Dad Academy

Chapter 1851 Bai Chunhua returns home in splendor

"Little Huahua, did you come here by plane?"

In Baijia Village, there was Guawazi standing on the roadside, curiously asking Xiaobai who had just arrived home.

Xiaobai sat in the car, leaning against the window, and answered these questions.

The Guawazi people are so enthusiastic, and the problems are endless and all kinds of strange, but they are not afraid. She has never seen Mr. Bai in such a big situation. She can deal with it calmly with all her hands.

"I took a plane. I flew here. The steak on the plane was so delicious. It didn't cost anything. You could eat whatever you wanted. I was full." Xiaobai replied excitedly, then turned to the old man Zhang in the driver's seat and said: " Old man, drive slower, I haven’t answered everyone’s questions yet.”

I have to stop, please slow down! How slow do you want it to be? Why don't you stay still?

Of course, this is just the voice of old man Zhang.

The reality is that he didn't say a word and followed Mr. Xiaobai's instructions.

The car drove slowly in Baijia Village, leaving time for Mr. Bai to answer questions.

"Little Huahua, when will you go back?"

Another Guawazi asked.

Xiaobai always leaned on the car window and said: "I'll go back in two days. Alas, actually I don't want to go back, but I am the squad leader. I have to go back. I also have to supervise other melons." Studying.”

"Hey~~~Little Huahua, are you the monitor? Are you the monitor?"

"The ones I chose were all chosen by the teachers and classmates. I said I shouldn't do it and I didn't, but they just wanted me to do it. I didn't even know what to say, hahahaha~"

Soon, word spread throughout Baijia Village that the little Huahua from Teacher Jiang’s family became the squad leader. Today was her return home in fine clothes, which was very glorious.

"Little Huahua, I'll come find you later and invite you to eat watermelon in my field."

Xiaobai asked: "Do your old man and your mother know? Don't know? You still call me if you don't know, Gua Wa Zi, do you want me to steal, right? Climb away -"

In this way, it took Xiaobai, who had returned home in glory, more than ten minutes to walk the village road, which was less than a few hundred meters.

When the car finally passed through Baijia Village and came to the fields, Xiao Bai sat back on his seat still unsatisfied. Just as he was about to reminisce with the old man, he suddenly heard the old man say: "Grandma is standing on the bridge waiting for us."

"Let me see."

Xiaobai hurriedly leaned against the car window again and stuck his head out. He immediately felt that it was not enough, so he stuck out his upper body. Looking not far away, he saw an old man standing on the small bridge, who was not his grandmother.

Xiaobai waved his hands enthusiastically and called grandma loudly.

As soon as the car approached, she asked the old man to stop, then opened the car door herself, climbed out of the car, and ran towards her grandma in a hurry.

"Don't jump on grandma!"

Zhang Tan quickly warned him that Teacher Jiang couldn't bear Xiaobai's constant collision.

After all, Xiaobai is no longer the little carrot head he used to be, and Teacher Jiang is no longer as energetic as before.

One is growing up and the other is getting older.

The two lines of life, each going one way, will only get farther and farther apart.

Xiaobai still heard Zhang Tan's words and stopped the car as soon as he approached his grandma.

She stood in front of her grandma in a lively manner, looking at her with her head held high, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Teacher Jiang squatted down with a smile and wiped her tears while asking her what was wrong and why she was crying.

Xiaobai lay in her arms, shook his head and said nothing.

After a while, Xiaobai calmed down a little and went home with his grandma.

Teacher Jiang has made sweet potato porridge. It is just right hot and a little warm, which is just right in summer.

When Teacher Jiang went to the kitchen, Xiaobai asked Zhang Tan why grandma had so many white hairs.

She cried when she saw her grandma just now because her white hair covered her head, making her look much older.

Zhang sighed in silence.

He remembered that when he left Baijia Village during the summer vacation, although Teacher Jiang also had white hair, it was not completely white. The white hair was intertwined with black silk.

But now, it is almost completely white.

I don’t know what she went through during this time. She must have been under a lot of psychological pressure.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but regret that he should have come to visit her earlier and take her back to Pujiang earlier.

Although Pujiang doesn't have as many neighbors as Baijia Village where people can chat with each other, having Xiaobai around and there are so many children in Xiaohong Mali should be able to make Teacher Jiang feel more relaxed.

"Xiaobai, the sweet potato porridge you want to eat."

Teacher Jiang served Xiaobai a bowl of sweet potato porridge and placed it in front of her. Seeing her devour it, she couldn't help but feel satisfied.

"Zhang Tan should eat more. You must be tired after driving for such a long time. After eating, rest in the room for a while. The bed has been made for you." Teacher Jiang said to Zhang Tan.

"This sweet potato porridge is so fragrant. Strange, why is it not so delicious when I make it? I don't think there are any other ingredients in it. Is there any secret to it?"

