Dad Academy

Chapter 1819 Booting up

On the way to the set, Shen Limin drove, with Liliu and Zhu Xiaojing sitting in the car, and they were quarreling.

Zhu Xiaojing disliked Liuliu for sleeping in and setting off so late.

Liuliu said that she didn't sleep enough and was still sleepy now. If she doesn't sleep well, she won't be able to film.

"Can you have some professionalism?" Zhu Xiaojing scolded her.

"I'm still a kid, why should I be a professional, hum!"

Shen Limin, who was driving, was really nervous. The two of them had been arguing since they got up in the morning, and they couldn't stop.

But he didn't dare to say anything for fear of getting burned.

Fortunately, it's coming soon and there's still time.

When they parked their car and entered the set, everyone at the scene looked over and applauded them together.

Shen Limin, who was walking at the front, was suddenly confused.

Zhu Xiaojing, who had just got off the car, was also confused and didn't understand what happened.

Luoliu stuck his head out from behind her and looked at everyone curiously. She saw Xiaobai, Xier, Dudu, Xiaomi, Chengcheng, and Xiaonian among the crowd.

"A warm welcome to actress Shen Liuliu, we are just waiting for her." Zhang Tongshun applauded and stepped forward to greet Liuliu.

This made Liuliu very embarrassed. She actually started to squirm and said, "I, am I late?"

Zhang Tongshun said: "I'm not late. I'm still five minutes away. It's still early."

Hearing this, Liuliu nodded, suddenly feeling confident.

"I just said it's still early, hum. Haha, dudu——"

Seeing that this guy was so arrogant, Xiaobai blocked her way and said, "Madam, we are going to film."

Liliu: "..."

I really want to roll my eyes at Xiaobai.

Zhu Xiaojing apologized to Zhang Tongshun, full of regrets.

Zhang Tongshun didn't say anything, but fortunately he had already arrived.

Zhang Tongshun picked up the loudspeaker and said: "Everyone, be quiet. The power-on ceremony will be held in a few minutes. Everyone, please take your place. Song Ping? Where is Song Ping?"

A man immediately ran out of the crowd, raised his right hand and said, "Director, I'm here."

"It's Song Laosi!"

Xiaobai recognized it immediately.

Song Ping is the acting director of this drama, specializing in guiding these young actors who may get stuck at any time.

"Let me first tell you about the content on these red boards." Zhang Tongshun said.

"Okay, all actors, please come here, Jihe." Song Ping shouted.

But the young actors at the scene didn't listen to him very much. Some of them passed by, but some were still chatting on their own.

So Xiaobai shouted: "Gather, gather - follow the command!!!"

The children gathered together. When Song Ping saw this, he glanced at Xiaobai gratefully, and then began to explain these erected red boards.

"Do you know these words? Obey the command, don't cry or make trouble, that is to say, on the set, you must listen to the director's words, be obedient, follow the command, don't cry, don't make trouble, don't have small emotions, you really have small emotions , just come to chat with me, okay? If you have anything, you can come to me. If you are unhappy, wronged, sad, or want to cry, you can come to me. I am your good friend..."

Song Ping is really a friend of children.

Song Ping introduced all the red boards at the scene one by one, and then retired, leaving the right to speak on the scene to Zhang Tongshun.

Zhang Tongshun's first words were, "Don't worry, I'm the director and I don't curse."

How dare he curse when filming a scene with a child? They are all children and immature mentally. If you scold her, she might cry and lose her temper. Don't even think about filming it again in the future.

Therefore, you must have something to say well.

Filming small dramas is also the best way to cultivate a good temper.

Zhang Tongshun has finished speaking, and Zhang Tan is invited to speak.

Liuliu was whispering underneath, and Xiaobai reminded her to pay attention.

"My old man is going to speak, you should listen carefully."

Liuliu yawned, a little annoyed by Xiaobai, and by the way, Boss Zhang, because Boss Zhang was talking about boring words that he couldn't understand.

""The Legend of White Snake" has been aired during the summer vacation. The response has been very enthusiastic and the ratings are booming..."

Liuliu sounded listless and even sleepy.

Suddenly, she was excited and heard Boss Zhang say: "In order to protect the work and life of the young actors, we will prepare a wide variety of snacks and drinks on the set. The snacks include bear biscuits, bear sandwich cakes, etc., and the drinks are based on bears." The main drinks are grape, mango, lychee, all kinds of flavors are available, as well as Big Bear energy drink... everyone can drink it for free."

As soon as Zhang Tan finished speaking, there was applause and cheers.

Finally, Zhang Tan finished speaking, and the time happened to be 8:18. Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun led the young actors to burn incense and worship the gods.

I saw some tributes placed on the incense table, including bananas, peach cakes, and the peaches that Dudu brought before. In the center, there was a tablet computer, and there was a clear picture on the tablet computer:

A pig's head!

When Zhang Tan saw the pig's head, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Generally speaking, some tributes should be prepared at the startup ceremony. In addition to fruits, there will also be pig heads.

But now the customs have changed, but the transfer was not clean, so I didn’t prepare real pig heads, so I used a tablet computer to play pictures of pig heads.

Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun took the three sticks of incense from the staff, took two steps forward, and inserted them into the incense burner.

Then there were the several young actors behind them, including Liliu, Xiaobai, Xi'er and Huang Tao. They also took three sticks of incense from the staff, and like Zhang Tan, stepped forward and inserted them into the incense burner.

Xiaobai and others were stunned when they saw the pig head on the tablet.

"It's a yoyo."

Xiwawa almost stared into the computer screen.

"What a big slip."

Liliu: "..."

After she finished putting the incense, she still looked back frequently, shocked that the adults were so playful, and even more angry at what Xiaobai and Xi'er said, which made her a little crazy.

After everyone has finished offering incense, everyone has to kneel down and kowtow.

Zhang Tan heard Xiaobai beside him whisper: "Oh my god, I want to kneel down for Liuliu~~"

Then, under the leadership of Zhang Tongshun and Zhang Tan, they knelt down toward the incense table and kowtowed.

The last step was for Zhang Tan and Zhang Tongshun to lift the camera covered with red cloth, and then the opening ceremony ended with warm applause from the audience.

"Xiaobai, this is a red envelope for you."


"Red envelope, Xi'er."

"Liuliu, here you go, a red envelope."

Xiaobai was surprised to receive a red envelope, and then he realized that the person who just gave the red envelope looked familiar. Who was it?

I didn't pay attention just now, but now I took a closer look and found that it was Liu Changjiang.

Liu Changjiang is handing out red envelopes to young actors everywhere, full of enthusiasm.

"When did Le Ge Gua Wa Zi come?" Xiao Bai asked Zhang Tan, and at the same time stuffed the red envelope into the old man's hand, not wanting to be in the way.

Zhang Tan said: "He has always been there, and he will be a staff member of the crew from now on."

"666 hahaha~~"

Liuliu accepted the red envelope, glanced quickly in Zhu Xiaojing's direction, and quickly hid the red envelope, determined not to let Zhu's mother confiscate it.

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