Dad Academy

Chapter 1683 Tan Xier’s child performs a song

The emcee presided over the beginning of the birthday party, called all the children present to the front of the stage, and then invited today's birthday girl - Shangguan Feifei.

Shangguan Feifei, wearing a princess dress, walked to the stage and stood next to the emcee amidst the applause of the audience.

The emcee is the trump card of the birthday party company that was invited. The preparations for today's birthday party started a month ago. The company paid special attention to it, discussed and formulated the plan many times, and consulted Shangguan Yun and Xu Jiafang for their opinions.

For their company, this is a big deal. At the same time, Shangguan Yun has been running business in Pujiang Real Estate for many years. Although he is not in the first rank, in front of ordinary people, he is still a wealthy family, and his status and power are enviable. .

The boss of the emcee company not only regards this birthday party as a business, but also wants to get closer to Shangguan Yun.

So the boss also came to the scene and stood outside the crowd, always paying attention to the situation on the field. It can be said that he did it personally and put a lot of thought into it.

The ace emcee's hosting skills are indeed very strong. In just a few minutes, the atmosphere at the scene was heated up.

The opening ceremony mainly invited the birthday girl to come out, and then he invited a children's choir to continue to enhance the atmosphere of the birthday party.

"I just listened to the song by the Little Magpie Choir. Do you think it sounds good or not?"

After the chorus, the emcee appeared on the stage again.

"It sounds nice——"

The children in the audience all had red faces and responded loudly.

The happiest ones are them.

"It sounds good, right? Are you satisfied with it?"


"One more song~"

"I still want to listen."

“Come again, come again~~”

The children responded enthusiastically.

The emcee smiled and said: "The children are so enthusiastic. Since you still want to listen, how about this? We will not invite the children in the choir to sing. With so many children present, have they come up to the stage to sing a blessing for the birthday boy? Yes? Are there any? Are there any brave children?"

The adults below all looked at the children to see who was brave enough to stand on stage.

The adults all thought of their children at the same time, and they all hoped that their children would be brave enough to raise their hands on stage.

Even if you don't sing well, as long as you have the courage, you can win applause from everyone present. In the hearts of adults, you are still a good boy.

Parents can be proud of it.

Tan Jin'er and Ding Jiamin were also discussing in a low voice. Ding Jiamin said that her Xiaomi would not take the initiative to come on stage. Xiaomi is not very courageous, reserved and shy, and does not like to be in the limelight.

"Are you happy?" Ding Jiamin asked with a smile.

Tan Jin'er wanted to say no, but when the words came to her lips, she was not sure.

Because she is really not sure whether Xi'er can do it. Let's face it, her little Xi'er is quite courageous, a little heartless, and may be even crazier than Liliu when she is crazy.

But her little Xi'er doesn't seem to have a pushy personality. The little guy seems to prefer playing with the older children. He is never the protagonist among the children.

"Probably not." Tan Jin'er said hesitantly, and then said firmly, "No."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the voice of the master of ceremonies.

"Okay, this kid raised his hands high. He is so brave. Let's welcome this brave kid with warm applause... Oh, this kid looks so small. What's your name, kid?"

Tan Jin'er felt something about a woman's sixth sense. She looked up towards the stage, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Haha, it's Xi'er. Xi'er is so brave." Ding Jiamin laughed.

Tan Jin'er: "..."

Ding Jiamin added: "Jin'er, you made a mistake in your judgment. You still don't understand Xi'er. She is much braver than Xi'er."

"...Was she pushed up by a child?"

Tan Jin'er had to doubt this possibility. With Xi'er's character, she wouldn't run onto the stage, or...

"Did this little guy raise his hand without even understanding what was going on?"

She cared about Xi'er on the stage and carefully looked at the little guy's expression. She saw that the little guy really had a confused look on his face, as dull as a little duck.

"Sure enough~" Tan Jin'er covered her face. Her little Xi'er looked confused. She must have raised her hand without understanding the situation, and was then invited to the stage by the emcee.

On the stage, the emcee asked Xi'er her name, but Xi'er was in a daze. She didn't know whether she didn't hear it or was distracted. In short, she didn't answer.

The master of ceremonies asked again.

Only then did Xi'er come back to her senses.

"My name is Tan Xi'er~" she said, lacking confidence.

The emcee rubbed his nose, good guy, as soon as this kid spoke, his tone came over, it was so sweet——

It smells milky and milky, it smells really good.

He quietly took a deep breath, feeling a little drunk.

"The kid is a little nervous, how about we give her another round of applause?" He said to everyone at the scene. Even though he was drunk, he did not forget his own job.

The audience immediately burst into warm applause, which was much louder than the last time.

The applause also gave Xi'er a surge of courage. She finally stopped being confused, her big eyes roamed underneath, and finally found her sister's whereabouts.

Tan Jin'er quickly gave her a thumbs up and encouraged her.

With the encouragement from her sister, Xi'er was no longer so frightened. After answering a few questions from the emcee, the emcee asked her what song she planned to bring to the birthday girl.

Xi'er asked: "Is it sung to Feifei?"

