Dad Academy

Chapter 1864 Little Red Horse, My Paradise

Ring ring ring~~~~

The get out of class bell rang.


Outside the classroom, the two little puddings appeared at the door again.

Xi'er and Dudu were jumping around and waving to Liuliu enthusiastically.

Cheng Cheng also came, but she disliked Xi'er and Dudu being too childish, so she just stood aside and said nothing.

Liuliu remained unmoved, Xiaomi and Xiaobai went out.

The little puddings at the door are so enthusiastic. If they don't respond, they will wilt.

“Liuliu—Liuliu, come quickly!”

Xi'er and Dudu kept calling Liuliu, and finally they couldn't bear it any longer. They sneaked into the classroom, pulled Liuliu up from their seats, and dragged them out of the classroom.

"Hey hey hey hey~~~~What are you doing?"

Liuliu was reluctant, but still followed out.

Dudu, this little pudding is too strong!

Xi'er, the little pudding, is too weak.

The difference in strength caused the pomegranate to move diagonally.

"I heard you scolded your parents?" Dudu asked nervously.

Liuliu glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaomi, and then his eyes fell on Xiaobai for a long time.

There is no doubt that this Guawazi must have tipped off the news. He is a quick duck who wants to die!

Although she has the courage to diss Father Zhu and Mother Zhu in class, it does not mean that she has the courage to do so when she returns home.

And Xi'er knew that, could the trumpet stop?

When Xi'er and Dudu heard Xiaobai say that Luoliu scolded her parents during class, they were immediately very curious. Their little gossip radar was instantly overloaded by 120%, and they caught Liuliu and asked them everything.

Liuliu was annoyed by them, but he couldn't drive them away.

Cheng Cheng also gradually approached, little by little.

She was also very curious about this, but she didn't have to ask in person. The two classmates in front of her had already asked her everything she wanted to ask. They also asked her what she didn't expect to ask, which really saved her a lot of trouble.

At this moment, in the class teacher's office, Wu Mei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, sighed softly, picked up the red pen, thought carefully, and wrote a few warm words in an exercise book.

Then, she closed the exercise book and placed it on the pile of exercise books on the right, then picked up another one from the pile of exercise books on the left and continued to correct.

The homework book I just put down had the name "Mi Jiatong" written on the cover.

The name on the cover of the exercise book I just took over is: Bai Chunhua.

Teacher Wu Mei also knew about Xiaobai's family situation and was particularly concerned about her composition. She did not change the previous questions and turned to the end to read the composition.

"I love my mom, she's very good to me."

The first sentence made Wu Mei feel warm in her heart.

When school was over in the afternoon, Wu Mei stayed with Zhu Xiaojing, and the two came to the teacher's office and chatted about Liliu.

Liliu's impromptu speech in the morning made Wu Mei think that Liliu's growing environment was a bit difficult and that Zhu's mother's family education might need to be improved, so she planned to chat with Zhu Xiaojing about this topic.

However, the two of them had just been chatting for a while when suddenly Yu Xiaoqian and Teacher Yu walked in and told them that Liuliu had followed Xier's godfather.

Yu Xiaoqian is the class teacher of Xi'er, Dudu and Cheng Cheng, and is in the same office as Wu Mei.

Because of the relationship between Xier Dudu and others, she naturally knew Liliu.

Just now, when she saw Xi'er's godfather, Zhang Tan, going to pick up the child, Liuliu also got in the car.

She remembered that Liuliu's mother was talking to Wu Mei in the office, so she specifically asked Liuliu if she wanted to go back with her mother.

Liuliu told her that she had already told Zhu's mother to take Boss Zhang's car back first.

"Ah? Liuli is gone?" Zhu Xiaojing was surprised.

Yu Xiaoqian said: "Yes, she left in Zhang Tan's car. Don't you guys know?"

"I don't know, I asked her to wait at school." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Yu Xiaoqian: "I asked Liuliu, and she said she told you."

"..." Zhu Xiaojing knew that Liuliu was worried that he would not let her go to Little Red Horse, so she found the right opportunity to sneak to Little Red Horse first.

Wu Mei said: "Liuliu followed Zhang Tan, so it shouldn't matter."

Liuliu's leaving without saying goodbye further confirmed her worry, that is, there seemed to be less trust between Liuliu and her mother, which made it even more necessary to talk about family education.

Zhu Xiaojing also figured it out. She was not worried at all when Liuliu followed Zhang Tan.

She felt relieved and planned to have an in-depth communication with Teacher Wu Mei.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was still as warm and bright as an old man, but its color had slowly changed from golden to red.

