Dad Academy

Chapter 1757 Chopped pepper fish head

Boss Zhang is going to make fish head with chopped peppers, and the news quickly spreads in the Little Red Horse Academy.

Xiaobai earned the fish head from part-time job and was given it by her aunt. This news became known to everyone.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~ Do you want to make fish head with chopped pepper?"

Liliu came running and was moved by the wind. Wherever there was news about delicious food, there were her footprints.

"Where do you live?" Xiaobai glanced at her, a little disgusted by Fatty's gluttony.

"You invited Dudu to eat, why don't you invite me to eat? Look, I brought you chili peppers to fry with your fish head. It's super delicious."

Liuliu spread out her chubby little hands, revealing three green chili peppers.

"Huh? Where did you come from?" Xiaobai asked, feeling a little bad in his heart.

"Picked there, the 666 duck is perfect for making fish heads with chopped peppers."

Liuliu pointed to the side of the grove. When Xiaobai heard this, she was startled and ran to check her pepper seedlings.

After a while, Xiaobai's irritable voice echoed throughout the school.

"Gua Wa Zi - Which Gua Wa Zi is pulling my seedlings??? You have picked all my peppers and not even a single one is left for me!!! Shovel - I am going to give you two earwax!!! Who? Who??? Who???”

As soon as the voice came, Xiaobai's figure also appeared. She was carrying a plastic shovel for digging sand and chased after her aggressively. The first target was Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan!

"Gua Wa Zi - I'm going to open up your ass -" Xiao Bai said harshly, and it seemed that he was really going to give Lu Liu a heavy blow.

The durian was so frightened that he ran away, begging loudly for mercy, and said: "I only picked three pepper ducks, Xiaobai, Xiaobai! I didn't pick the others! There were only three peppers left when I picked them -"

In the yard and corridor, many children stood around to watch Liuliu being beaten.

The children were talking and chattering.

The loud "screams" of Liuliu resounded throughout the school, scaring the children like cicadas.

After Xiaobai finished harvesting the pomegranates, he rushed over and asked the group of melon seeds and whether they had picked her peppers?

Everyone had just watched her plucking pomegranates, but now who dared to admit that she had picked chili peppers? None of them dared to say anything and only looked at Xiaobai with horrified eyes.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, you have to calm down."

Xiaomi is finally here. Only Xiaomi in the school can persuade Xiaobai, and even Xi'er may not be able to persuade him.

At the same time, Dudu was helping the suffering Da Yanyan in the yard, holding a first aid kit in his hand.

She had just been standing by and watching, ready to rush over and rescue Liuliu at any time.

Of course, Dudu is not trying to rescue Liuliu from Xiaobai, but is always paying attention to Liuliu's life breath. Once she feels that this breath is about to disappear, she is ready to rush over and give Liuliu first aid.

"Are you okay? Fatty Liuliu." Dudu asked with concern.

Liuliu limped and turned, and his butt suffered a big disaster.

"What a shame, I'm about to be beaten to death. I won't talk to Xiaobai anymore. We are no longer friends. We are no longer friends -"

Liuliu said harsh words, muttered and scolded Xiaobai, and even brought disaster to Chiyu, venting his anger on Boss Zhang.

"I don't want to film anymore. I won't help Boss Zhang film anymore. He doesn't care about his children—his children are so vicious and always beat me—"

Dudu said: "Boss Zhang can't take care of his children. Only Aunt Ma can take care of his children. Grandma Jiang can also take care of them, but Grandma Jiang didn't come home."

It seems that everyone knows that Boss Zhang can't control Xiaobai anymore.

Because no Guawazi dared to admit that he picked the peppers, Xiaobai could only return without success.

Originally, according to her intention, she was prepared to intimidate these melons, and even pinched each one, and would rather kill by mistake than miss.

But Xiaomi kept persuading her that the Justice Cute Police would not allow such large-scale beatings of children.

So Xiaobai could only give up bitterly, and only let these melons go after some harsh words.

