Dad Academy

Chapter 1807 Celebration Banquet

"hiahia~ Our pepper seedlings are growing better and better. They have grown taller without seeing them for a day."

"Don't pull my pepper seedlings."

"Xiaobai, don't worry about me. I'm not that kind of child. You have to worry about other children."

"Other kids? Which pot?"

Xi'er didn't say that she should be especially wary of Xiao Youyou, because several times, she saw Xiao Youyou wandering around the pepper seedling field, touching here and pulling there.

"Xiao Bai, let's put a fence around the pepper seedlings to protect them."

"That makes sense."

Xiaobai agreed with the idea of ​​building a fence in the pepper seedling field, and immediately told Xier to do it.

They didn't know how to build a fence, so they went to ask Lao Li for advice.

Lao Li asked for some branches, so they ran into the woods to find a few branches, brought them to Lao Li, and asked him for advice.

Lao Li taught them step by step how to weave a simple fence, and they happily ran to surround the pepper seedlings.

After completing the fence, the two of them felt a sense of accomplishment and stood outside the fence looking at the pepper seedlings.

After a few days, the pepper seedlings have grown taller and are growing well. They look different every day.

"Why do the pepper seedlings grow so fast?" Xi'er asked curiously.

In sharp contrast to the pepper seedlings, she herself is several years old and seems to have not grown up yet, she is still a small one.

Today she was crossing the road and was carried by her godfather.

Although her godfather was well-intentioned, this discouraged her.

"I water them every day." Xiaobai said, she was very interested in these pepper seedlings.

"Could it be because Xiao Du peed?" Xi'er asked.

Xiaobai was speechless for a moment: "..."

Even irritable.

The night has fallen and the street lights have been turned on. Pujiang City is full of lights and bustle, and it seems like a completely different world from Little Red Horse Academy.

Although the academy is also lively, it is just lively, not noisy or glitzy.

Here, everything seems to be slow, innocent and lovely.

Perhaps this is why Lao Li likes to stay here.

Just his duty as a gatekeeper is not enough for him to stay here all day long.

After dinner, Zhang Tan also went downstairs for a walk, paced in the yard, visited the fence that Xiaobai and Xier had just made, and then admired the pepper seedlings that they took good care of.

Lao Li made him a cup of tea, and Zhang Tan sat down and chatted with him for a while.

I heard from Lao Li that Lao Feng, the janitor, has taken leave these days.

Zhang Tan didn't know about this. After all, Little Red Horse Academy was mainly managed by Aunt Huang. He was the boss, but he was also a hands-off shopkeeper. If it wasn't important, he wouldn't be contacted.

"What's wrong with him?" Zhang Tan asked.

Old Feng is three years older than Old Li. He looks more than three years old. Some people believe him even if he is said to be ten years older.

These are the traces of time and the burden of life, the footprints left on him.

Zhang Tan has always been worried about whether Lao Feng can bear it when he works the night shift.

But for more than a year, he has done well.

"He went to Qicheng. Xiaojun had an operation on his eyes. He went to visit." Lao Li said, his tone was light and joyful.

"Oh~ Xiaojun~"

Zhang Tan thought of Feng Xiaojun from the academy.

Xiaojun has a problem with his eyes, which makes him feel inferior and has a sensitive temperament.

Later, Xiaojun was taken to Qicheng by his mother for surgery. There has been no news for a long time. Today is the first time Zhang Tan heard about it.

"Was the operation successful?" Zhang Tan asked.

Lao Li nodded: "It's very successful, but now my eyes are covered with gauze and I can't see anything. It will take a while to recover. I heard all this from Lao Feng. He is in a good mood. Maybe he will come back again and he will Xiaojun is also brought back."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "That's good."

At this time, parents and children arrived at Little Red Horse Academy one after another. Lao Li couldn't sit still and wanted to register at the booth.

Zhang Tan went around the comic studio, and there were many people inside.

When he came out, he happened to see Liuliu and Xiaobai and the others getting together, and her mother Zhu Xiaojing was talking to Teacher Xiaoliu.

"One for you, one for you, one for you, none~"

Liuliu was giving something to his girlfriends, one for each person, and they stuffed it into their mouths, and they tasted delicious.

Zhang Tan leaned over and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Liuliu was startled, and subconsciously covered the good thing in her hand. When she looked up, she saw that it was Boss Zhang, and she was immediately relieved.

Boss Zhang is not Mr. Yu, and he will not ask for food from children.

"I bought this fried dumpling. I gave it to the children to eat. It's gone."

Saying that, Liuliu quickly stuffed the last one left for him into his mouth, oooooooo~

"hiahia, godfather, do you want to eat? Mine is for you."

Xi'er was still filial and planned to give the fried dumplings she got to Zhang Tan.

"You go ahead and eat, I'll ask." As he said this, Zhang Tan looked at Xiao Bai, thinking, why don't you kiss your daughter to express it? He doesn't really eat it, he doesn't need the children to give it to him, he just needs to express his feelings and express his feelings, and his heart will feel warm.

"Old man, don't look at me. I've finished eating. Hey, hey, you came out too late." Xiaobai said with a smile.

"I don't mean that." Zhang Tan said, going to talk to Zhu Xiaojing, a little friend came towards him.

"What are you talking about? We are chatting while eating. It seems delicious. What is it? Can I see it? Hmm, let me see if it's okay. I don't want to eat. I just want to know. Can you see it? Xi'er, would you like to play with me..."

It's Xiaoxiao who smells like milk all over her body. This little friend seems to be a bit talkative. She talks a lot, but only a few words that occasionally pop out can be heard clearly.

Zhu Xiaojing was discussing the problem of Liuliu with Teacher Xiaoliu. She recently discovered that this guy Liliu always seemed to have something to eat at Little Red Horse at night. She didn’t know where it came from.

At the moment, she was trying to figure out where the food came from with Teacher Xiaoliu, so that she could cut off the source.

"Liuliu is really miserable," Zhang Tan said to Zhu Xiaojing, and then told Zhu Xiaojing that "The Legend of White Snake" was going to hold a celebration party and invited Liuliu to attend.

After all, Luoliu played the leading role...when he was a child.

Xiaobai and Xi'er will attend, but whether Liuliu will go or not depends on Zhu Xiaojing's wishes.

Speaking of "The Legend of White Snake", Zhu Xiaojing immediately sent congratulations to Zhang Tan. This TV series broke a series of TV series records and was the biggest winner this summer. Several actors who were originally unknown have also become famous. , now they can often be seen on variety shows on major TV stations, and they are very active.

"Haha, thank you." Zhang Tan was in a good mood. He thought "The Legend of White Snake" would be popular, but he didn't expect it to be so popular. This is not only a matter of the quality of the work, but also a bonus of the right time, place and people.

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