Dad Academy

Chapter 1752 Family Dinner

"Crawl away——"

"I don't~"

"Crawl away! I see you annoyed!"

"Why should I crawl away! I'm here to toast you. Auntie, you're telling me to crawl away?! Humph!"

At the dinner table, Bai Chunhua's child always brings a cup of bear drink to toast Malanhua.

Malanhua is real wine. No matter how much she drinks it, she can't stand Xiaobai's constant respect.

Moreover, Guawazi drank the bear drink in one gulp every time, and then urged Malanhua to drink too.

After a few times, Malanhua got annoyed and told her to get out quickly when she saw that she was coming over again.

"Hmph! Then I don't respect you, I respect my uncle."

Xiaobai started to trouble her uncle with a bear drink.

Bai Jianping is not afraid either. He will not refuse anyone who comes, and he will do what he wants.

"How generous, uncle! I knew you could do it." Xiaobai praised him.

"Hahaha~" Bai Jianping was in a good mood.

"Unlike aunt, she is stingy." Xiaobai added.


Bai Jianping laughed and was in a good mood, but he didn't dare to agree.

If he agrees, then he and Xiaobai will have to bear the blame. If he doesn't agree, then Xiaobai will have the blame.

There may be no way to settle the score now, after all, Xiaobai, an old man like me, is here, but there is always a chance.

Bai Jianping is a good drinker, but he just controls himself.

Xiaobai came to toast him, which was exactly what he wanted.

But after a while, Ma Lanhua stopped him from drinking again and warned Bai Jianping that if he got drunk, he might sleep in the alley tonight.

Bai Jianping was shocked and quickly controlled his unrestrained heart, rejecting Xiao Bai's toast again.

"Drink, drink!" Xiaobai urged.

Zhang Tan also said: "Xiao Bai, don't drink so much Little Bear Drink. Doesn't your stomach bloate after drinking too much?"

"Then don't I want to be hospitable?!" Xiaobai said.

"It's hospitable. You can bring vegetables to your uncle and aunt to eat. You don't have to just toast."

When Xiaobai heard this, he thought it was haha, and immediately gave his uncle and aunt a large piece of meat.

Malanhua and Bai Jianping did not refuse and enjoyed Xiaobai's enthusiasm. After all, they were the children they raised. They were happy to see her so lively and lively now.

"Did you do this?" Malanhua asked.

"Hohoho, aunt, do you know anything about it?"

"Put chili powder in the chili fried pork. You old man will definitely not cook like this. You must have instigated it."

Xiaobai Dale, yes, she directed the frying of this dish. Chili powder was added to the chili stir-fried pork.

Her old man refused to put chili powder in, so she poured it herself.

If you don't add chili powder, you won't get the soul.

Zhang Tan said, "If you don't like this dish, don't eat it. It's too spicy."

He was going to take the dish away, but he didn't want to eat it. His throat was burning just by looking at it a few more times.

"Hey~ wait, don't take it away, I tasted it, it's delicious." Bai Jianping said.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Malanhua also ate a piece of chili pepper and said, "It's delicious. It's spicy enough."

Xiaobai laughed loudly and said proudly to Old Man Zhang: "I'm so embarrassed. My uncle and aunt like to eat it, so I'll take a bite too."

As soon as she stretched out her chopsticks, they were blocked by Malanhua.

"You can't eat it. It's too spicy and not good for children. You can eat something else. It's hot, so drink more soup."


She saw that her aunt was eating with gusto and was not convinced.

"Why can you eat so much? I want to eat too, I want to eat."

Malanhua stopped her from eating and asked, "Have you finished your summer homework?"


"If you don't talk, then you haven't finished it. You will do your homework at home during the day tomorrow. If you can't do it, go to my shop to do it. If you don't want to do it, then work in the shop."

Xiaobai panicked at the thought of working in the store, but he felt happier doing his homework.

Tonight was the last time for a long time that everyone had a meal together. Zhang Tan found a time when everyone was free, so he had a family dinner together at home.

The effect is very good, Xiaobai is particularly lively and cheerful.

