Dad Academy

Chapter 1813 It’s so much fun to finish homework

The door to the house was open and ajar. Zhang Tan gently opened the door and walked in. The living room was empty and quiet.

The children were all gathered in the study room, and the door to the study room was not closed and ajar. Zhang Tan came to the door and saw the children gathered together, listening to Xiaobai's story.

"The fat cat was walking with the little black cat, and something flew out of the sewer. What do you think it is?"


"It's a dog."

"Could it be a mouse?"

"Must be bad elements."

The children talked a lot and had a strong sense of involvement.

Just listen to Xiaobai say: "It's the bad guy! Xiaomi is right. The bad guy transformed, he turned into a group of black mosquitoes, gathered together, ran towards the fat cat and the little black cat, and were about to eat them!" "

"Run quickly -" Xi'er said nervously.

Xiao Bai said: "At this moment, the bad guy transformed and turned into a difficult person. He is a bad guy when he strangles a difficult person. His hair is sticky and mosquitoes will stick to his feet if he stands on it. He also wears sunglasses. Like a big-headed fly..."

Following Xiao Bai's description, Zhang Tan automatically formed an image of a character in his mind. He was very familiar. He had seen him just now. Isn't it Xin Xiaoguang? !

The hair is waxed so that flies can stick to the feet. This is Xin Xiaoguang's classic look.

Good guy, Xin Xiaoguang still can't escape his fate.

"The bad guy transformed. When he saw the fat cat and the little black cat, he wanted to eat them. At this time, I appeared."

"Why not me?" Xi'er asked a soul question.

Xiaobai: "Because I'm telling the story, so don't make any noise."

Xi'er: "...Humph~"

Xiaobai scratched the watermelon head and said with a sacred look: "Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars, who defend justice and defeat evil, attack immediately! You will never be allowed to hinder their relationship, although this is a relationship between cats, wisdom Burn the flame of justice, burn the flame of justice! Those who hinder the development of human history, get out! Even the forces of evil are unstoppable. On behalf of Mars, I will destroy you——"

With that said, Xiaobai struck another pose and pointed his finger at Xi'er in front of him.

Xi'er was stunned, never expecting that Xiaobai would just stop letting her become Sailor Moon, but he would actually destroy her!

She gently grabbed Xiaobai's pointing hand with both hands and pushed it to the side, so that the target to be eliminated became a pomegranate.

Liuliu didn't notice this, and she asked excitedly: "What about me? What about me? What do I mean to destroy you?"

Xi'er said happily: "I want to represent the moon~"

Xiaomi, who has always been mentally mature, has stars in her eyes at this moment. Who among the little girls does not have the dream of Sailor Moon? What’s more, safeguarding love and justice is the same as her job as a police officer.

She wants to destroy the bad guys on behalf of the sun.

Just as the children were chattering excitedly and starting to act, Zhang Tan appeared.

The room instantly became quiet. Xiaobai, Xiaomi, and Liuliu all hurriedly returned to their seats and sat down. Only Xihanhan looked mindless. When he saw Zhang Tan appeared, not only did he not restrain himself, but he also launched a charge towards him to eliminate him. he.

With one hand, Zhang Tan picked up the smallest Sailor Moon and carried it away.

"How's your homework going?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai said: "I just started doing it."

Zhang Tan: "It's been so long before you just started doing it?"

Liuliu said quickly: "I've been doing it for a while, I've been doing it for a while."

Zhang Tan walked over to check, but Dayanyan held down her homework with one hand to prevent him from looking at it, and said warily: "You want to copy my answer? No way! Humph~"

Zhang Tan: "...I don't have to do my homework. Why should I copy your answers? I just take a look at it and check whether you have done your homework or not?"

"If you look again, I will destroy you on behalf of the moon~"

Zhang Tan was speechless, leaving Liuliu behind, and went to check Xiaobai's homework book.

Xi'er, who was following Zhang Tan with a small tail, passed by Liuliu and said specifically: "Liuliu, the moon is me, you have to represent something else."

Liuliu was dissatisfied: "Why can't I represent the moon? I will represent the moon."

Xi'er suggested: "You represent the little star."

Ignoring the quarrel between the two people, Zhang Tan came to Xiaobai and saw Xiaobai immersed in drawing lines, as if connecting a bunch of words to form a smooth sentence.

Zhang Tan bent down to take a look, but Xiao Bai also put a hand on it to prevent him from looking.

Zhang Tan said: "You didn't also say that I wanted to copy your answers, right?"

Xiaobai laughed and said, "I'm shy, go away, old man."

Under the urging of Xiaobai and Liuliu, Zhang Tan had to go away and could not stay in the study because it would hinder the children's play.

Zhang Tan could only go out and watch TV in the living room.

With such free time, Zhang Tan picked out a newly released movie and started watching it.

Xi'er wandered out of the study, climbed onto the sofa, and sat next to Zhang Tan to watch. She didn't want her godfather to be too lonely, but she couldn't stand it after watching it for a minute. Her little butt was squirming on the sofa. Finally left.

I can't understand why adults find these things interesting? Is this interesting? Where can I find good cartoons?

All morning, the four children stayed in the study room doing homework. After eating lunch made by Zhang Tan, they strongly requested to take a nap!

Taking a nap is their right, and their rights must be protected.

Xiaobai and Xi'er don't usually take naps.

The pomegranate may sleep.

Today, everyone clamored to take a nap, saying they were sleepy.

Sure enough, as soon as I did my homework, I felt sleepy.

Zhang Tan let them sleep for an hour.

An hour later, he played music at home. The beautiful music made the children get up and get angry.

On this day, the four children stayed at home and concentrated on doing their homework. With Zhang Tan watching over them at home, they could not cause any big trouble.

By evening, the summer vacation homework was finally finished.

After checking them one by one, Zhang Tan put down his summer homework books and told them: "Congratulations, you have finally finished your summer homework. Now you can go play."


Xiaobai and Liuliu screamed and rushed out of the room.

They were bored out of their minds after being stuck at home all day.

"Have you eaten?"

Tan Jin'er is here. She rushed over as soon as she got off work and happened to see Xiaobai and Liuliu rushing downstairs and running wildly chasing the ball in the yard.

"Not hungry-" Xiaobai shouted.

"Play for a while before eating." Liuliu replied.

Tan Jin'er didn't understand what was happening to them, as if they had just been released from prison after twenty years.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, have you done your summer homework? Quack~"

The parrot on the tree saw Xiaobai and shouted again, looking weird.

This time, Xiaobai didn't get angry. Instead, he stood under the tree with his hands on his hips and said proudly: "I'm done. I just finished it! Hahaha~~"

"I'm not going to work today~~~Quack~~" the parrot said loudly.

When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately knew that the parrot was a fool.

Tan Jin'er also saw Zhang Tan, Xi'er and Xiaomi coming out of the house and into the yard.

"Have you had dinner?" Tan Jin'er asked Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan said: "I ordered a meal, and the restaurant will bring it to you later. I'll have some for you too, let's eat together. And Lao Li, Lao Li - let's have dinner together later."

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