Dad Academy

Chapter 1844 Taking School Uniform Photos

When going to bed at night, Zhang Tan gave Xiaobai a bank card and told her that there was a lot of money in it.

Xiaobai was happy, not because there was a lot of money in it, money was just flying paper to her.

She was happy because the old man handed over his salary, hahahaha~

"Thank you old man."

"You're welcome, what's mine is yours."


Xiaobai put his bank card into the piggy bank.

Zhang Tan: "..."

"Hoo ho ho, no one will know there is a lot of money in this."

That's true.

Zhang Tan took out a 100-yuan banknote, folded it, and stuffed it into the piggy bank, and then said to the curious Xiaobai: "From now on, I will put 100 yuan in your piggy bank every day. This is equivalent to the salary I turn in every day.”


Xiaobai agreed crisply.

Then he said uneasily: "Old man, if you have no money, just go and get it from my piggy bank."

"Then how do I get it? Did you smash your piggy bank?"

"you dare?!"


"Hohoho, I was kidding you."

Zhang Tan not only saves 100 yuan in Xiaobai's piggy bank every day, but also saves 100 yuan in Xi'er's piggy bank.

It's still the first week of school. On Thursday, the school measured the children's body measurements and had to make school uniforms.

A few days later, the school uniforms were ready and distributed to the students. Each student had four sets, two sets of summer uniforms and two sets of autumn uniforms.

Back home, Xiaobai looked at his school uniform and was excited.

The one who is happier than her should be classmate Xiao Tan.

The child was laughing so hard that he couldn't stop looking at the school uniform he had hung up, spinning in circles excitedly and humming in his nose.

Xiaobai looked at her with disgust, feeling that Xiwawa looked like a little fool who had never seen the world. Unlike her, she had her own school uniform last year.

"Xiaobai, can I wear it now?" Xi'er asked hopefully.

"It hasn't been washed yet."

"It's okay, it's not dirty."


"It's okay, Xiaobai, I'm dirty too. I sweat a lot today, hiahia, I need to wear it."

What else can be done? If there are any obstacles, Xiwa will resolve them. She is determined to get through.

With Xiaobai's help, Xiao Tan put on the newly issued school uniform. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He was very proud. His expression was no worse than wearing a doctor's uniform to attend the graduation ceremony.

"Stand still, stand still, and I'll take a picture of you."

Xiaobai ran to get the point-and-shoot camera from home, and clicked it at Xiwawa.

The baby was laughing and joking and posing in various poses. Today was the happiest day among her 365 happy days.

Of course, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, maybe tomorrow will be even happier.

After Xiaobai finished taking pictures of Xi'er, Xi'er also took pictures of Xiaobai.

Xiwawa can also direct, asking Xiaobai to assume various cute poses.

The two of them were laughing and joking until Zhang Tan came back, then they reluctantly stopped.

First, he showed off in front of Old Man Zhang, then ran downstairs, found Old Li and showed off to the parrot, then ran into the studio and came out together after a long time.

During dinner, Zhang Tan said: "Tomorrow we are going to take pictures, and you have to wear school uniforms, which will be used for school records."

This is what the head teacher said after school today.

"Shooting, we just took it."

Xi'er asked Zhang Tan to look at the photos in the camera. Zhang Tan looked at them and said, "Hey guys, I must have taken hundreds of photos, all kinds of strange things."

Definitely not, you need more formal photos to create a file.

When going to bed at night, Xi'er wanted to sleep in her school uniform, but Tan Jin'er refused.

Xiao Tan actually got angry about this and asked to come here separately from his sister!

It’s time to go out independently!

"Hmph, I can sleep alone if I'm wearing my school uniform."

Xi'er hugged the pillow and doll and planned to sleep in the living room.

"Aren't you afraid?" Tan Jin'er asked.

"How can I still be afraid of a child as big as me? Humph~"

She really left the bedroom. Tan Jin'er thought she would come back soon, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't see the child come back. So when she went out, she saw Xiao Tan sitting on the horse, looking at the door of the bedroom. When he saw her appear, he immediately looked away, hugging Pa Pa Ma's neck and humming.

"Come back quickly and let's sleep together. Your school uniform is new and hasn't been washed yet. It needs to be washed before it becomes clean. My sister will let you sleep in your school uniform for one night tomorrow, okay?"


"Then come on."

"Tick-tick-tick-tick, here I come."

Classmate Xiao Tan happily went to bed and lay down to sleep. It seemed that she was not the one who had just vowed to sleep alone.

The next day, they went to the photo studio they had reserved. The director personally took the photos and tried his best.

"Let's see how it works? You can ask any questions."

The curator is a man in his 30s with a ponytail.

Because of this ponytail, Xiaobai and Xier had secretly glanced at it for a long time. Later, when the curator discovered it, in order to dispel their curiosity, he let them touch it and feel it with their own hands.

The two of them touched it each, and then murmured together. It was the first time they touched a boy's pigtails. It was really magical.

After it was over, the two of them took pictures in peace.

The two photos just taken were played on the computer. Xiaobai and Xi'er looked at them carefully. After discussion, they felt that the photos were too dark and did not contain sunlight.

The curator glanced at Zhang Tan and saw that Zhang Tan didn't say anything, so he said, "You're right. Let me change it. Your suggestions are very good. Do you have any more? Feel free to mention them."

"Can I hold the doll?" Xi'er asked.

After asking, she found Xiaobai staring at her.

Xiaobai said: "You also said that you are a big kid. How can a first-grade student hold a rag doll?"

"Old children can also hold dolls. My sister likes to hold my dolls."

Not far away, Tan Jin'er was speechless. Why was he betraying her again?

The curator smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. You can also hold the doll. Let's take a few more photos, some holding the doll and some without."

Xi'er nodded and praised the curator: "You, the curator, are really awesome."

Just do it, pat the one holding the doll first.

Curator: "You two come closer, and the doll in your hands moves up a little. Yes, Xiaobai's doll also moves up a little."

The lighting engineer worked hard to light the photo, and the curator told her that it must have a sunny feel, so that the little girl in the photo can shine brightly.

He has been working with the curator for three or four years, and this is the first time he has seen the curator be so easy to talk to.

Based on the curator's reputation in the industry, he has always been a stickler for taking photos, and customers can only listen to him. Whatever he says will look good, then take the photos anyway, and customers will listen to him.

The lighting engineer has been secretly looking at the two little girls, but still doesn't recognize anything special, so the special ones should be the boy and the girl.

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