Dad Academy

Chapter 1821 Little Actors

"Huh? I'm in Bobo, hahahaha~~~"

Dudu looked into Jin Bobo. She didn't see her good fat friend Liliu, but she saw herself, and couldn't help laughing.

"You? Let me take a look." Huang Tao was curious and poked his head over to take a look. When he saw his shiny head, he burst into laughter.

This golden bowl is so smooth and bright that it can almost be used as a mirror.

On the other side, it took half an hour for the young actors to put on their makeup and come out to the shooting scene.

The scene has already been prepared, just waiting for the young actors to get in place.

The first scene is between Liuliu and Xi'er, as well as Xiao Fahai and Huang Tao.

Xi'er laughed, but this little fool's point of laughter was too low. Tan Jin'er and Xiaoyan who were watching on the side were anxious.

Zhang Tongshun yelled "ka" several times and repeatedly told Xi'er not to laugh.

Xi'er stopped laughing, but there was still a smile on her face.

Zhang Tongshun is speechless, why are you so cute when you say you are fine?

"Can you be more fierce? Do you know Ji?" Zhang Tongshun asked her.

Originally, Xiaoqing didn't need to be fierce, but for little Tan Xi'er, being fierce was roughly equivalent to being calm and calm for others.

Xi'er nodded weakly, and Xiaobai stood at Zhang Tongshun's feet and watched. Seeing this, he said to him: "Director, don't be so cruel. You have to be gentle. Xi'er is still a child."

Zhang Tongshun said with a smile: "I'm not mean, I'm definitely not mean, and I don't curse. If you have anything to say, please speak it out."

Xiaobai nodded, quite satisfied with the director's attitude.

Then, she did ideological work for Xi'er and said, "Xi'er, think about it, if I took off all the clothes of your doll, would you be angry?"

Xi'er stared at her, furious.

Zhang Tongshun took the opportunity to enlighten and said: "Yes, that's it, be more fierce."

"Okay, be fierce. I'll be fierce. Ouch."

Xi'er had a stern face, trying to be more fierce and cannibalistic.

With difficulty, the child Tan Xier can do it, but the little Fahai played by Huang Tao cannot get into the state.

The first scene on the first day, with so many people watching, Huang Tao was inevitably a little nervous.

Liuliu is still stable, or he doesn't appear and acts crazy outside, but as long as he appears, he is in good condition. 5 billion is no joke, and he has also been nominated for the best new actor.

After more than ten minutes of running-in, the three children finally got into the mood. Zhang Tongshun expressed satisfaction. The shooting was going smoothly. There were only two shots left and the scene was over. Suddenly, there was a click, and a child fell out of the white lady's skirt. Something, bright red.

It's a red envelope.

The scene suddenly became quiet, the lights looked towards the director, and director Zhang Tongshun had to shout "Ka".

"Hide the red envelope well, Liuliu." Zhang Tongshun said.

Liuliu panicked, quickly picked up the red envelope, and wanted to stuff it into her pocket. While she was in a hurry, she didn't forget to glance at her mother, and her heart skipped a beat. Her mother was staring at her and smiling, 嘤嘤嘤~~

Liuliu hid the red envelope and the filming continued. This time it went smoothly and the first scene was completed.

Song Ping immediately came to Xi'er and provided technical guidance to Xi'er.

He could tell that among the leading actors, Xi'er's acting skills were the worst.

"Liuli, do you want some?"

It was Dudu who came thoughtfully. She pushed a small cart with bear drinks and various snacks on it, including bear biscuits, bear sandwich cookies and so on.

Liuliu was overjoyed. He was really her good fat friend. She immediately pinched her pouty cheeks and kissed him hard.

Dudu raised his sleeves fiercely, wiped the kissed face, and urged her: "Hurry up and get it, I have to entertain Xiaobai and Xiao Fahai."

