Dad Academy

Chapter 1804 You can’t cook as fast as we can

"Daddy, come and see, Xiaobai wants to climb a tree."

Xi'er shouted, and Zhang Tan, Lao Li, and Xiao Li all looked over.

Xiaobai used his hands and feet to hug the tree trunk. Just as his feet were about to leave the ground, he was suddenly yelled by Xi'er. He froze there and couldn't get up. It was too late to let go.

How embarrassing.

"Xiao Bai, why don't you let go quickly." Xi'er urged. The adults were watching, and she was very confident.

Xiaobai let go of his hands and feet, clapped his little hands, and laughed awkwardly.

Li Xiaoxiao finished talking and left, and Zhang Tan was also preparing to go home and cook dinner.

Only Lao Li, Xiaobai and Xi'er were left in the yard.

Xiaobai immediately educated Xier: "Why are you living with me?!"

"I want to play with you." Xi'er said.

"I do not want."

"No, you want to."

"I want a hammer."

"Xiaobai, let's dig sand and play house."

"No, I'm an adult, not a baby like you."

"Liar! You dug sand yesterday."

"I grew up overnight, can't I?"

"hiahia, why don't you become a little kid now and play house with me?"

Xiaobai saw how clingy a clingy baby can be.

Wherever she goes, Xi'er follows her. No matter what face she gives to Xi'er, Xi'er always greets her with a smile.

The sun gradually set in the west, and the golden light turned into a bright red, like a trace of residual blood.

The grove was the first to darken, and twilight filled the forest. The little bugs hiding in various corners avoided the high temperature during the day, and came out of their caves one after another, chattering, eating, playing and singing, contributing their part to the lively evening. talents.

At the edge of the grove, Xiaobai and Xi'er were busy digging and transporting sand, playing house, and cooking many dishes, such as the classic fish feast and whisker rice, which are must-haves for every meal. Yes, it has been put on the table a long time ago.

I just finished another Bobo Chicken dish, made by Xiaobai.

"Hurry up and bring Xi'er to the table." Xiaobai put away the spatula and called to Xi'er to put the dishes away quickly.

"hiahia, here we come."

Xi'er rushed over, picked up a few stones and a broken bowl, and said: "Oh, Xiaobai, we have cooked seven dishes. Will it be a waste if we just eat it? If we eat too much, our stomach will be full." If we can hold it up, we will get fat. How about we invite Li Pendui over to eat?"

"You decide."

Xi'er immediately rushed to invite Lao Li to dinner.

Lao Li was drinking tea and had noticed their little game. He immediately declined after hearing this, saying that he had eaten dinner and had some diarrhea and bad gastrointestinal problems. He asked to be let go. Oh, no, he asked to come back next time. , let’s forget it this time.

Hearing this, Xi'er told him to take good care of himself and take care of himself. Then he came again after a while, holding a famous dish in his hand, saying it was Xuer rice.

"There are earthworms in it, which can help you digest it. You can eat it, Li Baobao."

Lao Li was shocked. He had never heard of such a disgusting dish.

Even if you kill him, he won't eat it.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiaobai was calling for food again, so Xi'er let go of Li Baibai, who couldn't stand the torment.

Xi'er ran over and asked Xiaobai, "What kind of delicious dish is this?"

Of course she had to ask. If she didn't ask, how would she know? After all, the dishes on this table looked like sand, stones, branches, and leaves.

The most unique thing is to put one or two little bugs that were unlucky enough to be caught by Xi'er as decoration.

"This is a Bangbang Chicken. You don't even know this. You are so angry." Xiaobai took the opportunity to say a few words to Xi'er.

Xi'er didn't care, hiahia laughed, took the dishes and left, arriving at the bottom of the balcony on the third floor, where their dining table was.

She held the bowl of Bangbang Chicken and did not put it down in a hurry. Instead, she raised her head and shouted towards the balcony: "Godfather - Godfather - how many dishes have you cooked? Look, Xiaobai and I are cooking again Here’s Bang Bang Chicken. If you’re hungry, you can come down and eat——, hum~”

Zhang Tan heard it but didn't dare to speak out, let alone show his head.

