Dad Academy

Chapter 1701 Closed today

Lao Niu didn't expect Wu Shiying to buy his story. Although he was caught off guard, he was quite happy.

It’s the joy of having your story recognized.

Little Red Horse Comics Studio is famous, and he naturally knows that Wan Xiaohu likes to read their comics. He will buy every issue of the comic magazine for Wan Xiaohu. After Wan Xiaohu reads it, he will not stop reading it. over.

He readily accepted Wu Shiying's request and didn't take it seriously if it was money or not.

A simple little story, he didn't think it was valuable.

Since Wu Shiying likes it, just take it. Being able to adapt it into a comic is the biggest reward for him.

After all, adapting comics was something he couldn't even imagine.

Wu Shiying was not sure what a fair price should be given to Lao Niu. Since Lao Niu was safe to hand it over to her, she planned to take it back first, submit it to the group meeting for discussion, and then give Lao Niu a price.

Lao Niu readily agreed.


Xi'er left with Wu Shiying, waving goodbye to Lao Niu and Wan Xiaohu.

Seeing Wan Xiaohu's reluctance to leave, Lao Niu asked him to follow Xi'er to play at the Little Red Horse.

When Wan Xiaohu heard this, Peipianpidian followed.

The two little ones entered the Little Red Horse and saw Lao Li doing Tai Chi. They were very surprised.

"Li Weibao, what are you doing?"

Xi'er ran over and asked curiously, staring at Lao Li's movements with her big eyes.

"I'm doing Tai Chi, exercising, and I'm getting sick from sitting for a long time." Lao Li said while doing a Tai Chi triple whip.

Seeing this, Xi'er immediately waved her little fist and shouted: "Pump your Piaopiaoquan - haha!!! Let's see if I am good!"

"Hahahaha, you are amazing~~"

Lao Li laughed.

Xi'er squeaked, remembering that she knew how to do tricks in thirteen ways, and immediately punched and kicked her legs, beating him fiercely.

"Hmph haha~~~These are my legs!" Xi'er shouted.

In such a short time, she had forgotten Tan Zu's name, she only knew what kind of leg it was.

I don’t know what Marshal Jiao thought when he found out. At the risk of deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors, he secretly taught Xi'er his secret skills, but Xi'er didn't care at all and couldn't even remember the name of his secret skills.

The biggest help Tan Legs brings to Xi'er is probably that it makes her jump more powerfully.

She always likes to jump around.

An old man and a young man were boxing together, and Wan Xiaohu watched with gusto.

In the studio, Wu Shiying called all members of her team to the office and held an impromptu short meeting.

"Discuss this story." Wu Shiying said, sending the story to everyone.

She had just copied Lao Niu's manuscript, and now everyone has a copy.

Lao Niu's handwriting is very standard and clear, and everyone can read it clearly when copied.

"Sister Wu, is your new work?" someone asked.

"It's not mine." Wu Shiying said.

"Who wrote that?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's talk about it after you finish reading."

Everyone looked at each other and felt that it might have been written by one of them. However, in order to make the review objective and fair, Wu Shiying did not say who wrote it, so as not to face the problem of not being able to speak directly.


Someone quickly turned a page, and it turned out to be a story about a snowman. It seemed different from mainstream comics. Who would let a snowman be the protagonist in today's comics?

The conference room became quiet, and all I could hear was the sound of everyone turning pages.

The story is not long and can be read quickly.

Wu Shiying asked: "After reading it, tell me what you think."

Someone said: "This story is very special. Do you want to adapt it into a comic book?"

"What's so special! It's obviously inappropriate to adapt this story into a comic."

"The story is too young and does not match the comic's audience."

Let's talk to each other. Now that we have said it, we will no longer be secretive. In short, this story is not suitable for adapting comics and has no audience.

At this time, Wu Shiying said: "If comics are not good, what about picture books?"


Everyone was stunned at first, and then someone asked, the comic studio has never produced picture books, it has always been comics, does it want to develop new business? !

Wu Shiying had no idea and had to wait for Zhang Tan to come back to make a decision.

But she really felt that Lao Niu’s fairy tale could be published as a picture book, and the studio could arrange illustrations.

She asked everyone to disperse first, and then found a time. It was after nine o'clock in the evening at Zhang Tan's place. She guessed that she was already in the hotel preparing to go to bed, so she called Zhang Tan and asked for his opinion.

Zhang Tan heard that it was a story about Lao Niu, and when Wu Shiying introduced that the story was very good, he stopped listening to the content of the story and directly agreed with Wu Shiying's opinion.

