Dad Academy

Chapter 1861 Early Morning

Teacher Jiang returned to Little Red Horse, and the first lesson was to teach Xiaobai to do his homework well instead of getting up at five o'clock every day.

The silly child finally let go of the stone in her heart, and at the same time she secretly made up her mind to do her homework well every day in the future. She no longer needed the old man to push her, she had to be conscious. After all, she was now the class monitor, and she was the first to hand in her homework every day. , Teacher Wu Mei always regards her as a model to educate other children.

She hopes that she will always be a positive example, not a negative example.

Zhang Tan also breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that he didn't educate Xiaobai well and led Xiaobai astray.

He didn't know what a good education was, so he could only look at Malanhua's education methods.

I have to say that Malanhua's education method is not good, but it is obviously not suitable for him.

He couldn't do what Ma Lanhua did, bluff and beat, a carrot with a stick.

Malanhua could also control Xiaobai like that, but Zhang Tan couldn't do it. He couldn't yell at Xiaobai, let alone flatter Xiaobai.

Fortunately, Teacher Jiang is back.

Teacher Jiang convinced Zhang Tan in the first lesson. She taught Xiaobai properly, and the children were also convinced.

This is another education method that is completely different from Malanhua.

Zhang Tan thinks this is good.

He felt relieved. With Teacher Jiang here, he no longer had to worry about Xiaobai's mistakes.

The next day, Zhang Tan was woken up by Xiaobai early in the morning.


Zhang Tan woke up confused and looked at Xiaobai who woke him up.

The little guy was wearing pink pajamas and standing beside the bed. His head was messy and he looked sleepy.

She just woke up.

Zhang Tan looked out the window again. The curtains were not closed last night, only the white window screen covered the window. At this moment, the window screen swayed slightly in the morning breeze. The morning light outside the window was very dim. It fell into the room through the window, reminding the current time. It was still very early and the morning light had not yet jumped over the horizon.

"Xiao Bai, why did you get up so early?"

Zhang Tan asked as he glanced at the electronic alarm clock on the bedside table, which showed that the time was ten past five.

Xiaobai's eyes were sleepy, as if he hadn't opened them yet.

She said softly, as if sleepwalking: "Old man, it's time to go to school~ Get up quickly and make me breakfast."

Zhang Tan: "It's too early, you can still sleep a little longer."

Xiaobai raised his head and rubbed his eyes, which seemed to make him feel more energetic and refreshed.

"What? You don't want to make breakfast for Xiaobai? Humph, then I'll make it for you whatever you want to eat."

"That's not what I mean. I mean it's still very early. You can sleep a little longer. I'll get up again at half past six to make breakfast for you. Are you very hungry?"

Xiaobai: "Grandma is getting up. I have to get up before grandma wakes up."

Zhang Tan understood. The child seemed to have forgotten what her grandma told her last night, not to get up so early, but she still got up according to yesterday's biological clock. This was to leave a good impression in front of her grandma and not let her down.

After Zhang Tan figured this out, he explained it to Xiaobai and helped her recall what happened last night.

Xiaobai finally remembered. After the thread in her heart was gone, she completely relaxed and climbed onto the old man's bed. She spread her arms and legs to occupy the big bed, and then fell asleep.

Zhang Tan could only move to the bedside to leave space for her.

The alarm clock rang at 6:30 in the morning, and Zhang Tan and Xiaobai got up together.

The two stood in front of the mirror, brushed their teeth and washed their faces together, then changed into sportswear and went for a run downstairs.

Xiaobai was full of energy and vowed to leave Old Man Zhang alone.

Zhang Tan curled his lips and said to himself, "If you can follow me twice, I will eat dirt today."

As soon as they went out, they saw the lights in the corridor were on. Xiaobai ran to grandma's door and saw that the door was open.

She poked her head in and saw that the room was brightly lit, with the morning sun shining in through the window.

Grandma was already preparing breakfast in the kitchen. When she saw Xiaobai appear, she smiled and said good morning, and then asked Xiaobai and Zhang Tan not to make breakfast in the morning, since she was already making breakfast.

"Grandma, what did you do?"

Xiaobai sniffed and leaned over to take a look. It was chicken noodle soup.

"Did you put in the chili pepper?" Xiaobai asked.

The chicken noodle soup looks refreshing.

Teacher Jiang said: "This one doesn't have chili pepper."

"Just eat it without the chili pepper. Add more chili pepper."

"Don't eat chili in the morning, and children can't eat chili all the time."

Xiaobai still wanted to fight for it, but Teacher Jiang's next words instantly gave up her idea.

"You old man can't eat chili peppers."

"...Okay, we have to take care of the old man."

Xiaobai came out of the house and went downstairs to run with Zhang Tan.

At 6:50 in the morning, the world is already bright. There are birds singing in the woods, and the leader is the parrot.

These birds were like children in a kindergarten. They didn't sing at first, but then the parrot took the lead and called twice, and everyone started to call, like a morning meeting.

Xiaobai ran to the grove to look for birds. She was very interested in these little guys hiding among the leaves and branches. If Zhang Tan hadn't allowed it, she would have even wanted to climb the tree to have a look.

After Zhang Tan completed a lap, Xiaobai ran out of the woods and trotted behind him.

"Phew—I've surpassed you~~嚯嚯嚯~~~"

Xiao Bai dashed forward, surpassing Zhang Tan in an instant, and looked back with a proud smile.

But within half a circle, she stopped and picked up a ball on the ground.

Zhang Tan ran past her and said, "Don't stop, follow me."

Xiaobai threw the ball on the ground, chased after him, and kicked it with all his strength. The ball flew out and just rolled between Zhang Tan's legs.

Zhang Tan: "..."


Xiaobai laughed behind him and made a starting gesture. He caught up with Zhang Tan again and passed him.

Teacher Jiang stood at the window and looked down at their running game, leaving the prepared chicken noodle soup in the pot to keep it warm.

After breakfast, Zhang Tan sent Xiaobai to school. Teacher Jiang was not going today. Aunt Huang came and wanted to chat with Teacher Jiang and invited her to sit in the time-honored teahouse in Huangjia Village.

"Everyone likes to drink mulberry leaves." Xiaobai carried his schoolbag and followed Zhang Tan to the parking lot.

"It would be nice to drink tea." Zhang Tan said.

"Whose family grows the mulberry leaves? They sell the mulberry leaves to the elderly to drink, these idiots!"

After Xiaobai finished speaking, Zhang Tan lowered his head and looked at her, but the little guy didn't notice the old man's surprised look in his eyes. He just walked with his head lowered, still mumbling.

"Have you forgotten? Our family also makes tea. Isn't there a tea factory in Baijia Village? You have been there too."

Xiaobai: →_→

"Hahaha, old man, I'm just teasing you, hahaha~~"

"Ahahaha~~" Zhang Tan also laughed awkwardly.

“Wan Xiaohu, go to school——”

The two happened to pass by Lao Niu's barber shop, and Xiaobai shouted to the barber shop.

The door of the barber shop was open, but there was no one inside.

After Xiaobai shouted, Wan Xiaohu ran out of the back room, still holding the rice bowl in his hand. While eating, he said hurriedly: "I haven't had breakfast yet. I'll go as soon as I finish."

Having said that, he was extremely anxious and hurried back to the house, put down the dishes and chopsticks and was about to go to school.

Lao Niu hurriedly chased him out and asked him to go back and finish his meal first, then ride his scooter to take him to school, ensuring that he would not be late.

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