Zhang Tan and responded with a smile.

Zhu Ruopu came and followed the old rules. After sitting down, he started to announce the ratings.

""Unreachable" has a ratings of 0.534% and a viewership share of 2.162%, ranking 10th."

"In terms of online playback, the number of views yesterday was 14 million, the online popularity was 78.6, and the online ranking was 5th."

After Zhu Ruopu finished speaking, some people in the conference room had strange expressions. They looked at Sheng Xiaoxiao and Zhang Tan.

Zhu Ruopu said: "The ratings have been declining for two consecutive days, and the negative reviews on the Internet are not lacking at all. They are still increasing. You must pay close attention to it and don't make the same mistake as "Unknown Caller"."

"Strange Call" had a reputation that exploded in the early stage, collapsed in the middle stage, and only slowly picked up in the second half, resulting in it failing to enter the top ten.

Now, "Unreachable" has easily entered the top ten due to the popularity of the original work. It peaked at No. 5, but then it began to slip step by step. It has now fallen to No. 10 and may fall out of the top list at any time. 10. People have to worry that this is another "Strange Caller".

However, this drama is doing very well on the Internet and has risen one place to fifth place.

Sheng Xiaoxiao didn't look good. They didn't expect "Unreachable" to fall for two consecutive days. The crew also dreamed of breaking into the top three, or even hitting the top spot!

However, she is not discouraged. The show is essentially good, popular and topical. The current difficulties are temporary. She believes that the ratings and rankings will definitely rebound.

After Sheng Xiaoxiao introduced the measures they were taking, the matter was over. This meeting was not a special meeting to discuss "Unreachable Love". There would be too much to talk about in a short time, so Zhu Ruopu did not ask in detail and continued to report on other projects.

Ten minutes later, it was the turn of "Woman Thirty".

Everyone couldn't help but prick up their ears, this show is going to be a big hit.

Zhu Ruopu unscrewed the thermos cup on the table, took a sip of tea, and said: ""Women Thirty" has a ratings of 0.562%, a viewership share of 2.353%, and ranks 9th. The number of views yesterday was 12 million, and the Internet popularity was 72. Ranked 7th online.”

The scene was in an uproar. This data is so explosive. It is getting better every day, and now it has surpassed "Unreachable".

They all looked at Zhang Tan and applauded.

Previously, "Unreachable" entered the top ten of major TV stations, and everyone was very curious, because in the past few days, "Woman 30" had been ranked tenth, and now it has been replaced by "Unreachable," so what is it? Was it squeezed out, or was it rising?

It turns out that it has really risen, reaching ninth place, which is amazing.

"Unreachable" easily entered the top ten, which was due to the popularity of the original work, and "Thirty Years Old" is an original script and relies on excellent quality, which is rare.

Everyone had different thoughts, but they had to admire the young man in front of them. He was so young and so aggressive in entering the industry, and he captured all their previous waves on the beach.

After Zhu Ruopu reported the ratings of all projects, he also reported the top ten dramas on the TV list. Mango TV's "Finally Waiting for You", which Zhang Tan is most concerned about, has risen to third place in the industry, and its momentum is very strong.

He knows that this drama is the biggest rival of "30 Women", and the main audience groups of the two dramas almost overlap.

Now both dramas are on the rise and are harvesting the market quickly. Once the market harvest is almost complete and the market is saturated, it will be a physical fight between the two parties. If you have more, I will have less. There is no such thing as everyone getting rich together and being harmonious.

After the meeting, Sheng Xiaoxiao returned to the office and immediately called the crew. The director was still waiting.

The phone rang twice and was immediately connected. A mellow male voice rang: "Mr. Sheng, how are you doing?"

You can tell that the other party's tone is urgent, because the ratings have been falling in the past few days, and everyone is on tenterhooks.

Sheng Xiaoxiao looked at the pot of daffodils on the table and said, "The ratings are 0.534%, and the ranking has dropped to 10th."

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment, and he said, "I'll call everyone tonight and have a meeting to discuss it."

Sheng Xiaoxiao hummed.

The tone on the other end of the phone became lighter and he added: "Although the ranking has dropped, we are still in the top ten. We are still the top spot among the studios, so don't be too discouraged."

Immediately, he suddenly thought of "Women's Thirty" and asked: "Where's "Women's Thirty", it has been ranked tenth a few days ago, and now we are tenth. Has it dropped or gone up?"

Sheng Xiaoxiao said: "'Women Thirty' has reached ninth place, and we are not number one."

The tone on the other end of the phone, which had just become lighthearted, became heavy again, and said: "I am only 35 years old. I am already Mediterranean. I have endured a burden that I should not bear at this age. Why can't life make it easier for me!"

Sheng Xiaoxiao was speechless, and the director went crazy again.

She didn't know how she ended up working with this guy in the first place. He was completely opposite to her personality and would go crazy from time to time.

At the same time, in Zhu Ruopu's office, the editorial director He Miao was reporting things to Zhu Ruopu.

After Zhu Ruopu listened, he asked directly: "What about your opinion?"

He Miao glanced at Cai Yonglai, the deputy director of the Film and Television Department who had been silent.

