Dad Academy

Chapter 1849 President Xiaobai’s filial son

"Grandma—we're coming to see you on Saturday."

During the video call, Xiaobai held the phone, a small face reflected in the video, and said to the gray-haired grandma in the video.

"Grandma, you have so many white hairs."

Xiaobai's eyes turned red for a moment, and he reached out and touched the grandma in the camera, as if he could feel the real grandma in this way.

Teacher Jiang smiled on the other end of the video and said: "Grandma is getting older, and it is normal for her to have gray hair. Did you just say that you guys are coming to see me on Saturday? It's hard to travel such a long distance."

Xiaobai said: "The old man and I came to see you. We will take you back to Xiaohongma. The old man said that you have lived at home for so long and you are coming back."

Teacher Jiang did not show surprise, after all, Zhang Tan had been urging her to go back.

"I will go back in a while. I can go back by myself. Don't come. It's a long way and it's too hard and troublesome. Grandma is not a child. She will take care of herself. Don't worry. Your school has started. , study well?"

"Okay~ I'm the squad leader now." Speaking of this, Xiaobai couldn't help but feel proud.

At first, she didn't really want to be the squad leader, but after becoming the squad leader, her sense of honor and pride quickly increased. As long as she tells the adults that she is the monitor, she will be praised immediately.

"Oh? Really? We are all monitors now. My little boy is really good, so you have to take the lead, study hard, and listen to the teacher."

Teacher Jiang's face showed a smile, kind and proud at the same time.

Xiaobai can become a monitor.

"I will, grandma. I told the old man that we will go find you on Friday. You should be at home and don't run out." Xiaobai warned.

"Are you coming on Friday? Why are you in such a hurry? Grandma is really having a good time here."

"Xiaobai misses you. Come here quickly. I haven't seen you for a long time. Grandma, I'm still filming. I'm Xu Xian now. I, Liuliu and Xi'er are a couple, haha."

Teacher Jiang also laughed there. "I know. I saw you guys on TV. You acted so well and so cute. The novices in Baijia Village also watched it. They all said you were a big star and wanted your autograph."

When Xiaobai heard this, she was surprised. She had unknowingly become a role model for other Xiaobais. She was really amazing. She must be proud of this.

"Hohoho~ Are they just praising me?"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but feel proud, and his tail instantly lifted up.

Zhang Tan heard this from the side and looked at her, wanting to remind her not to stray from the topic. The topic hasn't been finished yet. Have you invited grandma?

Teacher Jiang was very happy to tease Xiaobai and satisfy her little vanity, so she said: "They said that when you come back next time, they will ask you to sign autographs, take photos, and take you to steal watermelons to eat."

"Ah, this..."

The watermelon thief was not rejected, and was even welcomed, but saying it in front of her grandma made her lose face.

She is very careful to maintain a good image of a good child in front of her grandma.

Xiaobai quickly changed the subject and asked, "Dunzi is the one who compliments me?"

Teacher Jiang smiled and said, "Dunzi has never been sure it's you and keeps asking me."

"Hahaha, let's be silly. I'll give him an autograph and take a photo with him later. I'll give it to him first."

Mr. Xiaobai is really generous.

Zhang Tan saw that this guy had completely forgotten the business, so he reminded him in a low voice: "Don't forget the business, talk about the business, don't be sarcastic."

Xiaobai thought he was noisy and glared at him dissatisfied. Then he said to the camera: "Grandma, the old man and I will come to see you on Saturday. We will set off on Friday night. We will stay in Chengdu for one night first and we will go there at dawn." Go to Baijiacun and come to my house for breakfast in the morning. I want to eat sweet potato porridge, can you cook it for me?"

"Are you really here? It's a long journey, it's too hard." Teacher Jiang said, and then changed the subject, "If you want to eat sweet potato porridge, grandma will make it for you."

The answers were contradictory, but the core was for Xiaobai. He didn't let her come because he didn't want her to have a hard journey. Hearing that she wanted to eat sweet potato porridge, he immediately agreed.

At this time, Zhang Tan came to the camera and leaned towards the camera with a big face, but Xiaobai immediately disliked it and blocked her, so he was pushed away.

Old man Zhang humbly said that he didn't dare to cheat, and stood obediently behind Xiaobai, making full use of the space that Xiaobai did not occupy in the camera lens, so that he could have a sense of presence.

"Teacher Jiang, Xiaobai and I are coming here on Friday. We will stay in Chengdu at night and set off early the next morning." Zhang Tan said, worried that Teacher Jiang wouldn't see him, so he raised his hand and waved to show his presence.

"I just said it, old man, you still want to say it." Xiaobai said dissatisfied.

"Let me emphasize that."

After Zhang Tan finished speaking, he immediately left, worried that Xiaobai would always be unhappy and feel that he had stolen the limelight.

Teacher Jiang kept saying on the phone that it was too hard and there was no need to come see her. She was living well.

After talking about business, Xiaobai seized the opportunity and chatted with grandma for a long time until Zhang Tan reminded her that it was getting late and not to delay grandma's rest time, so Xiaobai hung up the phone.


The day after tomorrow was Friday. After class, Zhang Tan picked up Xiaobai and took her directly to the airport.

Xi'er was nagging behind her, telling her to be careful when driving and flying an airplane. Don't fly around. It would be bad if you hit a bird.

Zhang Tan did not respond to such instructions, fearing that he would lose his IQ and become stupid.

Xi'er was taken over by her sister today, and Tan Jin'er also came. She also told Zhang Tan to have a happy journey.

"You must take good care of Xiaobai." Tan Jin'er said.

Xiaobai's eyes were bright, and she could feel Sister Jin'er's concern for her.

She laughed twice and said, "Sister Jin'er, don't worry, my old man will take good care of me. I can also take care of myself. This is my strength."

This isn't her bragging. She has been taking care of herself since she was a child. She can't say how well she takes care of herself, but at least she can live a clean life.

"You are still a child, don't show off when you go out."


Zhang Tan and Xiaobai left. They had a flight at seven o'clock that night and had dinner at the airport.

"Spade shovel, I won't eat it again next time."

Because it tasted so bad, Xiaobai complained about it for a long time.

"Xiwa's Mangmang is better than theirs."

Xiaobai was always very angry and asked her old man if the food at this restaurant was so cheap.

"Old man, are you so rich that you treat me to such a cheap meal?"

Zhang Tan complained and said, "This restaurant is not cheap. It is the most expensive and high-end restaurant at the airport. What we just ate cost 300 yuan."

"three hundred????!!!"

Xiaobai always jumped to his feet, his eyes widened, and he was so angry that he gave her three yuan to treat her to a meal but she didn’t even eat it, but it actually cost her three hundred yuan! ! !

The next second, Zhang Tan quickly grabbed her. This little guy was going to the restaurant to settle accounts.

"This way, this way, let's scold them here for a minute, and then the matter will be over. Three hundred yuan will be enough to scold them."

Mr. Xiaobai reluctantly let them go.

For this reason, she had been thinking about it on the plane. If Liuliu opened a restaurant here, could she make a small profit?

"Old man, I will also contribute some money, give my New Year's money to Liuliu, and open a restaurant together. If we make money, I will also support you."

Mr. Xiaobai is really a filial son.

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