Dad Academy

Chapter 1711 Coaxing

As soon as Xiaobai arrived at his aunt's house, he was locked out.

Xiaobai was stunned.

She stood outside the door in confusion for a long time before she came to her senses. She looked behind her at the old man and complained, "Look, old man, my aunt has closed the door and won't let us in."

Zhang Tan was also confused and said, "Knock on the door and see."

Xiaobai knocked on the door and shouted: "Open the door—Auntie—Auntie, open the door, Uncle!"

No one responded.

Xiaobai was unwilling to give in, and continued to knock on the door, shouting: "Uncle - uncle!!! Open the door, I am Xiaobai, I am back - I know you are at home, you guys are able to open the door!"

Still no one responded.

But I could hear footsteps inside the house and the sound coming from the TV. Although it wasn't loud, I could hear it.

Xiaobai was speechless, and so was Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan turned back to look at the corridor, and happened to see a child looking at the light at the other end of the corridor.

When he saw him looking over, he quickly retracted, but soon poked out again.

"Old man, look -" Xiaobai said angrily.

At this moment, the door opened and Bai Jianping appeared with a smiling face.

"Xiaobai is here? Come in quickly, when did you come back?" He saw Zhang Tan behind Xiaobai again, and quickly invited them into the house, "Xiaobai's aunt is angry, blaming Xiaobai for not giving her enough nappies these days. Called."

"I called her!" Xiaobai said.

Zhang Tan pushed her and asked her to speak less.

The two entered the house and put down the gifts they had brought. Bai Jianping poured water for them and asked, "Is it fun to go out this time?"

"It's fun."

Xiaobai simply replied, walked to the kitchen, and looked inside.

"What are you looking at!"

Suddenly a voice sounded near the door, which startled Xiaobai. When she saw it, it was her aunt.

"Oh, you scared me, aunt, where do you live?!"

"Who are you from-"

"I, I am Xiaobai, Xiaobai, your little cutie."

"Hai Zi, I don't have a cutie, and I don't know any Xiaobai."

"Hoo ho ho, aunt, why are you angry? Did uncle provoke you?"

Bai Jianping, who was chatting with Zhang Tan in the living room, heard this and thought why should he make trouble with me.

"Your uncle makes me angry every day, I'm used to it."

Xiao Bai immediately turned back to Bai Jianping and said, "Uncle - look, why do you always make aunt angry? You have no idea."

Bai Jianping muttered: "What I think is not important, what matters is what your aunt thinks."

He knew that these two people were using him as a target to focus their fire. They wanted to establish a common enemy or unlucky person first, so that they could have the same direction and find a common language.

Sure enough, after Ma Lanhua and Xiaobai jointly denounced Bai Jianping for a while, they finally started talking to each other.

Although Zhang Tan was chatting with Bai Jianping, half of his mind was focused on Xiaobai and he heard what she said the whole time.

This little guy was very clever and made her aunt feel better.

However, just when he was listening with interest, Xiao Bai suddenly closed the kitchen door to prevent him and Bai Jianping from listening.

But when they came out again, they were as reconciled as before, even better than before.

"Aunt, come and see, I bought you a gift."

Xiaobai shows off the gift he bought for Malanhua.

"Hahaha, and my gift? What is it?" Malanhua laughed, feeling very happy to be coaxed.

Xiaobai said: "Yes, I can't live without your gift. You are my aunt. My dear aunt, I must buy you a gift. Aunt, I bought these gifts for you. I also paid for it, and I chose the things. I searched many places to find these. What do you think this is?"


"My enemy, this is a scarf. I bought it for you. I chose it for you in that goose country. When it snows heavily in winter and the weather is very cold, if you wear this scarf I bought you, you will It's warm, not afraid of cold, rain or snow. You can try it on."

The child Bai Chunhua boasted about the scarf she bought, offered it with both hands, and asked her aunt to try it on quickly.

Malanhua was in a good mood. She accepted the filial piety gift from the little cutie and felt warm in her heart even before she put it on.

After putting it on, my heart felt warmer, my body also felt warmer, my body started to sweat, and my forehead felt warm.

She quickly untied the scarf from around her neck and said, "It's so warm. It's really warm."

She touched the material of the scarf. It was very comfortable and tight.

Xiaobai greeted warmly: "Put it on again, auntie, put it on again, I haven't taken a photo of you yet, and neither uncle nor the old man have looked at it yet."

After hearing this, Ma Lanhua put on the scarf again for the sake of Bai Chunhua's filial piety. Xiaobai held up his mobile phone and clicked at her, like a little war reporter.

"Are you ready?" Malanhua asked. Her forehead will soon start to sweat again. It is August now. Although it is night, the temperature is still very high. Wearing this airtight winter scarf will cause prickly heat for a long time.

"It's almost done. Auntie, please hold on a little longer."

Xiaobai put away his phone and asked Bai Jianping and Zhang Tan to take a look and comment.

"Very good." Bai Jianping said.

Zhang Tan seconded: "Very good."

Malanhua urged again: "Are you ready, Xiaobai?"

"Wait a little longer."

Xiaobai ran to the door and saw Xiwawa looking over the other side, beckoning her to come over.

Xiwawa hesitated for a moment, but in the end his safety awareness was overcome by curiosity.

She beeped and ran over. As she got closer, she realized that the little guy was wearing a helmet again.

Xiaobai asked her to comment on the scarf, but Malanhua was already too hot, so she took off the scarf and stood in front of the electric fan to blow the air.

"Auntie, the baby is here. Please show it to the baby quickly."

Malanhua wiped her forehead, straightened the hair stuck to her forehead, lowered her head angrily and said to the child, "You're still wearing it, you're going to kill me!"

Xiaobai murmured that it would not be too hot to death after wearing it.

Then she went to open another gift, which was some bottles and jars.

Xi'er stepped forward and asked, "Is it a bear drink?"

Xiaobai: "No, it's a tonic that the elderly drink."

These are supplements bought for Malanhua and Bai Jianping.

Xiaobai picked up one of the bottles and read the instructions on it.

"This is for uncle to drink. Uncle, drink quickly."

Bai Jianping said in surprise: "Drink now?"

Xiaobai nodded: "Drink breakfast to strengthen your bones as soon as possible."

Bai Jianping: "I am not mentally prepared yet, and my body and mind are not adjusted to the best condition. If I drink it at this time, the effect will not be very good. I suggest we postpone it and pick a good day for us to drink it again."

He looked at the instructions on the bottle, but unfortunately they were all in English and he couldn't understand them.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, was this a tonic for strengthening bones? Where did it say strong bones? ! ! Looking at the shape of this bottle, it looks a lot like a pesticide bottle.

"What does it say?" Bai Jianping was really confused and asked Xiaobai. Xiaobai is a novice in English, but she bought it anyway, so you should understand it clearly before buying.

However, Xiaobai was confused by the question. When she bought it, she just bought it and nodded. Her old man did the rest.

At this time, the child Tan Xier beside me said excitedly: "I'm coming, I'm coming~~~"

Thank you Jian Dian and Wu Jinghong for the 85,000 coin reward, the 63rd cute protagonist of this book.

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