Dad Academy

Chapter 1735 Advertisement broadcast

At night, Little Red Horse Academy.

All kinds of small milk sounds and small clear sounds are heard, which is very lively.

Shi Baobao was drawing a picture for little Zheng Zheng. Little Zheng Zheng looked at it and smiled happily.

"What are you painting?"

Xiao Bai suddenly stretched out his head and took a look at the painting that Shi Baobao drew for little Zheng Zheng. The painting was of a little girl flying a kite.

"Strangle little Zheng Zheng?"

Shi Baobao nodded.

Xi'er popped his head out from behind Xiaobai and said, "Shi Baobao, then you can also draw for me."

"Then sit down and I'll draw it for you." Shi Baobao said.

Little Zheng Zheng quickly gave up the small stool and let Xi'er sit on it.

"Don't move around, Xi'er, and don't laugh either." Shi Baobao warned. While looking at Xi'er, he drew a portrait of Xi'er. I don't know how good the painting was, but the posture was very elegant.

Shi Baobao painted very quickly, and soon he said it was finished. Xi'er and Xiaobai immediately came over to take a look.

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er was very happy and felt that Shi Baobao's painting for her was really good.

"Draw for me, draw me a duck~Hurry up and draw for me."

The pomegranate is here.

She sat down on the stool and asked Shi Baobao to draw for her, even if she didn't want to draw.

Shi Baobao didn't dare to offend her, so he could only paint for her.

"The painting is done."

"Let me see, hahaha~"

Liuliu happily leaned over to look at her portrait. After two glances, she was not satisfied and asked Shi Baobao to compensate her for mental damages.

The children on the side all spoke up for Shi Baobao, accusing him of using his power to bully others and bullying the younger ones.

Liuliu and the children got into a quarrel, making a lot of noise.

At this time, Xiaobai said loudly: "Come on, Fat Liuliu, our commercial is about to be broadcast. Can't you see that you are such a melon? You are always quarreling with the children."

After hearing this, Liuliu remembered the business and would definitely let these little ones who dared to quarrel with her go first. Qi Qi glanced at the leader, Little Plum, with an unkind look.

"I remember you, little plum."

"I remember you too, hum!"

Xiao Lizi showed no sign of weakness.

When Liuliu wanted to say harsh words, Xier said, "Come on, Liuliu, the commercial is about to be aired."

Compared with arguing with Xiao Lizi, Liliu now rarely watches her advertisements.

The big TV in the classroom has been turned on and cartoons are playing. Teacher Xiaoliu discussed with the children watching cartoons that they should first watch the commercials starring Xiaobai, Xier and Liuliu, and then turn back after watching the commercials. Let’s continue watching cartoons for everyone.

When everyone heard that it was an advertisement shot by Xiaobai and others, they were very interested, and they could tolerate it without watching cartoons for the time being.

But there were still a few children who disagreed and made a lot of noise.

"Which one? Which one is it? I will remember you, Guawazi." Liuliu threatened, pretending to write down the names of these Guawazi in his notebook.

Liuliu's actions frightened these children, and at the same time, other children also criticized them.

"Xiaobai, let's watch the advertisement. The advertisement is really nice."

Seeing the public outrage, these children immediately changed their tune.

The commercial shot by Xiaobai and others was about to be broadcast. The news spread in the school. Everyone rushed over and gathered in front of the TV to watch the commercial together.

While waiting, the children were chattering and talking. The content of what they said was different, but the meaning was the same, that is, they thought Xiaobai, Xi'er and Liuliu were too awesome.

"Why hasn't it started yet? Teacher Xiaoliu, is the TV broken?" A anxious child urged.

"We want to see Xiaobai."

"I really want to be on TV."

"I like Xi'er and I want to marry Xi'er."

"Xiaobai should be my sister."

All kinds of weird ideas popped up.

Xiaobai saw that the advertisement hadn't come yet, so he took advantage of the waiting time to go on stage and say a few words.

"Children, children - I say three o'clock, don't talk, listen to me, listen to me, don't talk, don't talk - melons, don't make a noise - don't make a noise - shovel, you're so angry I'm so angry that I'm still making noise???"

Xiaobai was so angry that she stepped down. The group of melons couldn't stop and kept making noisy noises. She couldn't speak.

Liuliu told Xiaobai that she was missing the mobile karaoke speaker, and it would be easier to talk if she had it.

"Dudu, Dudu, move the karaoke machine quickly." Luliu called Dudu.

Dudu was very happy to be ordered around. As soon as he heard that he was going to move things, he ran away immediately.

After a while, a man came dragging a karaoke machine.

Xiaobai took the microphone and re-entered the stage, "Listen to me, listen to me, children..."

At this time, a child pointed at the TV and said excitedly: "It's Liliu and Xi'er!"

Xiaobai looked back and saw that their advertisement had started.

"Come down quickly, Xiaobai, you're blocking us." Liuliu said.

An advertisement for bear breakfast cakes has already begun to play on TV. The first ones to appear were Liliu and Xi'er. They were strolling around the West Lake. They suddenly became hungry and did not eat breakfast. They saw Xu Xian, played by Xiaobai, eating breakfast cakes. He looked very sweet, so he leaned over and got close...

The plot was childish and a bit silly, but the children watched it with gusto. In just 30 seconds, applause rang out five times, and no less than ten children crowded in front of Xiaobai, Xier and Liuliu to express their envy. There were some who wanted to recognize each other as elder sisters, some who wanted to be recognized as younger sisters, and some who wanted to be brothers. Anyway, the atmosphere at the scene was very lively.

"You have to calm down, you have to calm down."

Dudu hugged Liuliu hard and told her to calm down and not bully the children. Even though the child ran up to Liuliu and stood on tiptoe to be just as high as Liuliu, he kept saying that he wanted to recognize Liuliu as his sister.

"I want to make you cry." Liuliu said harshly. This Guawazi made her very angry. Both Xiaobai and Xi'er were complimented. Several children wanted to recognize them as their sisters, but a Guawazi ran up in front of her. The key to recognizing her as her younger sister is that the melon is not even as high as the bridge of her nose.

The little boy was protected by Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei to avoid being beaten flat by Luoliu.

At the same time, there are also people in many places sitting in front of the TV watching advertisements.

Teacher Song Ping from the acting class is one of them. After he knew the broadcast time of Xiaobai and others' commercial, he stayed in front of the TV half an hour ago. During this period, he did not dare to walk away for fear of missing it.

Fortunately, he was able to keep watch. Seeing Xiaobai and Liuliu really appear on the TV, he couldn't help but feel relieved and sighing. At the same time, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was much heavier.

Both of them are good prospects, capable and have background connections.

"Song Ping, Song Ping, you must teach well. You can't be a good actor, but you can teach great actors like Xiaobai and Liuliu. When they see you in the future, they will call you Teacher Song."

While Song Ping was sighing with emotion, people in the municipal party committee courtyard were also applauding.

Qin Huifang and Zhang Mingxue were also watching in front of the TV. They were already following "The Legend of White Snake". Xiaobai's commercials were played before and during the TV broadcast, so they didn't have to wait.

However, Zhang Hui doesn't watch TV dramas, so he sat in front of the TV specifically to watch Xiaobai's commercials.

He originally had a guest tonight, but he turned him away. He went home early and had dinner at home. After that, he went for a walk in the community and walked a few laps. When he came back, he watched the news at exactly seven o'clock in the evening. After watching the broadcast, I never left the TV again.

Seeing Xiaobai and Xi'er's cute appearance on TV, Zhang Hui couldn't help but feel happy, and the smile on his face couldn't help but bloom, turning into a chrysanthemum.

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