Dad Academy

Chapter 1693 Our Dream

Cheng Cheng found the director, Aunt Huang, and asked, "Auntie Director, when will Little Red Horse buy a new storybook?"

She has read all the storybooks and picture books that Little Red Mali already has. Now there are no new ones, so naturally there are no new stories to tell.

"Have you finished reading them all?"

Aunt Huang was surprised.

Although there are not many books in Little Red Horse Academy, there are still quite a few. There are hundreds of books.

Cheng Cheng nodded, "I've finished reading."

Aunt Huang didn't believe it. How could she finish reading so many books? !

She randomly pulled out a picture book from the bookshelf.

"Cheng Cheng, have you read this picture book?"

She showed the cover to Cheng Cheng. The book was called "The Cat that Lived a Million Times."

"I've seen it." Cheng Cheng took a look and said.

Aunt Huang asked, "I haven't read it. Cheng Cheng, can you tell me what the story of this picture book is?"

Cheng Cheng nodded and said: "There is a cat that has died a million times and lived a million times. It once had a million owners who loved it, and they all cried for it when it died, but it But I never cried once, and then it turned into a wild cat..."

Aunt Huang had never read this picture book and didn't know what story it was about, but she saw that Cheng Cheng told it very carefully and seriously, so she believed her words.

It seems that Cheng Cheng has really read this picture book and remembered it clearly.

She pulled out a picture book again, this one called "Three Robbers".

Cheng Cheng didn't need her to ask and took the initiative to tell the story.

Liuliu and Dudu took the opportunity to come closer, pricking up their ears to listen to the story.

These two children can obviously watch it by themselves, but they prefer to listen to Cheng Cheng.

Aunt Huang picked out three picture books in a row, and Cheng Cheng answered them fluently. She couldn't help but sigh that the memory of the child Meng Chengcheng was really good. She had never seen another child like this.

She somewhat believed what Cheng Cheng said and had read all the picture books.

"We will buy a batch tomorrow." Aunt Huang said. It was indeed time to buy some new picture books.

"Don't buy books for three-year-olds~" Liuliu took the opportunity to say that she could no longer read picture books for three-year-olds. She felt they were too childish and did not suit her status as a grown-up girl.

In fact, not only Liuliu, but also Dudu. When they grow up, they are not interested in those picture books and cartoons that are too young.

Maybe this is growth.

Aunt Huang said: "Okay, buy more books for older children."

You should have books for older children, as well as books for younger children.

"Thank you, Auntie Principal." Cheng Cheng thanked Aunt Huang happily.

"You're welcome. I'm happy that you guys like reading. I hope you can learn more."

Cheng Cheng nodded, and Liuliu said loudly: "That's not true! We all love reading, study hard, and make progress every day. I read a book every day during the summer vacation, and my plan is to read a book!"

This kid seems to be telling the truth.

She did make plans for the summer vacation, including arrangements for reading and writing, but she spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, so she spent more time slacking off.

"Auntie the principal, I will go to elementary school soon. I will study hard, learn knowledge, and be a useful person. I will be a scientist in the future."

Dudu said this.

As soon as she finished speaking, Cheng Cheng and Liuliu looked at her.

Good guy, Dudu’s wish is to be a scientist! ! ! Didn't see the duck!

Aunt Huang was also surprised and asked: "Dudu, are you going to be a scientist in the future?"

Dudu nodded: "No! We all love reading, study hard, and make progress every day. I read every day during the summer vacation. My plan is to read. If I read too much, I will become a scientist."

Liliu: "How can you learn how to speak like me?"

Dudu: "How can I imitate your speech?"

Liliu: "..."

Cheng Cheng asked Dudu: "Aren't you an athlete anymore?"

Dudu said: "I am a scientist and an athlete at the same time."

Liuliu said: "You can only have one dream. If you become a scientist, you can't be an athlete. You can't do it!"

