Dad Academy

Chapter 1795: A Dutiful Son (The best thing in the world is reunion, I wish everyone a happy Lantern

The opening of "Zhu Xian" was a big scene, with various special effects that were dazzling. The audience was hooked, but Zhang Tan and Mr. Yu beside him were in pain.

What others see is a visual explosion of special effects, but what they see is money burning.

He is even more prodigal than Xiaobai, a little prodigal who throws paper and flies away.


Liu Changjiang and others were dazzled by the sight, their mouths opened wide, and they had a strong sense of immersion.

They practice their family's magical skills diligently in order to one day be like the swordsman in the movie, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, doing chivalry and righteousness, and slaying demons.

However, the only thing that dissatisfied Liu Changjiang and others was the constant beeping noises coming from around them.

Liu Changjiang looked sideways and said dissatisfiedly to brothers Da Zhao and Xiao Zhao: "Can't you two stop eating melon seeds first? The movie is so good and you eat melon seeds?! You are too greedy."

Da Zhao said: "Actually, we are not here to eat. This is a sense of ritual. You don't understand."

Xiao Zhao nodded in agreement: "This is a sense of ritual. Watching a movie without eating melon seeds is like not drinking bear drinks when you were a child. You know it is incomplete, Xiao Liu?"

Liu Changjiang said: "I will be disturbed to death by you."

Da Zhao immediately grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave them to him: "Then you can eat melon seeds and watch a movie at the same time. It's very exciting. I don't know, I won't be able to stop once I try it."

Liu Changjiang readily agreed, took the melon seeds, and started eating them on his own.

At this time, Liuliu, who was sitting in the front row of Xiao Zhao, somehow knew it. He turned around, stretched out a fleshy little slap and said, "My good friend, give me some too."

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, not knowing when he became her good friend.

However, thinking of Liliu's previous red carpet appearances, he felt extra proud to have such a good friend.

So, Xiao Zhao grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave them to Liuliu.

Liuliu said happily: "Next time you come to Little Red Horse, I'll treat you to skewers."

"You're welcome." Xiao Zhao said.

"You want what you want."

Liuliu turned around and gave the melon seeds to Xiaobai and Xier beside him to eat.

Shi Baobao, who was sitting on Xiao Zhao's right and across from Li Yuxiao, also looked at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao asked: "Do you want it too?"

Shi Baobao nodded.

Xiao Zhao then grabbed a handful and gave it to him.

Shi Baobao said thank you, asked his mother if he wanted it, and then gave the melon seeds to Dudu on his right.

Mainly because Dudu wants to eat.

Under the guidance of Da Zhao and Xiao Zhao, everyone in the group started eating melon seeds. They couldn't hear it when the plot of the movie was busy, but when the plot entered a calm period, the sound effect was not so loud and people around them could hear it.

"Whose melon seeds?" Mr. Yu from Zhongcheng Film Company turned around and asked.

Dudu was stunned, pointed to Xiao Zhao on the left and said, "It's Xiao Zhao."

Mr. Yu stretched out a hand and said, "Give me some too."

Xiao Zhao was stunned this time. He hesitated and grabbed a handful for him. He turned around and whispered to Da Zhao: "I have never seen such a greedy adult."

Da Zhao comforted him: "Maybe it's because my family is poor. Do you still have some? I'll give you some."

Xiao Zhao said: "I'm thirsty. I'll drink some bears."

With that said, he took out a bottle of Bear Drink from the backpack he brought, unscrewed the lid, and drank it.

Li Yuxiao beside him looked at this scene amusedly. He was here to watch a movie or have a snack party.

The man in the front row immediately turned around and asked Xiao Zhao eagerly: "What is the flavor of the bear drink you drink?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment. His nickname was Shunfeng Er, but he felt strongly that this nickname should be given to Liuliu.

He just took a sip when Luoliu discovered that she had eyes on the back of her head?

"It's too dark in here, I can't see clearly what the smell is written on."

"Show it to me and I'll know what it tastes like after just one sip."

"...Ah, when I drank it, it actually tasted like grape."

After saying that, Xiao Zhao immediately took another bottle from his backpack and handed it to Liuliu.

He had a hunch that if he didn't give him a bottle, Liuliu wouldn't come back.

"Hahaha, thank you my good friend."

Liuliu didn't expect to watch a movie and get a bear drink.

"Here you go."

