Dad Academy

Chapter 1782. Cover her little mouth!

The filming of the movie "Zhu Xian" started in March and took nearly half a year.

From the director to the actors, almost everyone in this movie is a newcomer. The screenwriter is Zhao Lin, who is considered very experienced.

After all, such a fantasy film and television drama is rare, and no one has filmed it. In the words of a newcomer, the advantage is that the ideas are unconstrained and conducive to innovation.

The leading actors are two newcomers. The actress Yang Bingzhi who plays Lu Xueqi is 24 years old this year. She has a professional background and has been filming in the industry since then, but she is unknown and has no reputation.

To be able to win the role of Lu Xueqi this time, strength is naturally important, but even more important is luck.

After she got the audition news, she prepared for several days, read the novels she could find several times, and applied for the job after thorough research, and successfully got the role of Lu Xueqi.

Originally, she was not auditioning for the female lead role of Lu Xueqi.

Although she wanted to play the heroine, she didn't have the confidence.

As a little-known actor, what ability and connections do I have to win the heroine?

When she came, her biggest wish was to get a role with lines. It would be better if she could have a few more lines.

Unexpectedly, she not only realized this dream, but also greatly exceeded it.

When she learned that she was suitable to play the heroine, she couldn't believe her ears and thought it was a call from a scammer.

But the caller ID informed her that it was the casting director. She had seen him at the audition, so it couldn't be fake.

She was in a trance and it took her a whole night to come back to her senses.

Yes, she won the female lead role of Lu Xueqi!

She was in a constant state of double self-doubt and overexcitement.

She also imagined whether there would be any insider trading, such as, emmm, the kind of trading that everyone knows about.

She is young and beautiful, and has many contacts in this industry. There are all kinds of people who covet her, and there are many sanctimonious people everywhere.

After struggling all night, she came to the company the next day and communicated with the crew before letting go of her uneasy heart.

Yes, it turned out to be true. There was no insider trading and she didn't need to pay anything.

Her hands were shaking with excitement.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

The six-month filming work was very hard, but Yang Bingzhi enjoyed it very much and did not feel bitter at all.

She is one of the most responsible and professional actors.

Maybe she's not the best at acting.

But in terms of attitude towards acting, she is definitely the best.

Never complain.

When they arrived at Pentium Technology Company, they were greeted by a staff member in the lobby on the first floor. They recognized Yang Bingzhi at a glance. After greeting her for a few words, they took her to the reception room on the fifth floor and waited to go to the screening room together.

There was already someone in the reception room, just a fat young man who looked a little nervous.

Yang Bingzhi knew that the people who came to participate in the internal review meeting today were all important people, and the people in front of her were unattractive, but she did not dare to ignore them.

She nodded towards the other person, smiled and said hello.

The other party also said hello to her politely.

"Are you an actor?" the other party asked.

"I am, I played Lu Xueqi in "Zhu Xian"."

The other party's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "I like Lu Xueqi very much..."

After talking a lot, the two exchanged names. Yang Bingzhi learned that the other party's name was Li Jun, and he was a reader of the "Zhu Xian" novel.

Li Jun was one of the first die-hard readers of the "Zhu Xian" novel, and Zhang Tan specially invited him by name this time.

Seeing that the other party was a little nervous, Yang Bingzhi joked: "Actually, I'm nervous too. I didn't even eat lunch."

"Do you want to eat this?"

Li Jun took out a bag of potato chips and a bottle of Coke.

Yang Bingzhi thought, no wonder she saw Li Jun's mouth moving when he first came in. It turned out that he was eating this.

"Forget the Coke, I'll just eat some potato chips."

Yang Bingzhi took some potato chips to eat.

Eating is the best way to bring two people closer together. For example, Liuliu can chat with the people eating together. If anyone wants to treat her to something, a peanut, a small plum, a packet of biscuits, etc. , you can become her good friend immediately without verification.

Yang Bingzhi was eating potato chips and chatting with Li Jun until someone else came to the reception room.

She quietly returned the potato chips to Li Jun, drank some water, and felt better in her stomach.

However, my stomach felt a little uncomfortable, and it was rumbling.

Her expression changed and she got up to go to the bathroom.

When I entered the bathroom, there were two little girls there, playing with water in front of the sink.

Yang Bingzhi said subconsciously: "Don't play with water."

Then he entered the cubicle.

The two little girls turned off the faucet, entered the cubicle, came out, continued to wash their hands, talked and laughed and left.

After a while, just as Yang Bingzhi was about to get up, the voices of the two little girls came from outside again.

Yang Bingzhi thought to herself that these two children were playing in the water again.

She reached for the toilet paper, but couldn't find it. She was shocked, and when she looked carefully, the bathroom was gone! ! !

She came in in a hurry and didn't pay attention. As for her bag, she didn't carry it with her and she probably left it in the reception room.

Yang Bingzhi felt like crying.

Fortunately, at this time she heard the little girl's voice coming from outside again, so she opened the door a little and said outside: "Hey, are you there?"

"Ouch~ I was shocked!"

One of the little girls actually jumped up and looked at her.

"It's a young lady, the one who didn't let us play in the water just now. Xiaobai, is she pooping?"

Yang Bingzhi: "..."

Xiaobai did not answer, but covered his nose with his hand and stared at Yang Bingzhi with confusion.

Yang Bingzhi: "..."

"We didn't play in the water." The little girl standing next to the guy named Xiaobai said.

Xiaobai: "Did you poop without paper?"

Yang Bingzhi's beautiful face turned red, it was too direct.

But considering that the other party was two little girls and there was no one else in the bathroom, Yang Bingzhi could only rejoice and not think too much.

"Well~" she asked, "Can you help me go next door and get some paper?"

"Xiao Bai, she really poops without paper, hiahiahia~~Why is she the same as Xiao Youyou?"

Yang Bingzhi really wanted to bury her head in the toilet.

Fortunately, they were just two little girls, so they probably didn’t know her either.

After leaving here, I will never see you again.

Thinking of this, Yang Bingzhi didn't care about her face and just wanted to leave quickly. The preview screening was about to begin.

"Can you get me some paper?"

"Xiwawa, go get the paper quickly."

Xi'er immediately ran to the cubicle and pulled out a roll of paper. After Xiaobai got it, he handed it to Yang Bingzhi.

"thank you all."

Yang Bingzhi closed the door, tidied up, and finally got up and came out.

However, there was no one in the bathroom.

Yang Bingzhi breathed a deep sigh of relief. She was really afraid of seeing the two little girls just now.

She adjusted her makeup in the mirror and left after her face was no longer so red.

After leaving the bathroom, she is the goddess who does not go to the bathroom in the eyes of many people.

There was chatter in the reception room, and it sounded like a lot of people had already arrived. Yang Bingzhi quickened her steps and smiled, making herself appear in front of everyone in her best condition.

However, as soon as she entered, her expression changed.

Because she saw the two little girls who were in the bathroom just now standing in front of her, looking into her eyes.

The little girl named Xi'er opened her mouth to speak. She seemed to be yelling something.

Yang Bingzhi's face changed drastically and she quickly covered her little mouth!

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