Dad Academy

Chapter 179 Behind the Name (2/4)

Chapter 179 Behind the Name (24)

PS: Please vote for me, my ranking has dropped.

It's raining outside, getting heavier and heavier.

After an autumn rain and a cold spell, the temperature began to drop faster.

Zhang Tan also came to the corridor and asked Xiao Qian's father: "How did you get here?"

"Come by taxi." Xiao Qian's father said.

"You have to go to the intersection here, and it's not easy to take a taxi on a rainy day. Just wait a moment and I'll drive you back."

A few minutes later, the car drove into traffic, and the voices of children could be heard from the back seat.

Zhang Tan drove them home, and Jiang Bin followed. At this moment, he and Xiao Qian were whispering in the back seat.

Xiao Qian's mother was also sitting in the back seat, and Xiao Qian's father was sitting in the passenger seat.

Their home is not far from Little Red Horse. It takes less than ten minutes to drive there. It is a rented house in an old community.

It was now 9 o'clock in the evening. Xiaoqian's father invited Zhang Tan to sit at home. Zhang Tan hadn't spoken yet, but Jiang Bin looked up at him expectantly, making him unable to refuse.

"Drink some water, the house is a little messy."

Xiao Qian's mother handed Zhang Tan some water. Jiang Bin and Xiao Qian had already gone into the room. The two children were muttering that Xiao Qian wanted to share various little secrets in the bedroom with him.

Zhang Tan looked at this home. It had two bedrooms and one living room, about 60 square meters. The furniture was old, but it was clean and tidy, and the decoration was very warm. The most eye-catching thing was the various photos on the wall, all of them were a family of three, with a young couple surrounding a small Baby.

Some babies were crying loudly, some were crawling on the ground, some were holding their mother's hands and chewing, some were surprised to see a giraffe, some were sitting on the bed and laughing, and some were leaning forward and backward. Some fell asleep holding their dolls, some hugged their father’s legs and refused to let him go to work...

Then the baby grows up day by day. He can walk, use chopsticks, run in the park, carry a small schoolbag to school, draw by himself, sing and dance in public performances...

Zhang Tan also saw a photo taken at Little Red Horse Late Night Academy. With tears in his eyes, the baby stood pitifully at the entrance of Little Red Horse Academy, stood at attention for a moment, and then took this photo.

This little baby is Xiao Qian.

These photos on the wall completely record every important node of Xiao Qian from infancy to the present.

Xiaoqian's father said: "I like to take pictures and record the beautiful things around me, but my skills are terrible, haha."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "The technique is not bad. The truly heartfelt photos are often taken casually in life. Look at those award-winning photography works. How many of them are specially framed? They all capture the moments in life." A certain moment. And these of yours, for a family, are some of the most beautiful moments in life, worth a thousand dollars, I am particularly envious."

Xiao Qian's father was stunned and overjoyed: "You've given me the award, but the most important thing is that I like it. I like these photos very much. No matter how tired I am at work, when I see them when I get home, my fatigue will be gone."

Zhang Tan looked at these photos carefully and said: "So, I envy you very much. Although the house is rented, but the wife and children are here, it is a home. Is this... a B-ultrasound photo? You are so thoughtful. , these are all retained.”

This is a black and white photo. Judging from the graphic, it should be a B-ultrasound scan.

In this photo, there is also a small red drum, the kind that children like to play.

With a click, Xiaoqian's father turned on the spotlight on the wall, and the photos were immediately clear.

He came closer, looked at the B-ultrasound photo, and said, "Yes, this is a B-ultrasound photo. Our first child is not Xiaoqian."

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "Not Xiao Qian? What is that?"

Xiao Qian's father smiled bitterly and said, "To be precise, he is Xiao Qian's brother."

Zhang Tan knew he had asked a stupid question.

Seeing this, Xiaoqian's father smiled and said: "It's okay. It has been many years and we have come out. That was 7 years ago. My wife and I just arrived in Pujiang and unexpectedly had this child. At that time Being young and ignorant, my wife was too tired from work and her body was overloaded. As a result, she had a miscarriage, and our first child was born at 6 months and 28 days."

Zhang Tan: "It must be very sad, as you can imagine."

"My wife almost didn't come out."

He took off the small red drum in the photo, wiped the drum surface, and shook it twice, and a crisp drum sound sounded.

He smiled and said: "This child was restless in the belly and often kicked in the belly. My wife said it must be a boy. She already gave a name and prepared this small drum. Doesn't he like to kick in the belly? He will try harder from now on. Beat the snare drum.”

He clamped the snare drum back and said: "This child is pitiful. He passed away before he came into this world. Later, my wife became pregnant with Xiao Qian. We were extremely careful and became extremely nervous at the slightest movement. When she was 4 months old , my wife’s physical reaction became more and more severe, and I was worried and sent her back to her hometown to recuperate. Even so, it was still full of dangers, and if she didn’t make the right move, she might be dead.”

He smiled and said to Zhang Tan: "But at least she was born safely. We all felt that her brother must be blessing her, so we gave her his brother's name. Yao Yuexi is her brother's name, and we believe her brother will Always protect her."

Zhang Tan was stunned: "I didn't expect there to be such a story behind it. It's very sad, but also very warm."

"So although Xiao Qian is very reluctant to leave Little Red Horse, there is no way. Her mother's health is not good, and I am very worried about her body and fetus. To be on the safe side, it is best to go home and rest, and I stay alone in Pujiang. I can’t take care of Xiao Qian, so I’d better go back to my hometown with her. Her grandparents are at home, and there are many friends at home. Children will forget these unhappy things after a while.”

Zhang Tan asked: "Can't you let go of the Pujiang matter for the time being?"

"Do you mean I'll go back too?" Xiaoqian's father shook his head: "I can let it go. It's just because I can let it go that I don't dare to go back. The big city of Pujiang is too tempting, with countless people coming in and out every day. , as soon as I leave, the vacant position will be filled immediately. Of course, I can also find a job at home, but I want to give my wife and children a better life. I will work hard while I am still young and in a few years , maybe there is no room for imagination.”

Before leaving, Zhang Tan gave him a business card and told him that if he had any difficulties in the future, he could call him and he would help if he could.

On the way back to the academy, Jiang Bin sat in the back seat without saying a word. He didn't answer Zhang Tan's questions.

Although this boy is only 8 years old, he already has his own thoughts.

Although the children in the garden were reluctant to leave Xiao Qian, they cried and passed away.

But he is different.

Late at night, Jiang Bin's father came to take Jiang Bin home.

"Have you finished your homework today?"

Jiang Bin silently packed his schoolbag and whispered, "It's done."

Jiang Bin's father said happily: "Your head teacher praised you again today. She said you..."

There were a lot of compliments, but Jiang Bin didn't listen to a word.

When he walked out of Little Red Pony Academy, he looked back and saw that the quiet Little Red Pony was the same as countless nights before, but it seemed different.

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