Dad Academy

Chapter 1793 We are not of the same level

"Let me go~let me go! Let me go!!!"

Liu Changjiang struggled fiercely, trying to break free from the hands of the two security guards, but both of them were big and round, and he was no match for him.

His Mantis Fist has no use either. As the name suggests, it can hit mantises but not people.

"Let him go, let him go~ Do you know who he is?"

Marshal Jiao, Mei Fangfang and others also hurriedly caught up and called on the security to put Liu Changjiang down.

The two of them did not embarrass Liu Changjiang and let him go. One of them funnyly asked Marshal Jiao and others: "Who is he?"

Mei Fangfang pointed at Zhang Tan who was walking on the red carpet and said, "He is Xiao Zhang's younger brother!"

The two security guards looked at Zhang Tan who was walking on the red carpet and ignored Mei Fangfang's words.

Dashuai Jiao added: "Xiao Zhang is Zhang Tan! Director Zhang! Mr. Zhang! The boss of this premiere!"

A security guard smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I am also Director Zhang's younger brother, little brother."

Another security guard warned Liu Changjiang, who was ready to make a move again, not to rush over again, let alone to try to walk on the red carpet.

After saying that, the two left.

Xiao Wang and Da Zhao Xiao Zhao immediately comforted Liu Changjiang who was hurt.

Xiao Wang asked Mei Fangfang: "Why don't you disclose Xiao Liu's identity?"

Mei Fangfang said: "Didn't I make it public?"

Xiao Wang: "Xiao Liu is the secretary."

Mei Fangfang: "Who knows, his father is not as useful as Xiao Zhang here! These people all rely on Xiao Zhang for their livelihood! Only what he says matters."

Marshal Jiao nodded when he heard this.

Xiao Wang also thought it made sense, so he turned to Liu Changjiang and said, "Xiao Liu, there are things that don't work for you."

Mei Fangfang also came over and asked Liu Changjiang: "Xiao Liu, why didn't you use the Mantis Fist just now?"

Liu Changjiang said: "Mantis boxing is a killing punch. It will hurt people if you use it. It's better not to hurt innocent people."

Da Zhao said: "I saw Xiao Liu punching, but he didn't move anyone."

Xiao Zhao also said: "I also heard Xiao Liu say that even if I punched him, he wouldn't be moved."

These two people, one is clairvoyant and the other is clairvoyant, so what they say should be very weighty.

But it just annoyed Liu Changjiang.

Several people gathered together and murmured, and finally decided not to walk on the red carpet. Their luck was bad today, and the scholar met the soldier, and it was hard to explain why.

They bypassed the red carpet and headed straight into the theater.

As a result, the two security guards came over again and warned them: "Don't run around. This is not the place for you. Go play somewhere else."

Dashuai Jiao said: "We have tickets."

He took out the tickets and showed them the tickets. The two of them were a little unconvinced and wanted to take them and take a closer look. At this time, Mei Fangfang, with sharp eyes, saw a person walking by and immediately shouted: "Brother Zhe!! Handsome and scumbag." Brother Zhe!!!”

The man who just walked past stopped and looked over when he heard this.

"It's really you, Brother Zhe!! It's me, me, Mei Fangfang."

Xu Qizhe remembered that these were the middle school boys in the municipal party committee compound.

"Are you here too? Did you come by yourself?" Xu Qizhe asked.

"Brother Zhe!"

"Brother Zhe, you are so handsome!"

"Brother Zhe, do you still remember me? Liu Changjiang."

Several people flocked to show their courtesy. They admired Xu Qizhe because the comics he drew were very cool and to their liking.

At this time, they noticed a little girl walking in front of them. The little girl was small, but she walked like a tiger. She held her head high and held her chest high. She had an extraordinary momentum. She also had a red ribbon tied on her forehead and a bow tied behind her head. , The tail of the belt is curled up and down.

It looks familiar, but I can't remember who it is.

"It's Miss Zhao—Miss Zhao!"

It was Xiao Wang who had the bright idea and thought of it immediately.

The one who just walked over was indeed Dudu.


She stopped and saw Liu Changjiang and others, and recognized these people immediately.

"Hahahaha~~ You guys are here too, you are a guest. Come with me~"

Ms. Zhao is still as bold as ever. She has no stage fright or shyness in front of so many people.

Liu Changjiang and others finally entered the theater smoothly. Because they were delayed outside, when they came in, they found that Xiaobai, Liuliu and Xi'er had already arrived.

The three of them were excitedly discussing the special experience of walking on the red carpet just now.


As soon as Marshal Jiao saw Xi'er, he waved and shouted enthusiastically.

Xi'er looked at him and asked Xiaobai, "Is that Dashuai Jiao?"

Xiaobai nodded and said yes.

Xi'er then hiahia responded with a smile: "Why did you cut your hair? Your head is so cool. I almost didn't recognize you, hiahia~"

Dashuai Jiao smiled naively and touched his head, feeling proud of his head.

He secretly gave Xi'er a greeting gift, which was a bag of candies.

Xi'er was overjoyed and glanced at her sister mischievously. Seeing that her sister didn't pay attention to her, she immediately took it and hid it in her trouser pocket. She couldn't hide the smile on her face, and her mouth was grinning. At the base of the ear.

Liu Changjiang and others were complaining to Xiaobai, saying that the security outside would not let them in. It was too difficult. When had they ever suffered such a defeat?

However, children's worries fade away quickly. They were soon immersed in the excitement of attending the premiere for the first time. They looked around and were very novel about everything here.

"Are we going to watch a movie later?" Liu Changjiang asked Xiaobai.

Xiaobai said proudly: "I want to watch a movie, but before watching the movie, I first need to listen to my old man's speech. He doesn't have anything to say, but he still has to say it because he is the big boss."

Liu Changjiang glanced at Xiao Zhang who was surrounded by people, and felt for the first time how powerful Xiao Zhang was.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come here quickly - let's take pictures together."

Mei Fangfang called Xiaobai to come over quickly. They, Xi'er and Liuliu had already taken their positions and posed, and they were about to take a group photo.

"I'm coming too—"

Xiaobai flew over.

Liu Changjiang took a look, what a good guy, he is the only one left! These so-called brothers call Xiaobai but not him! This is too much!

He rushed over and was very mean. He deliberately ran in front of Mei Fangfang and blocked her.

Mei Fangfang saw how this was possible and immediately pulled Liu Changjiang who was blocking him.

Xu Qizhe clicked and captured this moment.

When he looked at the photo, everyone else had good expressions. Only Mei Fangfang and Liu Changjiang couldn't see their faces. Mei Fangfang was blocked by Liu Changjiang, while Liu Changjiang's face was pulled by Mei Fangfang's hand.

"Are you a pomegranate?"

Two girls came over and asked Liuliu who was bragging.

Liuliu was stunned and nodded.

The two girls said happily: "We are your fans. You are so cute. Can we take a photo?"

Originally it was not allowed, but since she is a fan of hers, she must give her some face.

"Come on, come on~" Liuliu is very easy to talk to and makes people convenient. After we took a photo together, he even asked if he wanted to sign an autograph.

The two girls took a photo, got autographs, and left with satisfaction.

Immediately, someone came to chase stars again, this time not only chasing Liuliu, but also chasing Xiaobai and Xi'er's stars.

Liu Changjiang and others watched eagerly. For the first time, they felt the aura around Xiaobai and the others, and felt a little inferior.

Xiao Wang said: "Oh, we are not of the same level~"

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