He didn't know that Minister Cai was here, so he didn't communicate with the other party beforehand and didn't know what the other party's attitude was towards this matter.

However, he supported Zhang Tan.

"On the one hand, we have no relevant regulations that say screenwriters cannot publish books. Secondly, TV dramas are on the air. Publishing a book at this time is a big help. Finally, although it is his own job, Zhang Tan has done a lot for the company. A great contribution, since he is willing to publish a book, I suggest that he agree."

Zhu Ruopu remained silent and looked at Cai Yonglai, who was reading a book.

"Lao Cai, what do you think?"

Cai Yonglai closed the book in his hand and put it down. The cover of the book clearly reads: "Women's Thirty".

This is a book written by Zhang Tan based on the script. He wants to publish a book and earn some royalties.

As He Miao said, the company did not stipulate that screenwriters could not publish books. However, to be on the safe side, Zhang Tan still reported the matter to He Miao. He Miao could not make the decision, so he reported it to Zhu Ruopu.

Cai Yonglai is just 50 years old, of medium build, thin, with gray hair on his temples. He used to be a supervisor in the animation department. Later, the studio established the film and television department and transferred him over as deputy director. He has always been Zhu Ruopu's deputy.

Zhu Ruopu is retiring and is one of the popular candidates for minister.

"Zhang Tan is a very good young man. He is young and promising, and his reputation is very good. "Little Actor" and "Thirty Women" were both successful. We should support such a person, not to mention that he can do it without any prohibition by law. I didn't say If you don't allow a book to be published, that means letting it go. The literary copyright of "Woman Thirty" is in Zhang Tan's own hands, and the film and television copyright is in the hands of the studio. This is very clear. Can Zhang Tan bring this up in advance, please let us know. It’s my opinion and respect, so I support it.”

He Miao felt happy.

Zhu Ruopu smiled and said: "Okay, you are right, let him publish a book, but He Miao, tell Zhang Tan not to spend too much time on publishing a book. If you have the energy, think more about the script. I heard that Liu Jinlu was looking for him?"

He Miao smiled and said, "I heard about it, but Lao Liu cast a wide net. He found almost all the screenwriters in the editorial department, and he didn't even ask Zhang Tan if he could write suspense stories."

Cai Yonglai asked: "Lao Liu still wants to shoot suspense?"

He Miao: "He felt that "Strange Call" was not satisfying and did not achieve his goal. He wanted to keep working hard."

Cai Yonglai asked: "I unexpectedly found Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan is not writing about this area. He specializes in art, so don't embarrass others."

Screenwriters are not omnipotent and cannot write scripts of any kind. Some people are good at romance, some are good at reasoning, some are good at suspense and horror, and some are good at cute babies...

Judging from the trajectory of Zhang Tan's works, he is good at emotions and light comedies, which have nothing to do with suspense.

Zhu Ruopu and Cai Yonglai have similar ideas, writing about life and emotions. I have to say that Zhang Tan is good at it, but suspense? Not everyone can write. At least until now, Zhang Tan has never shown his talent in this area.

However, He Miao said: "I heard that Zhang Tan is already preparing a script."

The two ministers looked at him at the same time, with some surprise in their eyes.

"Zhang Tan is preparing a suspense script." He Miao repeated again.

"Can he really write?" Cai Yonglai asked.

He Miao nodded: "It is indeed written, but I haven't read it."

Cai Yonglai said: "I received it and showed it to me. I'm also curious."

Zhu Ruopu smiled. Being able to write and writing well were two different things, but writing well enough to be adapted for the screen was another matter. He didn't think Zhang Tan could write a suspense story that could be filmed on TV.

It’s really hard to write a suspenseful story, compared to some cute ones.


It had been a long time. Ding Jiamin drove from home in the morning. Instead of going directly to the police station for work, he first took a detour to Little Red Horse Late Night Academy to pick up Xiaomi.

From Monday to Friday, she took Xiaomi to the kindergarten and sent her back to Little Red Horse Late Night Academy in the evening.

On weekends, she took Xiaomi to the police station and sent her back in the evening.

It has been more than four months since July. Sometimes she has the illusion that she has an extra daughter.

Today is Saturday. As usual, Ding Jiamin went to Little Red Horse Academy to pick up Xiaomi.

As usual, the little girl was holding a small schoolbag and standing obediently in the corridor, looking at the entrance of the school, waiting for her.

As soon as the car came into view, Xiaomi waved cheerfully to her, and she honked in response.

Xiaomi is particularly cheerful today, as bright as the morning sun.

Ding Jiamin still remembers those early days. Xiaomi was always nervous and would be startled by any movement. His face was full of timidity and he was extremely insecure.

The people at the police station noticed this problem and discussed it. They asked Xiaomi to let down her guard and start with the people around her. For example, there should be a fixed number of people to pick up and drop off every day. Don't change them all the time. Then, she accepted the task. Who asked her to do it? She is one of the few female police officers.

"Sister Xiaomin~~~"

As soon as Ding Jiamin got out of the car, Xiaomi ran over, laughing as she ran.

"Is there anything happy to share with me today?" Ding Jiamin asked with a smile.