Zhang Tan's car was driving slowly on West Chang'an Street. It was now the rush hour, and this main traffic road was habitually blocked by traffic jams. It drove slowly and stopped every few steps.

For the driver, this is really irritating, but for the few elementary school students in the car at this moment, it is extremely relaxing and comfortable.

They were singing songs, laughing and joking, and they were extremely happy.

The way out of school is always the most relaxing and enjoyable part of the day.

In the car, besides Xiaobai and Xi'er, there was also Liuliu.

Liuliu sang loudly, which was particularly powerful. Compared with her loveless appearance in the morning, she seemed to be a different person.

The car window was opened, and the wind blew in. The car owner next to him heard the singing and looked over with a smile.

It was a ten-minute drive, but it took half an hour to arrive.

Teacher Jiang was sitting and chatting with Lao Li in the yard, waiting for the children to finish school. She has already prepared dinner and can eat it when she gets home.

Wu Shiying was also there, and the studio had already finished get off work. She was carrying her satchel and was preparing to go home. When she saw Teacher Jiang, she came over to greet and chat.

"They're back."

Lao Li saw Zhang Tan's car driving outside the yard. The car stopped at the door. Three primary school students got out of the car and entered the yard.

Zhang Tan drove his car and parked it in the parking lot of Huangjiacun.



"Grandma Duck——"

Teacher Jiang was in a good mood after saying "grandma" several times, but then felt a little strange, why were there three times? Aren’t we usually talking about Xiaobai and Xi’er?

After taking a closer look, I noticed that Liliu was also here.

Dayanyan's mouth is almost sweet, it's unambiguous, very natural, no coquettishness, passionate and sincere.

"Hey, hey, school is over. Are you hungry? Dinner has been prepared. Let's eat first." Teacher Jiang said.

"Okay, let's eat first - let's play after we eat. Xiaobai, Xiaobai, Xi'er, let's eat first." Liuliu was the first to respond.

Xi'er didn't want to eat yet because she wasn't hungry at all and the food she had eaten at noon was still in her throat.

"Eat later, eat later, the sun hasn't set yet, let's play first, Xiaobai, let's play football."

There are fewer people now, so if she plays football with Xiaobai, she doesn't have to worry about being kicked out.

How many times would she be kicked out of the team in one game?

Now it's just her and Xiaobai, she doesn't have to worry about being squeezed out of the team and thrown to the ground.

"If you don't eat now, the food will get cold, and it won't taste good when it's cold!" Luoliu educated Xi'er righteously.

In the end, the three of them were taken home by Teacher Jiang. They had a meal first and then took a walk down to digest their food.

When Zhang Tan returned to Little Red Horse, Wu Shiying happened to go home. She said hello and came to the edge of the woods, sitting in the shade and chatting with Lao Li for a cup of tea.

"Old man, where are you staying? Come on over, come on over and eat."

On the balcony on the third floor, Xiaobai was holding a rice bowl and calling him to go upstairs to eat.

When Xi'er heard Xiaobai's shout, a head popped up, waved to Zhang Tan and said: "Godfather - Godfather, don't be playful, come and eat, Li Baibao, you come and eat too." Acridine~~”

The next second, a head of Liuliu also popped up, looked down, and also shouted: "Come and eat, come and eat, it will be cold if you don't eat, and it won't taste good if it's cold."

Zhang Tan wanted to have a cup of tea at Lao Li's place before going up, but now he was being called out repeatedly and couldn't help but go.

In the evening, there were gradually more children in Xiaohongmali, and Zhu Xiaojing also came.

After she finished talking to Teacher Wu Mei, she called Zhang Tan and learned that Liuliu had already had dinner here, so she didn't rush over so hurriedly, but showed up after having dinner as well.

She spotted Liliu in the yard at a glance. She couldn't help but notice that this guy was holding a microphone and singing hard.

Singing on the way home from school today was not enough, so I have to continue singing in the evening.

Dudu followed her, pushing the mobile karaoke machine, and the two became old partners.

However, Dudu wore a large pair of headphones on her head, which looked almost bigger than her little head.

The headphones were borrowed from Boss Zhang's house. If she didn't wear them, she wouldn't help Liliu push the karaoke machine.

Liuliu, who was half-dead at home, was now acting like a monkey in Xiaohongma, and was omnipotent. Zhu Xiaojing was also unsure. Was her daughter not interested in studying since she was a child, and was born a scumbag in elementary school? Or is it that the little red horse is a paradise for pomegranates?

She couldn't help but think of Liliu's birthday wish, which was to never leave Little Red Pony.

Zhu Xiaojing somewhat understood the position of the little red horse in Liuliu's heart.

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