Dad Academy

Chapter 1809 Celebration Banquet

The TV series "The Legend of White Snake" will hold a celebration party.

This TV series has been completely broadcast a while ago, and the results are quite impressive. It makes no sense not to hold a celebration party.

Zhang Tan extended an invitation to Liliu and Xi'er.

Liliu's mother, Zhu Xiaojing, had already agreed. Tan Jin'er hesitated and then agreed.

Tan Jin'er was mainly worried about what her children would do when they went to the celebration banquet. If they couldn't eat or drink, they would just count their heads.

I couldn't finish three bowls of rice in one meal, and I owed a huge meal debt.

However, Xi'er insisted that she was there to accompany Xiaobai and to supervise her godfather not to get drunk, so Tan Jin'er agreed.

And, she went too.

The invitation was originally extended to her.

Otherwise, how can little friend Tan Xier go alone? If you want to invite, of course you have to come with your parents.

It's just that Tan Jin'er usually didn't go there in the past. If Xi'er wanted to go, it would be with Xiaobai and Zhang Tan, led by Zhang Tan and watched by Xiaobai.

The four of them went together in Zhang Tan's car.

Tan Jiner was sitting in the passenger seat, while Xiaobai and Xier were talking in the back seat.

"Do you want to have a drink tonight?" Tan Jin'er asked.

Zhang Tan replied while driving: "It's definitely unavoidable."

It's impossible for him not to drink at the celebration party. He is the core of the crew.


Tan Jin'er looked straight in front of the car as they passed an intersection.

She was about to say, "Then you should drink less and don't get drunk."

When the words came to his lips, Zhang Tan took the initiative to say: "I will drink less and not get drunk."


Tan Jin'er nodded.

At this time, Tan Xi'er, a child sitting in the back row, suddenly said: "Godfather, my sister said yesterday that Xiao Zhang cannot get drunk and should drink less."

Zhang Tan: "..."

Tan Jin'er was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "Tan Xi'er!! What nonsense are you talking about? When did I ever say such a thing!"


Tan Xi'er's little friend laughed and rolled on the back seat, pressing down on Xiao Bai's clothes, and was pushed away by Xiao Bai.

She didn't argue, so people didn't know whether what she said was true or false.

This little slippery guy.

Tan Jin'er stared at her from the rearview mirror, her teeth itching with anger.

Finally, the car arrived at the hotel, and many crew members had already arrived.

Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu have arrived.

Good guy, Luoliu is signing autographs and taking photos for people.

There was a line of three people asking for autographs.

After asking for autographs, these people squatted down and took a selfie with Liuliu.

Liuliu welcomes all comers and is very enthusiastic.

After the photo was taken, Luliu insisted on taking a look at the photo. If he was not satisfied with it, he asked for a retake.

She took two steps back, pouted, and held her face with one hand, trying her best to act cute.

Zhu Xiaojing, who was not far away, looked unbearable and whispered to Tan Jin'er, who had just arrived: "She has a big face and a round face, so she needs to be farther away from the camera and hold it with her hands to make her look smaller."

Tan Jin'er was speechless. The mother and daughter had been in love and killing each other.

It's okay for them to slander each other, but if outsiders follow suit, they will feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Xiaobai and Xi'er arriving, Liuliu asked them to go aside and wait for her.

"When I'm done, I'll come and play with you guys." Liuliu said.

Xiaobai said: "You don't have to ask us to play, we will play by ourselves."

When Liuliu saw it, he saw that Xiaobai and Xier were really gone.

She decisively ditched her last fan and went after her friends.

"Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, I'll play with you, good friends——"

The last fan was a middle-aged uncle who couldn't accept that he was dumped. He stayed in place and did not recover.

He waited in line for more than ten minutes!

Although there are only three people in total, everyone spends a lot of time.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Lao Yu, Liuliu doesn't give you face."

He knew this person, he was the chief photographer of the crew, Lao Yu, and he also had a daughter at home, who was about the same age as Liliu Xiaobai.

Last time I heard Lao Yu say that his daughter likes durian very much.

"Oh~ I'll find her later." Lao Yu calmed down and said, "Celebrities are all busy. Hey, they are all busy. It's understandable."

He gave himself an excuse to get by so he could feel better.

The celebration banquet started at seven o'clock in the evening. There were 30 tables in total, with 12 people at each table, and the hotel banquet hall was packed to the brim.

There are still some crew members who did not come. After "The Legend of White Snake" ended, some people immediately joined other crews and were too busy to leave.

As soon as the celebration banquet started, the atmosphere was high and everyone was in high spirits. After eating the food for a while, some people started to make toasts.

Zhang Tan sat at the main table and was the first to be toasted.

Although he could drink some, he couldn't bear to toast like this. There were 30 tables on site, excluding their own table, and there were 29 tables. After one round, he couldn't bear it.

He mixed some mineral water into his white wine. He didn't drink it all in one toast, just a sip.

Fortunately, everyone understands and won't heckle him to finish the drink.

After a few rounds, Xiaobai started to worry about him, tugged on his clothes and said, "Old man, please drink less. What if you are drunk?"

Xiaobai was sitting next to Zhang Tan. It was impossible for the person organizing the event not to have this kind of vision.

Xiaobai didn't know that her old man was cheating and adding water to his wine glass.

She thought the old man had been drinking.

"Okay, I listen to you, I'll drink less." Zhang Tan readily agreed, and at the same time loudly said to the people around him: "My daughter told me to drink less and not get drunk. I feel like I'm already seventy-seven." It’s eighty-eight, I will use water instead of wine for the toast later.”

The people at this table were the director, producer, and several leading actors. Of course, Zhang Tan could do whatever he said. To put it another way, who among them would dare to drink from Zhang Tan.

Only the crew members on the set, some of whom were generous, occasionally dared to coax Zhang Tan to drink more.

"Have some food, Xiaobai, what do you want to eat? Tell sister, and she will give you some." Sitting on the other side of Xiaobai is the actress who starred in The White Snake. Sitting next to her, Xiaobai is simply a God-given opportunity. She can strike up a conversation.

It would be really hard to strike up a conversation with Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan looks easy to talk to, but is actually hard to get close to.

Xiaobai is different. As a child, if you treat her well, she will have a good impression of you.

But she overthought it, and the little white monkey was very smart. He ate the food she put in, thanked him a few times, and then got off the table with a small bowl.

The actress quickly asked her where she was going.

"Hohoho, I'm going to find Liuliu and Xi'er to eat together."

She didn't stay here anymore and went to the table where Liliu and Xi'er were.

As for her old man, she has already warned her, how dare her old man not listen?

"Xiaobai, sit here, let's squeeze in."

Someone saw Xiaobai coming with a small bowl and chopsticks. They quickly squeezed out a seat and added a chair for Xiaobai so that she could stay with Xierliuliu.

The serial number of the previous chapter was wrong, but now this one is correct, -_-||

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