Dad Academy

Chapter 1842 Another expression of Do you love me?

It's the end of school again.

"Grandma's Penghu Bay" is playing on the radio in the school playground.

Xiaobai and his group were wandering around the playground.

The sun is going down and is hanging in the west. The golden sunshine has gradually turned into red, like sunset.

"Ah - it's so hot -"

The pomegranate slid out of the slide, squealing because it was so hot.

"Ah - I slipped down too, and I'm so hot~"

Xi'er followed behind Liuliu. When Luoliu spoke, it was already too late. She had already sat in the slide, and she was burned and screamed.

Hearing the "screams" of the two people, Dudu and Cheng Cheng stopped the car in time.

"We won't skate anymore, Cheng Cheng, burn your butt." Dudu said.

The two came down from the slide, concerned and curious about Liliu and Xi'er, who were squealing as their buttocks were burned.

Xiaobai is educating Xi'er, telling her not to follow Liuliu into chaos, as she will not live long with Liuliu.

←_←, Liuliu said dissatisfied: "You're a little white, you're a duck, you look down on me, you, what do you mean, what a good guy——"

Luoliu was so angry that there was smoke coming from his nostrils.

Xiaobai ignored her, but checked whether Xiwawa's butt was injured.

When Luoliu saw this, she called Dudu to show her.

Huh, who doesn't care about anyone?

Xiaobai's smart phone watch rang, it was her old man calling.

After Xiaobai got through, she dismissed her old man in a few words.

Her old man was already waiting at the school gate, but after waiting for a while, Xiaobai and Xi'er didn't come out after school. After calling twice, Xiaobai asked him to wait again.

"Cheng Cheng, when will your old man get off work?" Xiaobai asked Cheng Cheng.

Today, Cheng Cheng's father has not arrived yet, so her best friends stayed at school to accompany her and wait for Meng Guangxin.

Cheng Cheng said: "I don't know, he probably has to work overtime. You go back first. I can do it alone."

She looked calm, she could really wait for her father at school alone, she was not bragging.

"Cheng Cheng, we are waiting for you, don't worry, we are good friends, right?" Xi'er is very loyal.

"Duck to duck, let's be loyal. The slide will burn your buttocks. Let's go sit under the shade of a tree. Cheng Cheng, tell us a story duck." Liuliu pretended to be a public servant and took advantage of the situation.

Cheng Cheng was very talkative today. When the group came under the shade of a tree, she told everyone a new story.

They were extremely comfortable, but Zhang Tan and his group waiting outside the school could only worry.

Finally, Zhang Tan saw Meng Guangxin coming, and not long after, a group of melon boys from the school finally showed up.

Zhu Xiaojing was about to get angry, but when she heard that she was waiting for her father with Cheng Cheng, she lost her temper.

"Ah - my sister isn't here either, I'd better go back to school."

Xiwawa shouted.

She turned around and wanted to go back to the classroom, but Xiaobai grabbed her hand.

"Come with us, your godfather is waiting for you here. Wherever do you want to run, Guawazi."

"hiahiahia, I'm teasing you, Xiaobai."

I can finally go home. The school gate is now much empty, and most of the parents who picked up their children have already left.

Tan Jin'er was a little busy at work today, so she entrusted Zhang Tan to pick up Xi'er from school.

But because Xiaobai and others accompanied Cheng Cheng, they went back much later. Tan Jin'er had already gone home and was cooking dinner at home, inviting Zhang Tan and Xiaobai to have dinner together.

"We're back~" Xi'er returned home, ran to the kitchen with her schoolbag on her back, and stood at the door to watch her sister cooking dinner.

"hiahiahia, sister, I've called your godfather and Xiaobai here for you."

"Then I still want to thank you."

"hiahiahia, you're welcome."

"You are accompanying Cheng Cheng today, so why are you so late?"

"Well, Cheng Cheng's father works overtime, it's really hard."

"You know quite a lot."

"hiahiahia, I won't talk to you anymore. Let your godfather talk to you. I want to go play with Xiaobai."

The two left Old Man Zhang behind and ran to Bai Jianping's house at the other end of the corridor.

Bai Jianping is at home, but Ma Lanhua is not. She is still working in the store. This point is one of the busiest times in the store.

"Uncle, where do you live?"

"Uncle Bai, where do you live?"

Xiaobai and Xi'er entered the house one after another. The door was not closed, and there was movement in the kitchen.

Bai Jianping stuck his head out and wore an apron around his waist. When he saw it was them, he said, "They are cooking. Why are you here? I don't cook that much."

"We don't want to eat, we don't want to eat." Xi'er waved her hand and asked Uncle Bai to please relax, they are not here to get a meal.

Xiaobai didn't say anything and slipped into the kitchen. First she followed Bai Jianping and said she wanted to help with cooking, but Bai Jianping kicked her out because he thought she was in the way.

Xiaobai was a little unhappy, muttering, and asked to borrow money from his uncle.

"What?" Bai Jianping couldn't believe it.

"Borrow money."

"What kind of money can I borrow?"

"My old man has no money. He is losing money driving a little red horse. Uncle, you can borrow some money to play around."

"Let's go, go out, you're not welcome here~"

Bai Jianping suddenly changed his attitude. This time he not only wanted to drive Xiao Bai out of the kitchen, but even out of the house.

Xiaobai was laughing and joking, staying on the sofa and clamoring to borrow money, even if he didn't want to borrow it, he had to borrow it!

Xi'er was stunned. She had never seen such a bold and arrogant person borrowing money.

She didn't even dare to say anything.

"I really have no money."

Bai Jianping complained that he probably really had no money. His salary has to be turned in every month, and it is difficult to save private money.

"What's the money you've hidden?" Xiaobai asked, this guy knew a lot.

However, when it comes to hiding money, Bai Jianping is very angry.

"How dare you tell me about the money I hid?"

"What? Do you blame me?"

"If I don't blame you, who should I blame? It was you who reported it to your aunt, which caused all my private money to be confiscated."

"...I didn't mean this."

"Who cares if you did it on purpose or not, I have lost all my personal money anyway."

"You are so pitiful."

"Stop gloating."

"Hohoho~~Uncle, why do you have to give your salary to your aunt?"

"It's not all because of love."

"What is it???"



Xiaobai laughed.

Xi'er also laughed along with hiahia.

The two of them laughed inexplicably. Bai Jianping was completely confused and thought he had said something wrong.

But the two melon boys laughed and ran away.

Bai Jianping made dinner tonight and took it to the pancake and fruit shop for Malanhua to eat, otherwise it would be very late for her to come back from work.

Xiao Zhang's family and Xiao Tan's family had dinner together tonight. Everyone unanimously expressed their high recognition of Tan Jin'er's cooking skills, which have made great progress.

The only one who didn't feel any progress was probably the child Tan Xi'er. Her little notebook of food debts was almost full.

After dinner, everyone left together and took a walk back to Little Red Horse.

"Old man, do you want to give me your salary?" Xiaobai suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Zhang Tan was confused.

"Will you give me your salary?" Xiaobai asked again, but he didn't dare to look at Zhang Tan, feeling a little shy.

Zhang Tan laughed, and Tan Jin'er was also holding back laughter. The little cotton-padded jacket was still so young, and he had to take care of his salary. You can imagine how difficult life will be for Boss Zhang in the future.

What they don't know is that paying wages does not mean paying wages. Relevant to Bai Jianping's previous words, the meaning of this sentence is obvious.

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