Xiaobai rushed to answer: "That's for sure. The sweet potato porridge made by grandma is the most delicious. Old man, you still need to learn how to make it."

Teacher Jiang smiled and said: "I have been doing this for decades, so I have some experience. What time did you set off? How long did you sleep last night? Are you sleepy?"

Just as Zhang Tan was about to speak, Xiaobai beat him to it.

This kid was chattering while eating sweet potato porridge. I haven't seen grandma for a long time, and she is very excited now.

"Oh, by the way, have you seen Dunzi? He went to the entrance of the village to wait for you early in the morning before the sun came out."

When Teacher Jiang mentioned Dunzi, he couldn't help but smile on his face. Early in the morning, as soon as she opened the door, she found someone squatting in the yard. When she took a look, she realized it was Dunzi. Dunzi was going to herd the cows, but before herding the cows, he came to her to ask Xiaobai when he would arrive today. When he learned that Xiaobai would arrive at seven or eight in the morning, he immediately drove the cows to the entrance of the village.

"I saw it, I saw it, oh, the big buffalo in Dunzi ate someone else's rice. He drove the cow away and it hasn't come back yet?"

Xiaobai couldn't sit still when he thought of Dunzi. He was worried about whether Dunzi had gone home. He probably hadn't had breakfast yet.

"I'm going to see if Dunzi is back."

Xiaobai put down the dishes and chopsticks, ran out of the house quickly, ran on the field ridge, and ran to Dunzi's house like a little rabbit.

Soon she came back, holding two hot buns in her hand, and said with a flushed face: "Dunzi hasn't come back yet, old man, these are the hot buns that Dunzi's mother gave us."

After saying that, he stuffed one hot bun to Zhang Tan and the other to grandma.

"You can eat it yourself. Grandma has already eaten it." Teacher Jiang said.

Xiaobai then took a bite with a smile, quickly finished the sweet potato porridge in the bowl, and said he was going to find Dunzi and go home.

"Dunzi hasn't eaten yet, I'm going to look for him. Old man, do you want to eat your buns? If not, I'll give them to Dunzi to eat."

Xiaobai was always thinking about Old Man Zhang’s steamed buns.

Zhang Tan gave the bun to her, "Take it, I won't eat it, give it to Dunzi."

You said this, how could I eat it?

Teacher Jiang prepared a lunch box for her and asked her to put the steamed buns in it. She also gave her a red kettle and told her to be careful on the way and not to drop it in the field.

"Wear a straw hat as well." Teacher Jiang warned.

"Xiao knows Nao~"

Xiaobai was very happy, it felt so good to be cared about by grandma.

She picked up a yellow straw hat and put it on her head, which looked like a mushroom.

"I'm leaving -"

"Pay attention to safety and come back early, you will get a tan." Teacher Jiang said.

"Okay, I listen to grandma. Old man - you have to remember to wash the dishes."

Zhang Tan: "..."

He is indeed a filial son, and he really cares about his grandma.

Xiaobai was fully armed and went out. As soon as he walked to the small bridge, he saw Dunzi leading the cow home.


Xiaobai ran over and saw a tail following Dunzi, which was Xiaogua.

The one who was once threatened by Liuliu to grab Little Jiji.

"Xiaogua, are you here with me?" Xiaobai asked.

Xiao Gua sniffed and said, "Xiao Huahua, Dunzi's big buffalo ate my rice, I want to take him back!"

Xiaobai then noticed that one of Xiaogua's hands was grabbing Dunzi's pants, but he and Dunzi were not at the same level. The so-called taking people back was more of a formality.

"Give me some face, let me go, and go home." Xiaobai said.

Xiaogua thought for a while, shook his head and said, "His big buffalo ate a lot of my rice."

Xiaobai was unhappy and said, "Don't you give me some face? I'm the monitor!"

Xiao Gua said: "Squad leader, I want to catch Dunzi back. His big buffalo has eaten my rice."

Seeing this, Xiaobai rolled his eyes and said, "Guawazi, you are so stupid. It was the buffalo that ate your rice, not Dunzi, right? Then you should catch the buffalo and go back." Acridine."

Xiaogua took another sniff, thought for a moment, nodded, and felt that Xiaohuahua's words were right.

"Yeah, I'm right, you can catch the big buffalo and go back."

Xiaobai said, Xiaogua looked at the huge buffalo and couldn't decide what to do.

At this time, Xiaobai caught a dark "big buffalo" from the bushes on the side of the road, handed it to Xiaogua and said, "If you can't catch this big buffalo, I'll give you a smaller one." Buffalo, take this one back and deliver it, go ahead."

Xiao Gua grabbed the "big buffalo" and left happily, not forgetting to thank Xiao Hua Hua before leaving.

"Thank you, monitor."

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