Dad Academy

Chapter 1759 Face


After breakfast, Xiaobai followed Zhang Tan to the company.

It's hard for Zhang Tan. Xiaobai, the little tail, follows him every day now. There is no way, no one can help him take care of the child.

In the past, when Teacher Jiang was here, Xiaobai could be left alone in the academy.

Now that Teacher Jiang is away, it is impossible to leave Xiaobai to the care of Lao Li. Lao Li is a guard, but not a nanny.

Besides, Zhang Tan probably couldn't control Xiaobai except for Teacher Jiang.

So now Zhang Tan can only take Xiaobai with him every day, and take Xiaobai wherever he goes.

Sometimes, Zhang Tan would think how great it would be if Teacher Jiang came back.

Tan Xier, a child, also followed.

Xiaobai and I slept together last night, and today we got up early for a run and had breakfast together. Although Tan Jiner came to pick her up, Xiaobai just gently invited her, and Xiwawa happily agreed to go with her.

"Good morning, boss~"

"Mr. Zhang, it's early."

"Mr. Xiaobai is here too~"

"Hello, Mr. Xiaobai~"

As soon as the three of them entered the company building, the concierge at the front desk recognized them. When they were taking the elevator, they even met company employees who took the initiative to say hello.

Xiaobai beamed with joy and tried his best to keep himself from laughing out loud.

The nickname everyone just called her kept echoing in her mind, Mr. Xiaobai!


Xiaobai is in a good mood.

Xiwawa on the side looked around, but she didn't hear anyone call her Xiwaba, and no one even knew she was Xiwawa.

Xi'er was very disappointed.


The elevator door opened, and on the fifth floor, there were seven people in the elevator, plus Zhang Tan and three others, so there were four company employees.

As soon as the elevator reached the fifth floor, the door opened, and all four employees rushed out.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Don't tell me that you are all on the fifth floor, and don't think that I don't know anything. At least I know that one of you works on the seventh floor.

"Goodbye Mr. Zhang~"

"Bye, Mr. Zhang."

"Here we are."

"Goodbye, Xiaobai."

"Are you all on the fifth floor?" Zhang Tan asked.

"What a coincidence, they are all on the fifth floor." someone replied.

After they got out of the elevator, Xiaobai waved happily, looked back at the old man, and kept laughing secretly.

"Xi'er, press the door button." Zhang Tan said.

Xi'er pressed the button and the elevator door closed.

"hiahia, godfather, we can't leave until I close the door."

The elevator door soon opened again, reaching the highest floor where Zhang Tan was.

"Get out, get out, we're here. Xi'er! Don't stand in the elevator. You don't need to be responsible for pressing the elevator button."

Zhang Tan saw Xi'er staying in the elevator and not getting out, so he waved to her.

"I have to go to work~ I'm here to work, I'll press this."

Xi'er pointed to the buttons in the elevator. This silly kid fell in love with being an elevator attendant after taking a ride in the elevator. This little brain circuit was hard for Zhang Tan to understand.

Sure enough, it can only be explained by Hanhan'er.

"Go away, go away~"

It was Xiaobai who took action and drove Xiwawa out of the elevator, training others while doing so.

"What do you think? I don't even know how to yell at you!"

Xiaobai muttered, complaining that Xiwa was hard to understand, let alone Xiwa’s dream.

Xi'er explained to her, mumbling, trying to find a reason.

The three of them returned to the office. Zhang Tan was sitting at his desk. Xiaobai and Xi'er immediately ran to the sofa set in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. This place belonged to them in the morning.

At the same time, in the screenwriting department, Jiang Rong was having breakfast. A colleague came into the office and said, "Why did you eat pancakes today? It smells so good."

Jiang Rong said with a smile: "You can eat it if you want."

The pancakes and fruits she ordered were delivered from the Malanhua Pancakes and Fruits Shop in Huangjia Village, and the travel expenses alone cost her nearly fifty yuan.

