Dad Academy

Chapter 1727: Did these children not eat?

After filming the commercial, it was just time for lunch, so Zhang Tan invited us to have a meal together.

Today, Dudu, Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi came all the way to cheer for their friends. We can't just let them go back without paying attention to their food. In that case, they wouldn't be good sisters.

Even Xier knew to share the free bear breakfast cakes and bear drinks with her friends, and Liuliu also knew to treat them.

Liuliu really wanted to treat him, and he shouted at her to come and treat her all the way. Her mother, Zhu Xiaojing, was annoyed by her, and it was hard to reprimand her, which would make people think she didn't want to treat her.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan said from the beginning that he would treat him to today's meal.

However, the child Shen Liuliu still did not give up and insisted on giving her a chance to treat her. If she cannot treat her today, she will treat her tomorrow. If she cannot treat her tomorrow, she will come the day after tomorrow. Life is long and there is always a chance.

Zhu Xiaojing wanted to hurt her, but there was no way to tell that this guy was acting for personal gain. He always wanted to eat and drink well for his own convenience. He probably not only wanted to eat, but also wanted massage, and maybe went to a movie or something.

Anyway, this little guy has a lot of tricks now. The child who used to be able to be dismissed by buying a hamburger now needs a dragon to keep her quiet.

Zhu Xiaojing was helpless. Luliu had already spoken out and was so enthusiastic. She had to say that it would make her look stingy and her image of a good mother would be damaged in the hearts of the children.

When Liuliu heard that Zhu's mother finally agreed, she was extremely happy. She immediately discussed with the children where to go to eat. Zhu Xiaojing immediately wanted to teach her how to be a child.

I have never seen any child so arrogant.

"Liuliu's acting skills have improved again now. It's really amazing." Zhang Tan said with emotion. Liuliu's acting skills showed a step forward today. He can send and receive freely, especially the stunt of sucking the belly, which is really amazing!

Of course, Zhang Tan didn't say anything about sucking his belly to save some face for Da Yanyan.

"Hahahaha, 666 duck me~~~"

Liuliu laughed, Boss Zhang's words of praise touched her heart.

"Liuliu is now in an acting class and studying with an acting teacher." Zhu Xiaojing said, and then told Liuliu: "Liuliu, please be humble and don't be so proud, okay?!"

"Hahahaha, not proud, not proud, am I proud?" Liuliu asked Xiaobai, suddenly thinking that Xiaobai would not give her face, so she quickly turned to ask Xi'er.

Xi'er shook her head and said, "You have no pride, Luoliu."

Xi'er still gives me more face.

Zhang Tan had heard that Liuliu was in an acting class before, but he didn't ask about it carefully. Now after hearing Zhu Xiaojing's words, he immediately asked about the situation.

Although Zhu Xiaojing’s teacher dissed Liuliu, it was in private. In public, especially in front of Boss Zhang, who was the mother and father of all parents, she thought it was necessary to give Luoliu face, so she didn’t say a word that Liuliu was lazy, but praised her for being lazy. She studied acting with her teacher.

"It's quite serious. I go there every two days. It's very rewarding and I've made a little progress."

Zhang Tan said: "The progress is more than just a little bit. Where do you go to class?"

"On East Chang'an Street, Xiaomi and Xi'er also have classes there, but they take ballet."

Zhang Tan went there last time and picked up Xi'er from get out of class.

He asked Xiaobai if he also wanted to join an acting class.

When Liuliu heard this, she immediately encouraged Xiaobai to come with her. She was now in class alone, singing and performing. She was very lonely. She faced Teacher Song Ping all day long and there were no other children to play with her. She could only find time to run around. Go downstairs to play with Xiaomi and Xi'er.

Xiaobai was very interested in the performance and agreed to go and see it.

When they arrived at the hotel and entered the private room, Zhang Tan gave the menu to Liuliu. Liuliu was not polite and asked for this, this, and that, and then her mother confiscated the menu.

"What Liliu just said doesn't count."

Liliu: "..."


The commercials were edited the next day, and Zhang Tan received the finished film immediately. Both commercials were 30 seconds long, with an interesting style and a bit of comedy.

The main thing is to see the three little ones wearing ancient costumes and their style is very funny.

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai - come here quickly." Zhang Tan called to Xiao Bai who was hiding in the bedroom.

"Where do you live?"

The child didn't come out, but the voice came out.

"The commercial you shot is out, come and take a look."

Whoosh, a child appeared in front of him.

"Where? Where?"

Xi'er also ran out, just a few steps slower.

"Here, show it to you."

Zhang Tan opened the tablet and clicked on the advertising video he received.

"Sister, sister, I'm hungry. We went shopping before we had breakfast. Let's eat something to fill our stomachs."

In the commercial, Xiao Qing, played by Xi'er, appears.

"hiahiahia, this is me." Xi'er smiled.

She and Liuliu formed the duo of Suo Lao Er and appeared, and Xu Xian, played by Xiao Bai, also appeared. The plot of the advertisement was very simple, even a little retarded, but it was just an advertisement.

I played this one and the second one, and the results were very good. The two children laughed loudly. It felt weird and interesting to see themselves appearing in the video.

"I'll send it to Liliu's mother and Xi'er, your sister."

Zhang Tan sent the advertisement to Zhu Xiaojing and Tan Jiner.

At the same time, the senior executives of the Little Bear Group were also watching these two advertisements.

Advertising directors and brand leaders were also there.

"Overall, it's very good and interesting." Someone said after reading it.

"The three kids did a really good job, and they were decent."

"They all have acting experience, especially Shen Liuliu, the heroine in the big movie "I Am Zhan Er", with a box office of more than 5 billion. And the kid Bai Chunhua also appeared in the TV series "Woman 30", which is equivalent to the third There are four female supporting roles, and the roles are very high.”

"What about the youngest one? What has he acted in?"

"I played the role of the little maid who guards the door."

"It's good, it's a good shot, but I don't know what the effect will be after it's released to the media."

"Their current reputation and image are very good, so the results should be very good."

"I hope so. When do you plan to release it to the media?"

"Next Mon."

The Little Bear Group successfully passed the advertisement, and now they are waiting to put it into the media to see the effect.

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, why do you call me Liuliu Niangzi?"

"Xi'er is so cute. Will I be as cute when I grow up?"

"The bear's breakfast cake looks delicious, but I've never eaten it before."

"Who stepped on my little shoes——"

"Who can give me a piece of bear breakfast cake~~"

"I really want to be a big star and shoot commercials with Xiao Bai Xi'er."

In the evening, at Little Red Horse Academy, when Xiaobai took out the advertising video and shared it with the children, the children were chattering and talking, and they all came over to watch.

"Kids - kids, do you want to eat bear breakfast cakes?"

Liuliu and Dudu pushed the trolley and brought the bear breakfast cakes.

This was prepared by Xiaobai and Xi'er. The Little Bear Group had sent a cart of breakfast cakes before, and they couldn't finish them all, so they shared them with the children.

"Line up, line up - don't jump in line -"

Liuliu and Dudu maintained order, but the children were a little riotous, and their mouths watered when they saw the bear's breakfast cake.

When Liuliu saw this, she sighed and said to Dudu: "These children, have they not eaten yet?"

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