Dad Academy

Chapter 1838 Xiaobai’s wish

"Xi'er, Xi'er~ How to connect this?"

Dudu, who was doing his homework, finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked Zhiduoxing Xiaotan Children's Shoes for consultation.

It is impossible to say how difficult the homework for the first grade of elementary school is, but for the little puddings, it is a bit difficult.

Take this homework question, for example. It actually involves finding the right items and their names, and then connecting them together with a line.

Dudu pointed to an eggplant pattern and asked Xi'er which word should be associated with it.

"I'm Kangkang."

Xi'er was enthusiastic, glanced at Dudu's homework, immediately took her own homework, pointed to the same question and said, "Here, this is eggplant."

"Oh~ you are so awesome Ya Xi'er, you know this."

Dudu connected the line, and then continued to complete other connections. Xi'er didn't leave, but stayed close to her to see how she was doing.

"This is a watermelon, and the watermelon must be connected."

"This is a cucumber, and the cucumber must be attached."

"This is a sweet potato, and the sweet potatoes must be connected."

In Dudu's eyes, Xi'er became a top student who knew everything, which she admired so much.

The two finished the connecting questions and then continued writing.

Xiaomi had finished her homework. She walked to them, picked up Dudu's exercise book, looked through it twice and said, "Dudu, you made a mistake here."

"Where?" Dudu asked.

"Here, this is not a watermelon. This thing is a watermelon, but this word is a cucumber. You are wrong."

"Huh? Xi'er taught me how to behave. Xi'er, Xi'er, come and take a look."

"Dondong, don't be nervous, Dudu, I'm here with you, I'm Kangkang, hiahia~ What's wrong?"

Xiaomi said something was wrong here.

Xiao Tan Tongxiao took a look, nodded, and admitted readily: "Yes, there is a mistake here. Hiahia, Dudu, we made a mistake, it's not like this, this thing is watermelon, but this word is cucumber, you connected it wrong ”

Dudu: " also made the wrong connection."

Xiao Tan's shoes: "Yeah, I was wrong too. We were all wrong."

Dudu: "..."

Looking at Dudu's speechless expression, Dudu might be thinking, it turns out you don't know anything about ducks either. Seeing your vow, I thought you were pinching it with your hands.

After an hour of tinkering in the study room, the best friends finally finished the first homework of the new semester.

"Go out and play duck - rush duck -"

When he got permission from Boss Zhang to go out and play, Liuliu was the first to rush out.

Working on homework for long periods of time in the study almost drove her crazy.

"hiahiahia, I'm going to play house with Xiao Youyou."

Xi'er ran over second.

Behind her was Cheng Cheng who looked calm. Doing homework is a difficult task for Dudu Liuliu and others, but for her, it is all trivial.

After Chengcheng comes Dudu.

Dudu is very worried, always worrying that he is not doing his homework correctly.

Xiaobai walked beside her and comforted her. If everyone got a hundred points, what would the teacher do?

Xiaomi walked at the back. She packed up everyone's homework books and stuffed them into their corresponding schoolbags one by one.

These guys were all in a hurry to play and didn't put away their homework books.

Zhang Tan walked in and asked, "Don't they put away their homework?"

Xiaomi smiled at him and said, "Everyone has finished their homework. Xi'er, Dudu, and Cheng Cheng have also finished their homework. Cheng Cheng's homework is really neat."

Zhang Tan took Cheng Cheng's homework and looked at it. His handwriting was beautiful, every stroke was written carefully, and every word was written smoothly. It was hard to tell that he was a first-grade child.

"Cheng Cheng is really not that simple." Zhang Tan couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with Cheng Cheng's homework, Dudu's and Xi'er's are like ghost drawings, with a lot of scribblings.

Especially the connection questions were a mess.

"Boss Zhang, I'm going down too." Xiaomi said.

"Go ahead."

Xiaomi came down from upstairs and heard Xiaodu crying as soon as she returned to the classroom.

She asked what happened, and was told that Xiao Du's homework book had been wet by Xiao Xiao, and all the homework she had written tonight was gone.

Xiaoxiao looked innocent and didn't even know she had done something wrong.

"The teacher didn't assign homework, no, Xiao Du and I are classmates." Xiaoxiao said.

Xiao Du said while crying: "You and I are not classmates. You are in the small class, and I am already in the senior class. You don't have homework, but I do."

Xiaomi whispered a few words to Xiaoxiao, and then Xiaoxiao walked to Xiaodu and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaodu, I didn't mean to do it. Let me help you with your homework."

Xiao Du lowered his head and looked at this little pudding. How dare he ask her to help him with his homework?

"Which pot is Guo Zhikai?" Xiaobai asked the children.

When Xiaoxiao heard this, her antenna radar instantly stood up, and she immediately ran over and followed Xiaobai's feet. She was the kind of person who was extremely curious.

"You know?" Xiaobai lowered his head and asked her.

Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide, shook her head, and said in a sweet voice: "I don't know, Xiaobai, I'm learning from you. I can call for you."

"Then you scream."

"Which pot is Guo Zhikai? Which pot is Guo Zhikai?"

Good guy, this little baby girl imitates Xiao Bai's tone of voice very well, and it's very vivid.

Guo Zhikai finally showed up. He was a 4-year-old boy who acted timidly when Xiaobai suddenly called him.

"Did you come yesterday?" Xiaobai asked him.

Guo Zhikai nodded, worried that he had done something wrong to make Xiaobai angry.

"Don't worry, I'm a sister. I won't scold you or hit you. When you come here, our little red horse is a family. If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me. If someone bullies you, you can come too. Come to me and I will help you vent your anger."

After saying that, Xiaobai specifically lowered his head and glanced at Xiaoxiao.

Guo Zhikai nodded, and then maybe thinking that just nodding was not enough, he said again: "Thank you, Xiaobai."

This is the new kid. It’s the first time Xiaobai has met him, so he looks familiar to him.

"Let's go play, which one is Liu Meimei?"

Xiaobai looked at the roster and asked Liu Meimei.

As the summer vacation ended and school started, another group of people left and came to Little Red Horse Academy, so there were many new faces. Xiaobai was now getting to know these new faces.

After recognizing all the new children, Xiaobai went to Aunt Huang's office on the second floor and returned the roster to her. Then he asked for the little red horse photo album and turned to the last few pages. There were those who left this time. Photos of the children, one for each child.

After seeing these photos, she matched the names with the people, and suddenly realized, oh, it turned out to be him, and he was gone too.


She closed the photo album and sighed.

Aunt Huang, the director of the garden, asked: "Why are the children sighing?"

Xiaobai said: "Why do children always come and go? I just met them and they left."

Aunt Huang smiled and said: "This should be a good thing, Xiaobai, if you think about it this way, leaving Little Red Horse means that these children are taken care of by their parents. Only children who do not have parents to take care of them will be sent to Little Red Horse. "

When Xiaobai heard this, he was speechless. After a while, he said: "Then I still hope that the little red horse will not drive so much in the future. I don't want more children to have no parents to take care of them. That would be too pitiful."

I was very uninspired today and it took me two hours to finish this chapter. So, that’s it for tonight’s chapter.

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