But she felt that the money was well spent. She was tempted by the pancakes and fruits that Zhang Tan ate that day. She couldn't forget them after she went back. She went to a pancake and fruit shop on the roadside, but the taste there was not very good, so she ate Malanhua pancakes. From the fruit shop, it fit her fantasy of pancakes and fruit.

She has been eating it for two days in a row, for breakfast and dinner.

As for whether I will get tired of it, I am not tired of it now.

"Mr. Zhang is here. Aren't you looking for him in the office? There is no one there right now," said a colleague.

When Jiang Rong heard this, she quickly brought her computer to find Zhang Tan.

In Zhang Tan's office, Xiao Bai was standing beside the desk, talking to Zhang Tan with his head held high.

Xiaobai was reminding Old Man Zhang not to forget to make minced pepper fish head for her to eat today. She had already made an appointment with her best friends to eat together then.

"Old man, you can't be lazy, I invited the children." Xiaobai warned worriedly.

Zhang Tan comforted her and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm in a hurry. I only ate minced pepper fish head at night. I just went to work in the morning, so I'm early."

"Hey, Xiaobai is here? Oh, Xi'er is here too."

Jiang Rong arrived and saw Xiaobai and Xi'er in the office.

Zhang Tan said: "It's just right. Come and accompany them to the company for a walk. I'll be busy for a while."

"Me? Taking care of the children?" Jiang Rong said in surprise.

"Xiaobai and Xi'er are big children. You don't need to take care of them. You just need to lead the way."

"……All right."

Jiang Rong took Xiaobai and Xi'er, who were restless, out of the house. Zhang Tan finally calmed down. He called Zhang Tongshun and asked him if he was interested in taking over the filming of "Little Actor".

Zhang Tongshun was obviously stunned for a moment. Cai Yonglai had already asked him for his opinion, but his opinion was that he was unwilling.

But Zhang Tan also came to ask.

He could not give face to Cai Yonglai, but he had to give face to Zhang Tan.

However, this is no small matter. He is responsible for himself and Zhang Tan.

So Zhang Tongshun said, "Where are you? I'll go find you and we'll have an interview."

"I'm at the company."

"Okay, I'll go over now. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Tongshun arrived at Zhang Tan's office and discussed the "Xiao Xi Gu" project with Zhang Tan behind closed doors.

Half an hour later, Zhang Tongshun was ready to leave.

Before leaving, he said to Zhang Tan: "I want to meet and chat with some of the young actors and actresses who are starring in them as soon as possible."

Zhang Tan said: "That's no problem. The two young actors are here today. I'll ask them to come."

He called Jiang Rong and asked her to bring Xiaobai and Xi'er over and show them to the director.

Zhang Tongshun said with a smile: "I'm very familiar with Xiaobai, and Xi'er has met her too. If it's the two of them, I'm not worried. I just heard that Shen Liuliu is very naughty and difficult to deal with. I want to get to know this better."

"Liuliu won't act anymore, she won't act anymore." Xiaobai came and told Zhang Tongshun some bad news, and the children Dayanyan and Shenliuliu stopped acting.

"Why didn't she act anymore?" Zhang Tongshun asked.

Xi'er answered quickly: "Because Liuliu and Xiaobai had a fight, Xiaobai hit Liuliu, and Liuliu got angry, so he stopped playing the role of Xiaobai's father."


Zhang Tongshun asked Xiaobai: "Don't you and Liliu have a good relationship? Why are you so at odds?"

Xiaobai said: "Okay, okay, we have been divorced for a long time. Liuliu is not my wife. She doesn't want to be my wife."

Zhang Tongshun felt a little tired talking to the children. His imagination was so wild that it was difficult for him to keep up with his thinking.

I'm really sleepy. I slept for less than five hours last night. I can't hold on any longer. I'll go to bed first. I owe you a chapter.

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