Dad Academy

Chapter 1797 An ordinary night

On this day, Zhang Tan and Mr. Yu from Zhongcheng Film Company attended the celebration banquet of "Zhu Xian". There were more than ten tables of banquets and the atmosphere was very lively.

Generally speaking, Zhang Tan doesn't get drunk.

He has a good drinking capacity, and more importantly, he can control the amount of alcohol he drinks so as not to get drunk.

But this time Mr. Yu was too enthusiastic and kept urging him to drink. Without paying attention, Zhang Tan drank too much.

But not to the point of being drunk.

When I returned home at night, Mr. Yu called for a driver and personally sent Zhang Tan back.

Lao Li was making tea and playing with Dudu at the time. He saw Mr. Yu shouting to him outside the gate and supporting Zhang Tan a little at the same time.

When Lao Li saw that Zhang Tan was drunk, he quickly opened the door, went out to help, and helped Zhang Tan in.

Dudu followed at his feet and looked at Boss Zhang with concern.

Zhang Tan smiled at her and said to Lao Li, "No need to help me, I'm fine."

Lao Li pointed to Dudu at his feet and asked him: "Is she Luoliu?"

Dudu: "..."

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "This is Dudu, Dudu, you Li Baobao are so stupid that you can't tell it apart."

Dudu raised his little chin and snorted.

"It seems that he is really not drunk." After Lao Li finished speaking, he let go and stopped supporting Zhang Tan. He was very old and had an old bone, so he couldn't help him.

"In that case, I will go back first. Mr. Zhang, please have a good rest." Mr. Yu said.

Zhang Tan: "Go back, thank you."

"you are welcome."

Mr. Yu turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly he saw Dudu's little hand digging into his pocket from time to time, and then stuffing something into his mouth to eat, so he asked: "Dudu, what are you eating?"

Dudu was stunned for a moment, then she spread out her fleshy little hands, and what appeared in her palm was a broad bean.

"It's broad beans. Are they delicious?" Mr. Yu asked.

Dudu nodded, a little confused. It was the first time that an adult asked her so seriously what kind of snacks she was eating and whether they were delicious or not.

"Any more? Give me one."

As soon as Mr. Yu asked the question, Dudu became even more confused. She had never met such an adult before in her life! Why are you still asking children for snacks?

Seeing her confusion, Mr. Yu asked again: "Is there any more?"

Dudu came to his senses, nodded, and gave the heart of his heart to Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu pinched it into his mouth and bit it loudly.

"Not bad, delicious, very fragrant." Mr. Yu said with a smile, "I will bring you some snacks next time."

After that he left.

Dudu watched this strange adult go away, but he still hadn't come back to his senses.

She retracted her gaze and stared at her little palms. There were no broad beans in the fleshy and warm palms, which had been eaten by that strange adult.

Only then did she have the extra brain to think about this matter.

"He ate my broad beans!"

Dudu said to Lao Li in surprise, like an emphasis, like a complaint, more like he was talking about a strange thing he had just discovered.

Lao Li smiled and said: "Want to drink tea? You will choke if you eat broad beans."

Dudu walked over, stared at the tea on the coffee table, shook his head, took out a handful from under the coffee table, took out a cartoon kettle, unscrewed the lid and drank.

She brought her own kettle.

Zhang Tan sat down and Lao Li poured him a cup of hot tea.

Zhang Tan picked it up, smelled it, took a sip, and said strangely: "The taste is a bit familiar, it seems to be Taibai Xiu Ya."

Old Li praised: "You guessed it right, this is the Taibai Xiuya you planted."

"Have you not finished the drink I gave you last time?"

"I finished drinking it early. I bought this in a store, the one opened by Laoshu in Huangjia Village. I walked in yesterday and accidentally discovered that your Taibai Xiuya was on display, so I bought a can. Look. The tea here is selling well, Lao Shu said, the sales volume is very impressive."

Zhang Tan nodded. Taibai Xiuya basically did not advertise elsewhere, but only on the Pentium APP. Customers can directly shop online by clicking on the advertisement, which is very convenient.

This is also the first time that Pentium APP has been involved in the online shopping business. Taibai Xiuya has been a guinea pig. Looking at it now, the effect is very good. The company's business team is closely tracking the data every day.

Dudu also sat down, and continued to dig in her trouser pockets with her little hands. With difficulty, she took out a broad bean and put it in her mouth to eat. Suddenly she saw old man Zhang staring at her, so she thought about it and put it to her mouth. I handed him some broad beans and asked him if he wanted to eat them.

"You eat, you eat." Zhang Tan said.

He is not someone like Mr. Yu who likes to ask children for snacks. He cannot afford to embarrass that person and cannot bear his shame.


Dudu stuffed the broad beans into his mouth, and the bite was delicious.

After finishing one pill, she reached into her trouser pocket with her little hands, but because she was sitting down, she couldn't reach out.

She tried hard but failed, so she stood up and searched her pocket with her little hands, but couldn't find the broad beans.

So he ran away in a flash, probably to restock somewhere.


Dudu went everywhere looking for Xiaobai.

After a while, this little guy acted as the leader and brought Xiao Bai. He ran directly to Zhang Tan and said, "Xiao Bai, your father is here. He is drunk and almost drunk."

Zhang Tan: "..."

Not only Xiaobai is here, but Xier is also here.

Zhang Tan hurriedly said: "Today is the celebration banquet for "Zhu Xian". I informed you that I drank some wine at the banquet, but I was not drunk."


Xiaobai leaned over, smelled him, slapped him, and stepped back. The smell of alcohol was still very strong.

It was no luck. Boss Zhang was educated by his daughter and goddaughter, and he was let go after he repeatedly promised not to drink so much in the future.

Xiaobai poured a cup of hot tea into Zhang Tan's cup and told him to drink more water.

"Okay, I will. You and Xi'er go play." Zhang Tan said.

After Xiaobai and Xi'er left, Zhang Tan noticed that Dudu hadn't left and was staring at her, just staring at her.

When Dudu saw this, he said, "Oops, run~" and ran away.

Zhang Tan chatted with Lao Li in the yard for a while, then went back to get the tools and went to the grove to repair the street lamp that was not on.

Lao Li followed with a flashlight to help with lighting.

But maybe because of drinking, Zhang Tan was a little confused, and the wiring at home was very different.

As for Lao Li, his eyesight was bad, especially at night, and it was even more impossible for him to repair the circuit.

"Boss Zhang, are you repairing the circuit?"

A voice sounded. Zhang Tan and Lao Li looked back and saw an old man.

It's Lao Chen, Xiaonian's grandfather.

Zhang Tan hadn't seen Lao Chen for a long time, and found that he had changed a lot. His complexion was much better, his energy was up, his face was no longer always sad, and he looked much brighter.

As life gets better, people's spirits naturally improve as well.

Old Chen just sent Xiaonian to Little Red Horse Academy, and then he saw Zhang Tan and two people working together for a long time.

"The street lights can't turn on." Lao Li said.

"Let me take a look." Old Chen volunteered.

Lao Li smiled and said: "Zhang Tan, let Lao Chen do it, he is a professional."

Lao Chen is an electrician at a property management company, and he can fix circuits with his hands.

In a short while, in just a few minutes, the street lamp was repaired.

Lao Li and Zhang Tan invited Lao Chen to sit down at the coffee table, drank a cup of tea, and chatted about life and work for a while before Lao Chen left.

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