On the other side, Liuliu was dissatisfied.

She was nagging angrily, indignant, and extremely unbalanced. Why was she the only one who got beaten? ? ! !

She saw that others were almost picking all the peppers, so she went to pick them!

She is not the initiator!

If you want to be beaten, everyone should be beaten together!

"Did you do it?"

Liuliu caught a passing child and asked fiercely.

Although Xiaobai let everyone go, she didn't let the duck go. She wanted to represent justice and judge the little villains!

"No, it's not me, I didn't do anything bad~~"

The child was almost frightened to tears.

Liuliu didn't expect that she was so powerful. She could make a child cry just by asking a question. She was so powerful.

But when she took a closer look...

"Hey, it's the little Duya who loves to cry. It's okay, it's okay, go away~"

The sense of accomplishment in her heart was extinguished. The crybaby Xiao Du cried at every turn, and even Xiao Youyou could beat him to tears. She was a big Yanyan, what was there to be proud of in making such a crybaby cry?


Not proud at all!

Liuliu ran to a few little girls and said with a wicked smile: "Who is that? Little Lizi - did you pick Xiaobai's peppers? Good guy, I saw you! I'm going to report -"

After saying that, without giving Xiao Lizi a chance to explain, he immediately ran to find Xiao Bai. The evildoer was the first to file a complaint!

Seeing this, Xiao Weiwei and Xiao Youyou quickly tried to persuade Xiao Lizi, but their words were completely different.

"Xiao Lizi, please go find Xiao Bai and explain." Xiao Weiwei said.

"Run, run, Xiaobai is coming to beat someone." Xiao Youyou panicked, pulling Xiao Lizi to run away.

But Little Plum remained motionless, as motionless as a mountain.

Zhang Tan, who was at home, heard the movement downstairs and realized what had happened.

He went downstairs and took the runaway Xiaobai home, and the little red horse's children all breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as Zhang Tan and Xiaobai arrived home, Xi'er came rushing through the door.

"You're so mad at me, you're so mad at me~"

Xiaobai was fuming, sitting on the sofa and breathing heavily.

Zhang Tan was comforting her.

"Xi'er, you're here just in time. Come and talk to Xiaobai."

"hiahia~Xiaobai, your pepper seedlings are growing so fast, they are ready to eat."

Xi'er came carrying a small plastic bucket filled with sand and some chili peppers in it.

When Xiaobai saw this, his expression changed.

"Xiwawa, did you pick my pepper?"

Xi'er waved her hands quickly, "It's not me, it's not me. Don't get me wrong, Xiaobai, I picked it up in the woods! I picked it up while picking mushrooms."

"Pick a Hammer Mushroom. If you go to pick it after I told you there are no mushrooms there, I won't even know how to scold you."

Xiaobai murmured as she took the small bucket and confirmed that it was her little peppers.

"My little pepper, you will die before you grow up - 嘤嘤嘤~"

Zhang Tan also came over and stretched out his head, comforting Xiaobai and said: "Don't be sad, Xiaobai, it's just used to fry the fish head with chopped pepper. Wouldn't it be more delicious to fry the fish head you earned with the pepper you grew yourself?" "

Hearing this, Xiaobai pondered and remained silent, feeling that what the old man said made sense.

Xi'er nodded in agreement: "It's delicious, it tastes better, it tastes better."

At the same time, he said: "Xiao Bai, your pepper seedlings are still there, and they will still grow peppers. Don't be sad."

Zhang Tan: "Yes, Xi'er thinks so too. Then invite Xi'er over to eat tomorrow too. What do you think, Xiaobai?"

"Okay~ Xiba, you want to come."

Xiaobai finally thought about it.

Xi'er nodded, a little worried.

"Is it too spicy? Will my butt hurt? Does it make me cry when I poop? Is it possible? If it does, I won't come. Xiaobai, eat more and beep more. Eat some, and give some to the porridge, I won’t eat it, leave it to my godfather.”

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