Dudu said seriously: "Why can't I do it?! I can do it, I have two hands, I have two feet, I have two ears, I have two eyes, I can also have two dreams, One of my dreams is to be a scientist, and the other is to be an athlete."

Liuliu and Cheng Cheng were speechless after what she said.

Aunt Huang smiled and said, "What kind of scientist do you want to be, Dudu?"

Dudu said seriously: "I want to be a sports scientist, a scientist who helps athletes avoid injuries."

As soon as she finished speaking, Aunt Huang was surprised. She looked at the child Zhao Chendu carefully and saw that the child was not laughing and joking, but was speaking very seriously. She couldn't help but feel relieved and asked her why she had such thoughts.

Dudu explained to everyone that it turned out that she often went to where her parents trained and worked, and saw many athletes who were injured, retired or recuperating, and gradually came up with this idea.

Aunt Huang was very pleased and encouraged Dudu to persist in his dream and study hard, and he would definitely be able to become a sports scientist in the future.

Dudu was encouraged and became more energetic. He puffed up his little face and looked determined.

When Liuliu saw that Dudu was praised by the director's aunt, she couldn't help but be envious, so she also revealed her dream and said that she wanted to be a big Yanyan.

"You are already a big Yanyan, Liuliu." Dudu told Liuliu this fact very seriously.

I'm so happy, ノ(ˇˇ)

"I also have two dreams." Liuliu said. Since Dudu has two dreams, of course she must also have them. "I also want to be a boss, and I want to open a big hotel."

"I have a third dream, I want to open a massage parlor and be the director!"

There is no more dream than Dudu, how can she show that she is a young lady.

Aunt Huang laughed and encouraged Liuliu to work harder. She asked Cheng Cheng, who had been silent, about her dreams.

Cheng Cheng said her dream is to be a teacher.

There is only one dream.

This dream made Aunt Huang feel the most at ease, so she gave Cheng Cheng a lot of blessings.

She has watched the three children grow up in front of her. They are all six or seven years old now. They are considered big children in Xiaohongma. She is very happy to see that they have begun to make dreams for themselves and work hard for their dreams. , I feel full of accomplishment, maybe this is the meaning of being a teacher.

"Have you finished your summer homework?" Aunt Huang suddenly asked.

Two of the three children looked at each other and did not dare to speak. The other one immediately replied: "It's done."

"Chengcheng is great, where are Liliu and Dudu?" Aunt Huang asked.

"Do it, it's done."

"...It's not finished."

Liuliu and Dudu said at the same time. After finishing speaking, Dudu looked at Liuliu in surprise and asked, "Pang Liuliu, are you done?"

She didn't believe that Liliu would finish it. She watched Liliu play every day, would she finish it?

Liuliu was originally feeling guilty, but when she saw that little Dudu dared to doubt her, she immediately fell into the fun and said seriously: "I'm done. I play during the day and do my homework at night. I'm busy."

Dudu said: "Don't you also play at night? Do you play at Little Red Horse every day?"


Liuliu forgot about this! Yes, she comes to Little Red Horse every night and has no time to do her homework.

But since you have boasted, you should continue to brag even if you cry.

"I do my homework after Little Red Pony comes home every day. I do my homework until 12 o'clock every day! Oh my god, I'm so difficult, but I'm a strong little pomegranate——"

How could Aunt Huang not see that this child was bragging, but instead of exposing her, she continued to encourage her.

"Okay, let's go play with the kids. Liuliu, don't bully kids younger than you, okay?"

Aunt Huang did not forget to warn Liuliu, and little Luobotou came to complain to her almost every day, saying that Liuliu bullied them.

Only not today.

When Liuliu heard this, she immediately felt that her crayfish was for nothing. These melons ate her crayfish and even reported it to her!

She was going to ask the children to return the crayfish they had eaten. There was no way to take it out after it went into their stomachs, but they could buy it and bring it to her to eat tomorrow.

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