Dad Academy

Chapter 1833 The first day of elementary school

Zhang Tan attended Xiaobai's parent-teacher meeting. In fact, everyone knew each other. These children had been together in the first grade of elementary school, and the teacher was also the same teacher, so he did not introduce himself.

But in the first grade class, the self-introduction session is in full swing.

The first one to introduce himself was the child Tan Xier, who asked her to sit in the first row.

She was in high spirits, had no stage fright at all, and spoke a lot eloquently.

"I came to school to make friends!" Xi'er said.

The head teacher corrected tactfully: "Learning is also important."

Xi'er nodded, but what she said was: "I like to make friends the most. I want to make friends with everyone. We are all good friends."

The class teacher added: "It seems that Tan Xi'er is a very cheerful and outgoing girl. She must be willing to help others and is also very popular."

Xi'er nodded, feeling that the teacher was right, this is her.

"So, do you all want to make friends with Tan Xi'er?" the head teacher asked, creating momentum for Xi'er.

She is very fond of classmate Tan Xier. Although this little classmate always chatted with her at the opening ceremony just now, it was annoying because Xier's smile was so healing and her words were cute and impressive. .

Girls who love to laugh will have good luck.

This is what Xi'er is talking about.


"I want to make friends with Tan Xi'er."

"I already know Xi'er."

"We are all good friends."

There was a blast in the classroom, countless pairs of little hands were raised, little milk sounds were heard everywhere, and the children rushed to express their desire to make friends with Tan Xier.

This made Xi'er overjoyed and in a beautiful mood.

She likes to make friends the most. The more friends she has, the happier she is.

Tan Xier got off to a good start. The atmosphere in the classroom became lively and lively. The students introduced themselves one after another, telling their names, ages, hobbies, specialties, etc.

"My hobby is painting, and my specialty is painting."

"My hobby is growing flowers, and my specialty is writing."

"My hobby is sports. Sports make us healthy. My specialty is sports. I like running."

"My hobby and specialty is staying up late. I am very good at staying up late. I can stay up for two days and two nights without sleeping."

"My hobby is reading books, and I like reading picture books very much."

"I like to watch TV. I have to fight with my mother every day to watch TV. I have recently become obsessed with the legend of White Snake. I really want to become a snake spirit."

Children have a wide range of interests, hobbies and specialties, but they basically have something in common. For example, they all like small animals, flowers and plants, they all like to read books and picture books, and they all like to stay up late without sleeping.

When it was Dudu's turn, Dudu stood up and said that her hobbies and specialties include: running, rowing, archery, long jump, high jump, skateboarding, singing, dancing, weightlifting, cycling, etc.

The classmates were shocked.

He looked at Dudu like a god.

Not to mention whether they know these projects, they have rarely even heard of them.

The class teacher was also surprised. After carefully looking at this little classmate, he realized that she was indeed different. She was full of energy, full of energy, and exuded the aura of the morning sun, like a little leopard.

"It seems that our classmate Zhao Chendu likes sports very much and is a good athlete. When the school holds sports meets in the future, classmate Zhao Chendu will be our representative."

After hearing this, Dudu immediately nodded seriously and said, "I will always strive for first place!"

The head teacher smiled and nodded, he was really a serious little classmate.

After beeping, other students continued to introduce themselves.

Arrived at Chengcheng.

Cheng Cheng was very calm and said that she liked reading books and telling stories.

As the students introduced themselves one by one, the class finally came to an end, and the head teacher began to speak to the parents.

"The transition from kindergarten to primary school is a very critical period. Children in kindergarten are relatively free, but it is different in primary school. They must learn a sense of rules and independence. These need to be cultivated, not only by the school, but also by the family. Both of us Only by working together can we quickly cultivate these awarenesses. In the process, we will definitely encounter many problems. For parents, the biggest problem may be patience. I will not go into the big principles. I have prepared a very important article today. It’s a good article and I want to share it with everyone so that we can encourage each other.”

After the head teacher finished speaking, the parents all looked attentively.

The class teacher said: "The article I want to share with you is called "Take a Snail for a Walk."

This name is very strange.

"God gave me a mission,

Ask me to take a snail for a walk.

I can't walk too fast,

The snail has tried its best to crawl, but why is it always just a little bit slower every time?

I urge it, I bully it, I scold it,

The snail looked at me with apologetic eyes,

As if to say: "I have tried my best!"

I pulled it, I pulled it, I even wanted to kick it,

The snail was injured, sweating, panting, and crawled forward...

It's strange, why did God ask me to take a snail for a walk?


After sharing her article, the parents were thoughtful. The head teacher gave everyone some time to think before continuing:

"That's it for today's parent-teacher meeting. Next, we are going to distribute books. Please line up your students and collect them one by one. Parents, please don't help. You can dismiss."

Tan Jin'er, Sun Dongdong and Meng Guangxin left the classroom. The three of them took three steps and looked back. They were very worried about the children in the classroom.

Outside, Zhang Tan and others were already waiting.

"Don't worry, don't mention how happy they are to come to school." Zhang Tan comforted her.

Tan Jin'er thought about it and realized that it was indeed true that Xi'er was very happy to come to school.

The same goes for Cheng Cheng and Dudu. Dudu likes to make friends, and Cheng Cheng likes to tell stories to children.

Only Zhu Xiaojing on the side had no expression on her face, because the one who was most resistant to going to school was probably the one in their family, who had been sighing last night.

"Let's go, let's go get ready and give the children a surprise after school." Zhang Tan said.

They made an appointment to buy some things after leaving school.

In the first-grade classroom, students were queuing up to receive new books. Xi'er was at the front of the queue because of her position.

As soon as this child heard that he was going to receive a new book, he immediately stood in the aisle excitedly, moving so fast like a little rabbit.

"This is your Chinese book, this is your math book, this is your English book..." The head teacher handed Xi'er one new book after another, and soon the pile was piled high.

Xi'er happily embraced the new book with a smile on her face, as if she had received a treasure.

"Go to your seat and sit down after taking the book." said the head teacher.


Xi'er responded happily, sitting in her seat and happily flipping through the new book she had just received. Everything was full of freshness.

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