It's not polite to come back but not reciprocate, so Liuliu tore off a piece of his signature and gave it to Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao: "I already have it."

Liliu: "It doesn't matter, you can give it to your parents, grandparents, relatives and friends."

Xiao Zhao: "..."

While he was speechless, he suddenly exclaimed: "Wow——"

On the big screen, a flying sword rumbled and killed a demon thousands of miles away.

The cool special effects amazed Xiao Zhao.

Da Zhao beside him was like a fool, muttering to himself: "I wish I had such a flying sword, flying sword, flying sword~"

The movie "Zhu Xian" lasts two hours and 120 minutes. There are no peeing spots throughout the whole process and it is very exciting.

After the movie ended, the lights in the theater came on, the host came on stage again, and invited the director to say a few words, and then today's premiere ended.

Many people came to congratulate Zhang Tan. The movie "Zhu Xian" does not have a profound story. It is a commercial film.

From this point of view, this movie is very successful and the box office should not be low.

After watching it, Zhang Tan felt that there was a flaw in the ointment, and the special effects were still a bit inferior. As someone who had seen many special effects blockbusters in his previous life, he had a higher vision and looked down on the current level.

Mr. Yu was very excited and kept praising the special effects. Although he felt bad about spending the money, he spent it wisely.

Dudu ate a lot of melon seeds and became thirsty. Li Yuxiao gave her his thermos, unscrewed the lid, and started feeding her.

She drank several gulps. Her mother stood aside, waiting for her to finish drinking, and reminded her what to do.

"Thank you, Mama Baobao, your water tastes really good." Dudu said.

"You're welcome." Li Yuxiao smiled.


Dudu laughed loudly and skipped up to Zhang Tan full of energy, holding his head high and praising him: "Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang! He's good-looking, he's so good-"

He gave Zhang Tan a big thumbs up, and also gave Yang Bingzhi who was with him a big thumbs up. At the same time, he gave Mr. Yu a thumbs up: "You are so good at acting -"

Mr. Yu: "..."

Are you sure you saw me in the movie?

Liu Changjiang and others were extremely excited after reading it.

Oh my god, oh my god, it’s so exciting, it captures the martial arts in their hearts!

If Liu Huanghe hadn't agreed with them to wait for them outside the theater at half past nine, they wouldn't have wanted to leave for a while.

After saying goodbye to Xiaobai and others, Liu Changjiang and others left the theater and immediately saw Liu Huanghe standing on the roadside waving to them.

After getting closer, Liu Huanghe asked: "Is the movie good?"

"Wow, that's incredible. It's really amazing - let me tell you, brother..."

Liu Changjiang kept talking, and Marshal Jiao and others also started shouting. Everyone was talking at once, and Liu Huanghe was so noisy.

He put the group of people into the car and headed home.

After these excited teenagers had finished talking, Liu Huanghe said, "I watched "Thunder Man". The special effects are very cool. I suggest you go and watch it."

Liu Changjiang immediately waved his hand: "If I don't watch it, I can't feel sorry for Xiao Zhang. If I watch it, how will Xiaobai see me, how will Liuliu see me, how will Xi'er see me, and how can I convince others with my virtue?"

Liu Huanghe rolled his eyes at him and suddenly became too lazy to talk to him.

The car was quiet for a moment, and Mei Fangfang suddenly said firmly: "I must practice the Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt to the sixth level as soon as possible."

Marshal Jiao felt the same way: "The fourteenth way of Tan Kou! The fourteenth way of Tan Kou! I must learn it!"

Xiao Wang also clenched his fists.

Back home, everyone went back to their homes.

As soon as Xiao Wang entered his yard, his mother noticed it and asked, "Have you finished participating? Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful! It's so beautiful."

Xiao Wang didn't have time to answer, so he ran across the yard and ran to the living room. He saw his father watching TV and immediately asked his father to quickly teach him the last dragon shape of the Twelve Fists of Xingyi.

His father was speechless for a while and said angrily: "Didn't I tell you that I won't teach you until you are 18 years old?"

"That won't work, it's too late."

Xiao Wang repeatedly begged his dad to teach him quickly, but his dad couldn't get enough of it.

Seeing that there was no hope, Xiao Wang said discouragedly: "Dad, it's so late and you are still here watching TV. Go to the study room to study your work. You have to work hard. Aren't you going to change? Can you be promoted? I'm really worried about you."

His father: "..."

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