Master of Ceremony: "Yes, it's Feifei's birthday today, and you sang for her. She will be very happy when she hears your blessings."

Shangguan Feifei was standing in the first row of the audience, together with her parents. When she heard this, she quickly gave Xi'er a big heart sign.

Xi'er smiled at her. She was happy to sing a song for Shangguan Feifei's birthday.

She is happy to help others and bring happiness to others, and she is happy to do whatever is asked of her.

Not to mention singing.

"Then I'll sing one."

"Okay!" the emcee asked, "What song do you want to sing? We will provide you with music on the spot."

The backstage staff are already ready. As long as Xi'er selects a song, they will immediately find the accompaniment of the song to support the children's singing.

Xi'er thought for a moment and said, "Sing "Little White Boat."

The emcee thought for a while and gently advised Xi'er to change the song.

This song is not suitable to be sung to the birthday girl at a birthday party.

"Are there any songs that are more festive? For example, "Two Tigers" would also work."

Seeing that Xi'er was so cute and cute, the emcee recommended the most difficult song "Two Tigers" to her.

Xi'er raised her head and glanced at him. The emcee thought that Xi'er was grateful for his recommendation, but Xi'er said: "hiahiahia, I'm a young lady. I don't sing "Two Tigers". Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei do. Sing, ╭(╯^╰)╮~”

A young lady has the dignity of a young lady. It is impossible to sing "Two Tigers". It was sung by three-year-old Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei.

She is a 10-year-old girl, singing that? ╭(╯^╰)╮!

She can sing while hiding at home, but she won't sing in front of so many adults.

She wants to sing...

"I'll still sing "Kiss My Baby"."

"Okay, little friend Tan Xi'er is going to sing "Kiss My Baby" for us. Everyone welcomes her with applause."

The audience burst into warm applause again.

The emcee knelt down next to Xi'er and put the microphone to her mouth, but after squatting for a moment, he changed to kneeling on one knee, which was more comfortable.

However, at this moment, the sound from the background came from the headphones.

"Boss, boss, what song is "Kiss My Baby"? I can't find it."

The master of ceremonies was stunned.

At this time, the boss of the birthday party company also discovered the problem. He immediately went backstage and found the staff and asked, "What's going on? The music hasn't been played yet?"

Three staff members gathered in front of the computer. A young man said anxiously: "Boss, I can't find the song "Kiss My Baby"."

"What can't be found? Is there no such song, or can't I find the accompaniment for this song?"

The staff said: "There is no such song, so I can't find it."

"Can't find it?" The boss came to the computer and saw that searching for "Kiss My Baby" on the music platform, the results displayed were all ""My Baby"" and ""My Baby I Love You"" , ""Baby Baby I Love You"", ""Love You My Baby"", ""You Are My Baby My Heart""...

Seeing this, the boss quickly used the internal microphone to say to the emcee at the front desk: "Old Zhao, Old Zhao, I can't find the song "Kiss My Baby". The child must have said it wrong. Please ask her for the correct song." Name it, or ask her to change it."

The emcee received the instruction and calmly asked Xi'er if the song was called "Kiss".

Xi'er said: "It's not called 'Kiss', it's called 'Kiss My Baby'."

The kid's words were so clear and certain that the staff behind the scenes changed the platform again to search, but still couldn't find the song.

The master of ceremonies asked Xi'er who sang this song.

He made up his mind and immediately asked Xi'er to change a song after asking this question.

He was already sure in his heart that either Xi'er had misremembered the song and reported the wrong title, or it was a very unknown song that could not be found on music platforms.

"My godfather taught me to sing." Xi'er said, looking at the emcee with doubtful eyes, as if asking, why don't you even know this?

Just as the host was about to say something, Xi'er said, "hiahia, don't you know who my godfather is? He is Zhang Tan."

The emcee sweated a lot and thought to himself, Zhang Tan, Zhang Tan, who is this, how do I know him?

At this time, the staff's voice came from the earphones again, with some excitement in the voice.

"I found it, boss, I found it. I searched Zhang Tan and found several songs."

The master of ceremonies immediately heard the boss's voice.

"Did you find the song "Kiss My Baby"?"

"emmmm~~~Zhang Tan is a song writer. He has many songs, but not this one."

The boss glanced over and said angrily: "What are you shouting about? This is Zhang Tan!"

The staff member thought aggrievedly, this is Zhang Tan.

The boss added: "This is the Zhang Tan who wrote songs for Li Yuxiao. Can he be talking about the same person as the children?!"

The emcee does not need instructions from his boss at this time. With his many years of experience, he naturally knows how to host.

He suggested that Xier change a song, or...

"Kid Tan Xi'er, can we sing a few lines a cappella?"

"Okay~" Xi'er agreed readily. At the same time, she saw that her sister had come to the front row, very close to her.

"Kiss my baby

I want to cross the mountains

Looking for the missing sun

Looking for the missing moon



The childish voice is as fresh as morning dew.


PS: Thanks to the support of the great god Geng Xinreal, the 61st cute protagonist of this book was born.


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