Liu Changjiang also followed. Originally, this job was his, but Dudu took a look and asked for help. In less than five seconds, he changed from helping to taking the lead. The trolleys were all taken away. Instead, he became a helper.

"Would you like to eat something? Director, you are tired enough. You are shouting and screaming."

Dudu pushed the trolley and passed by Zhang Tongshun. He asked thoughtfully. He really cares about people.

Zhang Tongshun was surprised. He didn't expect such a considerate little cotton-padded jacket to show up. He smiled and said thank you, pinched a grape and ate it. Even if you don’t want to eat, the child’s face must be given.

Dudu pushed the trolley and brought warmth to the crowd.

At this moment, Jiang Rong and Cheng Cheng were standing next to Xiao Bai. Jiang Rong was telling Xiao Bai a play.

In the next scene, Xiaobai is about to take action.

"Do you know what the next scene is about?" Jiang Rong asked Xiao Bai. She had already told it in the dressing room before.

Xiaobai nodded and said, "It's the first time that the bad guy Fahai and I met."

Jiang Rong said right, "Don't gnash your teeth when talking about Fa Hai. At this time, he is not a bad guy, and you don't know that he is a bad guy. You have to respect him, he is a master."

"Yes, I want to respect him. I didn't know he was a black guy yet." Xiaobai said.

Jiang Rong was worried and asked further: "So you just met Fahai, what was your line?"

Xiaobai said with a straight face: "Fahai! Where are you going to live? Oh, no, it's Fahai. What are you going to do?"

Jiang Rong said: "No, that's not it. You should mean, Master Fahai, where are you from?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Cheng Cheng on the side immediately said: "No, it's not like that. Xiaobai should say, Master, look at your majestic appearance, which temple are you the master of?"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Cheng said to Jiang Rong: "Xu Xian met Fahai for the first time, and he didn't know that Fahai was called Fahai."

Jiang Rong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes, Cheng Cheng is right. I was wrong just now and was led astray by Xiaobai."

Xiaobai: "This has nothing to do with me. You just remembered it wrong. Cheng Cheng is right. I listen to Cheng Cheng."

Jiang Rong smiled awkwardly. There was a big difference between telling a play to children and telling a play to adults.

At the same time, Huang Tao, who plays Fahai, is also using his break to receive guidance from Song Ping.

Huang Tao asked Song Ping worriedly: "Teacher Song, Xiaobai won't hit me, right? I think her eyes are about to burst into flames, will she bite me?"

Song Ping smiled and said: "No, Xiaobai's fierceness is only necessary for the plot, she is not the real murderer."

Huang Tao nodded, not really relieved, but because he thought that even if Xiaobai really beat him, there was nothing he could do because he had a tough background.

"Everyone is in their places, the second act is about to start filming."

the assistant director shouted into the loudspeaker.

Everyone quickly returned to their positions, and Xiaobai and Huang Tao also stood in their positions.

Xi'er, who has just appeared, is currently receiving guidance from Song Ping, Jiang Rong, and Cheng Cheng from a distance.

A small little friend was surrounded in class, looking like a chicken.

At the same time, the character director is setting up the scene for the third act. This time, group performances are required. A group of children go out to act as passers-by A, B, B, and D.

Fortunately, there are many young actors here today, some are supporting roles in the play, and some are invited temporarily.

Zhang Tan found Dudu, Xiaomi, and Xiaonian and asked them if they were willing to be passers-by.


Dudu readily agreed. Although she couldn't act, since Boss Zhang asked her for something, she was duty-bound and agreed without hesitation.

Xiaomi hesitated, a little shy, and asked unconfidently: "Can I do it?"

Zhang Tan: "Of course you can, you absolutely can. Don't be nervous. There are many children with you."

Only then did Xiaomi agree. She held Xiaonian's hand and said, "Come with Xiaonian."

Xiaonian was even more shy, but when she thought about acting, the yearning in her heart overcame her nervousness, making her nod in agreement.

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