Dad Academy

Chapter 1725 One person gets one car as a gift

The advertising director chatted with Zhang Tan for a while, and then returned to his post at Zhang Tan's request to prepare for filming.

Although he seemed submissive in front of Zhang Tan, in front of the crew, the director had absolute authority.

He commanded the scene in an orderly manner, and after everyone was in place, he began to prepare for the shooting of the advertisement.

Xiaobai, Liuliu and Xi'er have already gone to change clothes. They will wear ancient costumes similar to those in "The Legend of White Snake".

"I'll hurry up."

The staff saw that everyone was already in place and was waiting for the three young actors to take their places, so they wanted to go to the dressing room to urge them.

But the director obviously had different opinions. He said angrily: "What's the rush! What's the rush to change clothes? The preparations are all done? Why don't you check it quickly!"

The staff was a little confused. They didn't know what kind of anger the director was angry at. Could it be that Zhang sighed just now?

"Young actors should be more careful when changing their costumes. Everyone, wait patiently and go over their respective tasks again," the director said to everyone. Some staff members who have been following him for a long time were puzzled. They knew that Director Gu had a fiery temper and was very resolute and consistent on the set. The only explanation for his dramatic change in temper today was that Zhang Tan was present.

Zhang Tan sat aside and waited patiently, while Zhu Xiaojing and Tan Jin'er accompanied Xiaobai and others to change their clothes. Along with Zhang Tan, there were Sun Dongdong, Dudu and others.

Dudu was fiddling with his phone, "I'm going to take pictures of Liliu and Bai Xi'er later, film their acting, and then show them to them. They will be very happy, and I will also show it to the children of Little Red Horse."

Cheng Cheng told her: "You can take videos, not just photos."

Xiaomi glanced at the two friends. She felt a little nervous. Seeing so many staff on site, all filming for Xiaobai and the others, she couldn't help but become nervous.

Ding Jiamin knew her well, saw her nervousness, and comforted her and said, "Don't worry, Xiaobai and Liuliuxi'er are old actors and very experienced. They have filmed many movies. This scene is just a trivial matter to them. You take it easy."

Xiaomi thinks about it, Xiaobai and others are not simple.


At this time, Xiaobai, Liuliu, and Xier just came out.

They had already changed their clothes and their belts were fluttering.

The director looked at it for a few times and said with a smile: "This dress fits me very well, just right. It has a great temperament."

A staff member immediately came forward and gave Xiaobai and the other three a brief explanation of the drama.

Zhang Tan also stepped forward. After the staff finished speaking, he said: "It's what you performed last night. Let's perform it again today."

Xiaobai reassured the old man that this was her strength.

"When you're ready, go ahead. Be serious and don't laugh. Liuliu, don't be in a daze. Xi'er, don't laugh, you know?"

Liuliu was a little dissatisfied with being told not to be in a daze, since people don't often daze.

Xi'er pinched her face hard to make herself serious. Be serious, don't laugh, be serious!

"Everyone is in place at the scene, the lights are ready, the actors are in place, let's start!"

As the director finished speaking, the scene immediately started moving. The camera focused on the strolling Liliu and Xi'er. The two sisters held hands and walked in the spring of March.

Zhang Tan wanted to laugh a little when he saw this scene. The scene really looked like a young lady from a wealthy family going shopping accompanied by a maid.

At this time, Xiao Qing said: "Sister, sister, I'm hungry. We went shopping before we had breakfast. Let's eat something to fill our stomachs."

When the little white lady heard this, she touched her belly and found that she was indeed hungry.

"Hey duck, what kind of good duck is this?"

"Sister, look at that little official, what is he eating? It's so delicious."

The two little shuttlecocks looked at the little Xu Xian who happened to be passing by, and saw that the little Xuxian was eating breakfast cakes in her hands. It was delicious.

Seeing the two cocks looking at him, little Xu Xian smiled and said, "Madam, would you like a bite of the bear breakfast cake?"


The director shouted stop, the acting was very good and spot on. That’s all for the commercials, and the rest is to add slogans in post-production.

The director looked at the scene, the staff looked at him, and the three young actors also looked at him.

He had to say something.

No, it can't end like this. It's just the beginning. It needs to be shot a few more times before it looks good.

Although he thought that the shot he just took was good enough to be used directly, with such a big battle array, he couldn't just say it was done so easily.

So, the director asked for a five-minute break and then continued shooting.

After everyone took an intermission, the director saw that a young actor had arrived. It was the child Shen Liuliu who played the role of the White Snake.

"Kid, is something wrong?" the director asked.

Liuliu nodded, I won't bother you if nothing happens.

Xiaobai and Xi'er also came, and Xi'er said, "Director, Liuliu asked if she could have some pancakes."

"?" The director didn't understand.

Liuliu explained to him that it turned out that Dayanyan saw that only Xiaobai ate pancakes during the filming. Neither she nor Xier had such a shot. This was a pity and unfair! Why can't it be given to a child who wants to eat pancakes? !

"Do you want to eat pancakes?" the director asked.

Liuliu nodded.

The director said: "But you don't have a scene of eating the cake, so if you want to eat it, you can eat it now and not eat it during filming, okay?"

Liuliu happily agreed, and immediately ran to the staff and asked for the pancake to be given to her as a prop.

She could use her break to eat a few more pieces.

She ate two before filming and thought they were so delicious.

The staff found it funny and gave her a large bag of breakfast cakes. Upon seeing this, the brand owner came over and said, "Our breakfast cakes are really delicious, right?"

Liuliu nodded, with a piece of cake stuffed in his mouth and no time to speak. Xi'er stood aside, handed her water, and told her to eat slowly, drink some water, and stop choking.

Xiaobai reminded Liuliu: "Don't drop food on your clothes. If your clothes are dirty, you can't film. Liuliu, be careful. Don't eat it yet."

But Liuliu was greedy, and it was impossible not to let her eat.

The person in charge of the brand said: "After the filming is completed, I will give each of you a car."

"Cough cough cough cough~~~"

When Liuliu heard this, she almost choked. How much would you give?

"I'll give you a cart. You can eat it every day. You can eat as much as you want. When you're done, come back to me and I'll give you more."

Xi'er: "I can't finish it, so it's better not to eat so much."

Hearing this, Liuliu's sinful little hands immediately appeared, covering Xi'er's little mouth, and said to the brand staff with a smile: "Good friend, thank you in advance, you are really my good friend."

Liliu likes to make friends with such generous people.

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