He has been called out for dinner seven or eight times. If he had known better, he should not have responded the first time. Look at those dishes. Is any of them edible?

He had only finished cooking two dishes, but the two children below had already cooked eight dishes, which was so fast.

"Good friends, good friends - what delicious food did you make? I'm Kangkang!"

The sound of pomegranates came from the gate.

The pomegranate is here.

She was not in a very beautiful mood originally, mainly because she was taught a lesson by Zhu's mother along the way.

But as soon as Little Red Horse arrived, she heard Xi'er shouting that she had made Bangbang Chicken and it was so delicious. Her heart suddenly flew up. She ditched Zhu Xiaojing and ran to find her good sisters.

"Liuliu, come on, Liuliu, this is it, do you want to eat it?" Xi'er enthusiastically recommended the dishes they cooked to Liuliu.

When Liuliu saw it, he was dumbfounded. He thought it was true, but this is the result? ? ?

Faced with Liuliu's dissatisfaction, Xi'er thought for a moment, ran to the edge of the grove, caught an ant that happened to be passing by, put it in her Bangbang chicken, and said she added a little dark chocolate to Liuliu.

Liliu: "..."

Although Da Yanyan is greedy, she is not so easy to fool.

"Xi'er, you can eat by yourself. If you're full, I'll help Xiaobai cook."

Liuliu decided to cook. She loved working more than eating.

As night falls, there are gradually more and more children in Little Red Mali.

Xiaobai, Xi'er, and Liuliu were all asked to go home for dinner. They kept the dozen or so dishes they cooked while Youshi Baobao was watching.

"I won't eat it, I won't eat it, I really won't eat it."

Xiao Zhang's house, in the restaurant, Liuliu is rejecting Boss Zhang's enthusiasm.

She really couldn't eat anymore and wanted to rest now, but Boss Zhang just refused to let her get off the table. He just wanted her to eat, to eat more, and to give her face to eat more.

Liliu is so troubled.

"Hahahaha~~~I'm so annoyed~"

Liliu is really annoying.

Xiaobai and Xi'er watched indifferently, biting their ears while eating.

Xi'er revealed the truth of the matter and whispered to Xiaobai: "She obviously wants to eat durian. If she lies, will her nose become longer?"

Xi'er has been paying attention to Liliu's nose, looking forward to the next second when her nose will quiver and become so long that it will break the window.

But even after finishing the meal, Liuliu's nose did not grow longer.

This made Xi'er very disappointed.

The three of them were thinking about the table of delicious food downstairs, so they hurried downstairs after eating, only to see that Shi Baobao was no longer there, and several plates of their delicious food had been knocked over.

"Who is it? Who is it? Which Guawazi did it???" Xiaobai was furious.

"Who is it? Who is it? Come on, let Xiaobai teach you a lesson." Xi'er was also angry.

"Don't run away, Shi Baobao -" Liliu shouted, but she didn't rush to catch Shi Baobao. Instead, she squatted on the ground, grunted, and ate the several plates of overturned food.

Can't waste duck.

Xiaobai ran to find Shi Baobao.

This Shi Baobao was chatting with Xiao Zheng, Xiao Nian and others. When he saw Xiao Bai appear, he remembered the delicious food on the table.

But Shi Baobao didn’t know who knocked it over.

It became an unsolved case again. After Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng arrived, Xiaobai and Xi'er immediately reported the case and asked the cute police and detectives to study it and try to catch the culprit.

"It's not me~"

The beaten Xiao Du came and happened to pass by them. No one said it was him, but he said this.

"Could it be him?" Luoliu asked, looking at the beaten Xiao Du with the eyes of a famous detective.

But the problem is, they have just entered Little Red Horse.

When Xiaobai saw him, he thought of apologizing to him today.

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