After eating, everyone sat down in the living room. Bai Jianping's attention was attracted by the news broadcast, and Xiaobai was watching it with him.

Malanhua chatted with Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan glanced at Xiaobai not far away and saw that she wasn't paying attention, so he told Malanhua about Teacher Jiang.

"...The old man always likes to stay in his hometown. Don't worry about her, and don't rush her. The old man will come back when he has had enough. Baijia Village is also quieter," Malanhua said.

Zhang Tan actually understands this. For old people like Teacher Jiang and others, although the living environment in Baijiacun is not as good as Pujiang, they live in a comfortable place. When they look around, they are filled with memories.

Every plant and tree can bring back memories of the past.

Their youthful years were spent among the fields and rivers in Baijia Village.

Sitting under the eaves, you can spend the entire day memorizing.

"What's the date today?" Malanhua suddenly asked.

Zhang Tan said: "August 15th."

Malanhua pondered for a moment, calculating in her mind. After a while, she whispered to Zhang Tan: "It's almost Jiang Ping's death anniversary. Teacher Jiang may want to pay homage to Jiang Ping before leaving."

Zhang Tan suddenly felt that this possibility was really high.

Ding dong~

There was a knock on the door.

Xiaobai ran to open the door, and it was Xiao Weiwei who came.

She said in a panic: "Xiao Bai, Xiao Youyou and Xiao Du are fighting. Come and take a look -"


Xiaobai immediately followed Xiao Weiwei out.

Bai Jianping and Ma Lanhua sat at home for a while and were ready to leave.

"Xiaobai prepared this for you. She said she wanted to give it to you. She originally came to give it to you, but she just happened to go out."

Zhang Tan gave Malanhua a box of bear drinks, which Xiaobai had prepared for her.

Knowing that her aunt was secretly drinking Little Bear, she poured out part of her Little Bear drink and gave it to her.

Xiaobai kept some daily drinks for himself, and gave away all the remaining bear drinks.

"Isn't this bad?"

Malanhua was a little embarrassed. If Xiaobai had given it to her personally, she would have accepted it without any psychological pressure. But when Zhang Tan came to give it to her, she was a little embarrassed.

"Take what Xiaobai wants," Zhang Tan said.

"Then, I'll take it." After Ma Lanhua accepted it, she and Bai Jianping left together.

Zhang Tan went downstairs to see them off. When passing by the yard, there were children playing in the yard. When they saw Malanhua holding a box of bear drinks in her hand, they all looked over.

Liuliu and Dudu were not here, so no Guawazi had the guts to rush over and ask what it was, knowingly.

And Malanhua didn’t plan to share it with the children, she couldn’t even drink enough!

The children could only watch the bear drink slipping away from their eyes, if only the pomegranates were here.

Liuliu arrived late, and when he heard about this from the Guawazi, he couldn't help but beat his chest and felt that he had lost hundreds of millions.

Zhang Tan was chatting with Lao Li in the yard and saw Xiao Bai, Xiao Lizi, and Xiao Weiwei coming out of the classroom protecting Xiao Youyou.

Xiaobai educates Xiao Youyou all the way, despising her age and stature, and how hard it is to learn how to fight like others.

Zhang Tan walked over and asked, "Who did Xiao Youyou fight with?"

In his impression, Xiao Youyou was a weak, quiet little girl, how could she fight?

Xiaobai snorted angrily and said, "Let her speak for herself."

Xiao Weiwei urged Xiao Youyou: "Say."

Xiao Youyou looked confused and looked at Zhang Tan in a daze.

Big eyes stare at small eyes.

Zhang Tan saw that she had no intention of speaking, and just wanted to remind the child not to be in a daze.

At this time, Xiaobai patted Xiao Youyou on the head and said, "What are you thinking about? Talk, I am asking you."

Little Youyou scratched her head and said, "Who did I fight with?"

Xiaobai: "Ask you."

"Did I fight?"

"You're crying, and you haven't even fought yet!"

"Oh, I had a fight with Xiao Du. I'm going to ask him why he hit me, huh~"

The first chapter was updated in the early hours of last night. This is the second chapter. Both chapters have been updated today. Ha, no more. Go to sleep.

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