After hanging up the phone, he specifically replied to Wu Shiying in the studio's management group, which was regarded as a formal written opinion.

Wu Shiying received Zhang Tan's approval and immediately discussed with Xin Xiaoguang. After holding a small meeting to discuss, they set a buyout price.

The next morning, Wu Shiying came to Lao Niu's barber shop again. This time, there was no one in Lao Niu's barber shop. Only Wan Xiaohu was cleaning.

It seems that there were customers in the store not long ago, because a lot of hair fell on the ground, and Wan Xiaohu was cleaning up the hair.

As soon as Lao Niu sat down to drink water, Wu Shiying arrived.

Seeing her appearance, Lao Niu was a little uneasy, knowing that it was probably a story.

Wu Shiying got straight to the point, because she knew there would be customers coming to the store at any time, and Master Niu didn't have that much time.

"Master Niu, the story is highly rated by our studio. We want to adapt it into a picture book. We will draw illustrations and finally publish it, so we decided to buy your story."

Lao Niu suppressed his inner excitement and said, "Okay, okay, just take it."

He seemed worried that Wu Shiying would regret not taking it, so he added: "No money, just take it."

Wan Xiaohu, who was sweeping the floor at the side, also heard it. Holding the broom in his hand, he stayed where he was and looked up at Wu Shiying, his face full of joy.

Wu Shiying said with a smile: "This story is your idea. Creativity is precious. Of course, you can't take it away without paying. We must respect knowledge. We discussed it internally in the studio, combined with industry trends, and tried our best to get you the best possible outcome." The price ended up being fifty thousand yuan.”

"Okay, okay, as much as you want, what?!!!"

Lao Niu was shocked when he heard it was fifty thousand yuan, thinking he had heard wrongly.

Wu Shiying said again that it was 50,000 yuan, and took out the signing contract from her bag, which clearly stated that the manuscript fee was 50,000 yuan.

Lao Niu couldn't believe that a story he wrote casually, with more than 2,000 words, actually sold for 50,000 yuan! ! !

He wondered if Zhang Tan was deliberately using an excuse to support him? In fact, the story is just a cover.

But Wu Shiying showed him the contract. The contract clearly stated that the picture book would be published, and even the deadline for the publication date was written, and it was to be published before the end of the year.

The black and white writing was so clear that Lao Niu finally believed that his story was true and was recognized by the studio.

He was so excited that he thanked Wu Shiying, Zhang Tan, and Little Red Horse Studio.

Wan Xiaohu excitedly jumped around the barber shop holding a broom.

Wu Shiying saw the happy look of the grandfather and grandson, so she didn't disturb them much. She asked Lao Niu to sign and then left.

Before leaving, he said: "Fifty thousand yuan will be transferred to your account today, please pay attention to check it when the time comes."

After she left, Wan Xiaohu cheered even more unscrupulously in the barber shop, jumping around the old cow and cheering, and he was very good at stirring up the atmosphere.

Lao Niu jumped a few times because of what he did.

My old arms and legs haven’t moved for a long time.

"The store is closed today. I will take you to the aquarium." Lao Niu said. He knew that Wan Xiaohu wanted to go to the aquarium to see the magical ocean.

"Really? Yeah--" Wan Xiaohu jumped for joy.

The two simply packed up the shop and were about to go out. At this moment, an old man walked in and asked for a haircut.

Wan Xiaohu and Lao Niu looked at each other.

Wan Xiaohu whispered: "Grandpa, let's give this old man a haircut first. It will definitely not be easy for him to come here."

Because he noticed that the old grandfather had difficulty with his legs and feet, he thought that even if he came from Huangjiacun, it would not be convenient.

After hearing this, Lao Niu thought for a while and decided to give him a haircut first.

However, before he could finish it, another person came to the store, and he was also an old man.

Wan Xiaohu quietly told Lao Niu to give the old man a haircut, and they would leave after finishing it.

There were finally no customers in the barber shop. The sun was hot outside and the air conditioner in the shop was whirring.

Lao Niu and Wan Xiaohu sat face to face.

Lao Niu looked outside the house and saw that the shadow of the street lamp had turned a little bit, and it was already noon.

"Hang up the closure sign. We will be closed today." Lao Niu said. He was supposed to go out in the morning, but as a result, there was a lot of business in the store and he was delayed until noon.

Lao Niu promised to take Wan Xiaohu to the aquarium, but it was noon and he still couldn't go.

He hung the closure sign outside the door, then took Wan Xiaohu out, and first went to eat the sweet and sour fish that Wan Xiaohu liked to eat.

The things were done, I caught up with my grandma for the last time, and saw her off for the last time.

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