Dad Academy

Chapter 1720 You are like my mother~

At night, Little Red Horse Academy.

The wind picked up, making the woods rustle.

The moon moved quickly through the clouds, appearing and disappearing for a while, and finally disappeared into the clouds.

A loud thunder pierced the night sky, and finally it started to rain.

Lao Li fled and hurriedly moved tables and chairs.

Liuliu ran out of the classroom immediately and looked up at the sky. There were heavy raindrops. She stood under the eaves and shouted: "Run duck - it's raining - collect your clothes! Li Baobao, come on - duck - —”

Lao Li has no time to pay attention to this strong talker. If he has the ability to shout so loudly, he has the ability to help.

Just as he thought this, a small figure quickly ran out of the classroom and ran into the shower.

"Li Baibao, let me help you -"

"It's not good - Dudu ran into the rain - she's going to get wet - Dudu, come back quickly!" Liuliu shouted.

It was Dudu Fengfenghuohuo who ran out.

While Lao Li Laohuai was pleased, he quickly drove her back.

"Go back quickly, go back quickly, you will get wet from the rain."

"If I run fast I won't get wet."

Dudu pushed the trolley and ran to the guard box. When Lao Li saw this, he stopped saying anything and took the things and ran. Finally, the two of them hid in the house.

He lowered his head and looked at Dudu. The kid raised his little face and smiled at him: "I've finished moving the things."

Lao Li wiped her face and said distressedly: "If it rains next time, don't run out."

Dudu nodded, but next time she encounters this situation, she will still run out to help move things.

Lao Li wiped her hair with a towel and looked worriedly at the heavy rain outside.

Dudu didn't know why, so he stood at his feet and looked at the raindrops strung under the eaves in a daze.

"It's raining so heavily that it's difficult for parents to pick up their children," Lao Li said.

Such heavy rain is a big problem for parents picking up and dropping off small children.

They don't have cars, so they usually come here by electric donkey, or simply walk and take the subway.

Lao Li held an umbrella and escorted Dudu back to the classroom. Then he returned alone and closed the gate of the academy.

The visibility is not good on rainy days, and we are afraid of outsiders sneaking in.

"Don't run out next time. It's raining. You guy, you're not obedient at all..."

Luoliu is educating Dudu.

Dudu didn't argue with her, he just nodded his head no matter what she said.

After giving Dudu a lesson, Liliu let her go. She was concerned about whether Dudu's clothes were wet, and then took her to watch Teacher Xiaoliu play games.

"There is a snake in the forest, but it never bites people. Why?" Teacher Xiaoliu asked the children. This is a brain teaser.

Everyone answered in a flurry, and Luoliu also raised his hand and said loudly: "Because snakes have no teeth."

Dudu beside him also raised his little hand and replied: "Because the snake was transformed from a pomegranate, and she was transformed from a shuttlecock into a spirit."

Liliu: "..."

She looked at Dudu and said with some dissatisfaction: "Dudu, are you kidding me? I'm not a dick. I'm a child, a human, a strong person."

Dudu argued: "You are not a human being, you are just Suo Laoer. Xiaobai said you are her wife."

Dudu really doesn't care about anything, and Luoliu hates it when people say she is Xiaobai's wife!

"You are Xiaobai's wife! Damn it, I am a human being, I am Da Yanyan! I am not the second son of Shuo!"

She just played the role of the White Snake, how could she become a reality after just one performance? Can't you change it back? ? If she had known this, she would not have acted. No matter how Boss Zhang invited her, she would not agree!

"You are not a human being, you are a strong little pomegranate." Dudu said.

Liliu: "..."

It's hard to argue with this, because she is indeed a strong little pomegranate.

Dudu's answer made other children agree, and some said that it was Xiaobai who became a child, and Xi'er became a child because they both became sperms.

"Xiao Bai didn't turn into a spirit by swiping her dick, she is Xu Xian! Xu Xian is a human being." Xiao Fang corrected her.

Listening to everyone talking about it, their imaginations were wide open. Teacher Xiaoliu couldn't laugh or cry. How could a good brain teaser turn into a discussion about who is the second best person in Shuo? This was brought into the pit by Dudu.

Just then, a voice replied: "Because there is no one in the forest."

Teacher Xiaoliu followed the sound and saw that it was Cheng Cheng who was standing outside the pile of dolls who answered.

"Yes, Cheng Cheng's answer is right, and everyone's answer is also right. Then the teacher will give another brain teaser, why doesn't the plane hit the stars?"

One child replied: "Because the plane has eyes."

Dudu raised his little hand and said, "Because there are no stars tonight."

Everyone was talking a lot, and there were all kinds of imaginative answers.

Teacher Xiaoliu asked Cheng Cheng specifically, and Cheng Cheng said: "Because the stars can twinkle."

Teacher Xiao Liu praised that although the child Meng Chengcheng doesn’t talk much at ordinary times, it turns out that she is really smart and has a good memory.

Among the children in the academy, Cheng Cheng is probably the smartest.

Because it's raining tonight, everyone can't go out and stay in the classroom to play.

And this night, parents came to pick up their children relatively late.

Teacher Xiao Liu received calls from parents one after another in the evening, saying that they would pick up their children later tonight and asked the teachers to help take care of them first.

Because it rained, it really caused a lot of trouble for everyone.

This night was even busier.

Zhang Tan also came downstairs to help and watched the parents pick up the children one by one. It was not until eleven o'clock in the evening that most of the children were picked up one after another.

The rest who had not left also took up residence in the dormitories on the second floor.

Zhang Tan saw that no parents were coming downstairs, so he went upstairs to the second floor. He saw Teacher Xiaoman guarding the door and Teacher Xiaoliu taking care of the children in the dormitory.

"Xiaobai is also taking care of the children there." Teacher Xiaoman said.

Zhang Tan nodded and asked, "How many more are there?"

Teacher Xiaoman said: "There are six more."

"Thank you for your hard work."

In the dormitory, Xiaobai wandered around, supervising the children to lie down and not talk.

A little girl raised her head slightly and said to Xiaobai: "Sister Xiaobai, can you talk to me? I'm scared."

Xiaobai walked over to comfort her.

There was a thunder outside the house, and the little girl was frightened and threw herself into Xiaobai's arms.

Xiaobai: →_→

She held her little one in her arms, her face expressive.

"Don't be afraid. My sister will protect you. What are you afraid of?"

After comforting the children, Xiaobai continued to patrol, and Teacher Xiaoliu called her back.

"Your father is waiting for you outside. Go quickly."

"But there are still children who are not asleep."

"I will take care of them. Go to bed. It's already so late."

Teacher Xiaoliu finally persuaded Xiaobai to go back, leaving her alone to continue to take care of the children here.

Seeing that all the children seemed to be asleep, she quietly left. When passing a small bed, the little girl Xiaobai comforted before suddenly said: "Teacher Xiaoliu, Teacher Xiaoliu~"

The little guy hasn't slept yet.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Xiaoliu walked over and squatted beside the bed and asked softly.

The little girl said with a smile: "You are like my mother~"

Teacher Xiaoliu was stunned, then smiled at her and touched her little head.

Although it is tiring to take care of children and they have to be busy until early morning every day, as long as they treat the children sincerely, the children will treat them as relatives. Often a sincere and unintentional word can easily hit the softness in their hearts and make them feel happy. The fatigue dissipated instantly.

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