"Show you my dog." Xiaomi handed the pug in her arms to Ding Jiamin.

Only then did Ding Jiamin notice that there was an extra pug in Xiaomi's arms.

"Wow, it's so cute. Is this yours?"

Xiaomi nodded repeatedly: "Xiaobai gave it to me. I like her so much."

"Xiaobai gave it to you? Wow, you and Xiaobai are very good friends."

Xiaomi said it is very, very, very good.

The two got in the car and prepared to go home together, but Ding Jiamin received a call from the police station on the way and had a temporary task arrangement, so he took a detour to the police station.

"Xiaomi, would you like to play in my sister's office? My sister has to run something."

Ding Jiamin was full of apologies. She originally planned to take Xiaomi to the park today. It is now November, the weather is no longer hot, and the sun is shining warmly on her body.

"Sister, go ahead and pay attention to your safety."

Xiaomi hugged her pug and sat on a chair in the office. She was already very familiar with this place, and sometimes she stayed there all day.

Ding Jiamin touched her little head. She liked Xiaomi very much. A large part of the reason was that Xiaomi was very sensible and obedient. She would definitely not be able to take care of a child who was always acting coquettishly and crying.

She greeted her colleagues in the station and asked them to take care of Xiaomi, and then went out to the police with others.

Xiaomi spent the morning reading picture books and cartoons, and the police ordered takeout for her for lunch. After lunch, she fell asleep in a daze, dreaming that Sister Xiaomin had captured several more bad guys, and even 's mother is back.

However, her mother's face couldn't be seen clearly. She ran closer and realized that her mother looked exactly like sister Xiao Min!

"Someone is injured?" "Who?" "Xiao Min?" "Is it serious?" "Okay~ don't worry."...

Drowsily, Xiaomi heard the police uncle in the office making a phone call.

She heard that someone was injured, and Xiao Min's name was among them.

She knew that Xiao Min was talking about Sister Xiao Min!

Hearing this, Xiaomi woke up immediately, turned over and sat up on the sofa, hugging the pug doll tightly, her short hair with lop ears messy.

She stared blankly at the policeman on the phone.

The other party didn't notice that Xiaomi was awake and looking at her until she hung up the phone.

"Xiaomi, why did you wake up?" the other party asked.

Xiaomi shook his head, whispered that he had just woken up, and rubbed his eyes.

The other party got up and came over, telling her that it was okay. Sister Xiao Min was only slightly injured and would be fine in a few days.

Xiaomi couldn't sleep, couldn't read picture books, and the cartoons the police uncle showed her were boring. She was always in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Ding Jiamin finally returned to the police station. Her left hand was wrapped in a bandage, and everyone in the police station gathered around to care about her.

"Is it serious, Xiao Min?"

"Xiao Min, don't rush forward in a hurry from now on, and let these big men put their faces wherever they go."

"Please take it easy in the future."

"Oh, when I heard that you were injured, I stopped for a few seconds."

"Chen Jiang, how did you protect Xiao Min?!!"

"It's all gone, it's all gone."

"What's wrong, captain? Let's take care of Xiao Min."

"Just leave if I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Someone signaled Xiaomi who was not far away with his eyes. Everyone understood and got out of the way and handed over Ding Jiamin.

Ding Jiamin smiled. After the crowd dispersed, her eyes fell on Xiaomi.

The child was holding the pug and stood outside the crowd, paying attention to her.

She is small and cannot squeeze through.

Ding Jiamin smiled at her, carried a plastic bag with her uninjured hand, handed it to her and said: "Look, there is a bear drink that you and Xiaobai like to drink. Xiaobai gave you a doll, please treat her Let’s drink Little Bear, we want to have a good relationship with our good friends.”

Xiaomi looked at her with her little head raised and said nothing.

Ding Jiamin squatted down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiaomi looked at her bandaged left hand, shook her head, and said nothing, but her eyes could speak.

Tears quickly gathered in her big eyes and fell down in big drops.

Ding Jiamin quickly put the drink on the ground, touched her little head, held her in her arms, and asked softly: "What's wrong? Are you bored staying here alone? Are you scared?"

Xiaomi burst into tears and cried, "Sister Xiaomin, I don't want you to be like this."

Ding Jiamin hugged her little body tightly and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter. It's a minor injury. It will be fine soon. Don't worry."


The only answer she received was her strenuous crying and her trembling little body.

Xiaomi worried about her all afternoon and wanted to ask other uncles but didn't dare.

She was afraid that if she asked, Sister Xiao Min would never come back, just like her mother.

Thank you everyone for your rewards. The specific reward list is as follows:

Handsome guy’s truth 10,000 coins

Lao Wang next door to the thatched house on the mountainside 10,000 coins

SlowlyC, stolen to regular 1000 coins

It’s a hot winter day, there are milk bags at home, and you repair 500 coins

Little Flying Cat 001 400 coins

Bookworm Fresh 300 coins

ZZ Zhu 200 coins

Book Friends 20180120192159212, Zhang Dashen, Su Ran Xin Kong, £霑魔魍鉉№, Wen Yitao, Yu Li 100 coins

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