Dad Academy

Chapter 1670 Welcome, little friend Shen Liuliu! !

There are eight children in total. Xi'er is the smallest one and can only stand on the far left.

The little girl standing on her right chuckled and smiled at Xi'er.

Xi'er also bared her teeth and smiled brightly.

Liu Ya said: "Today we have a new partner, Xi'er, come to the teacher and introduce yourself to everyone. From now on, we will be your little sisters, and you will practice dancing together."

After the teacher finished speaking, everyone glanced at Xi'er on the far left.

Xiaomi smiled secretly.

Xi'er walked up to Teacher Liu Ya. Without introducing herself first, she pulled Teacher Liu Ya's tight pants, hoping to make her shorter and put her ear closer so that she could whisper to her.


Oops~ Xi'er's little hands didn't reach Teacher Liu Ya's pants, and her hands slipped——

It's like... I deliberately touched teacher Liu Ya's thigh.

Without waiting for teacher Liu Ya's reaction, Xi'er pulled Liu Ya's pants again. This time she used a little more force, but it ended up pinching her thigh again.

Xi'er: "...→_→!"

Liu Ya: "...←_←!"

Xi'er quickly explained: "hiahia~~Teacher, your pants are slipping. I didn't mean to pinch you."

Liu Ya said: "...These are my dance pants, which are tighter and just like yours."

"Oh~ Teacher Liu, put your ear over and I'll tell you something." Xi'er said.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Ya lowered her body and came close to Xi'er's head.

Xi'er whispered to her that she was not the youngest girl here.

"I am 10 years old today." Xi'er said seriously.

This little one is really worried about Liu Ya just saying that everyone will be her little sister from now on!

I have always been the little sister in Little Red Horse, but how come I became the youngest little sister when I came to the dance class? There are a lot of little sisters here!

She can't bear this~~ She must say it out

"Are you 10 years old?" Liu Ya was surprised and wondered if she had remembered wrongly. She clearly remembered that Xi'er's information stated that she was 6 years old.

"Yes, yes, 10 years old." Xi'er nodded repeatedly.

Liu Ya felt it was necessary to confirm, so she left to find the file table. It was a folder with eight children's information files. Among them, Tan Xier's was at the top, and she found it as soon as she flipped through it.

It clearly says 6 years old.

She returned to Xi'er and told Xi'er: "You are only 6 years old, you haven't been there for a long time."

"No, Xi'er is 10 years old." Xi'er insisted.

"It's really 6 years old. Did you remember it wrong? Your sister told me that she was also 6 years old."

"No, Xi'er is 10 years old." Xi'er was stubborn.

"Think again."

"I'm just 10 years old." Xi'er was stubborn.

Teacher Liu Ya was speechless and wondered whether the child Tan Xier was deliberately going against her.

Fortunately, Xiaomi quietly told her at this time that Xi'er was obsessed with age and always wanted to be someone else's young lady. Even she believed the nonsense about her age.

So, don't argue with Xi'er about age, as long as you know it anyway, let her know what she thinks, just deal with it according to the minimum age.

Teacher Liu Ya suddenly understood and stopped worrying about Xi'er's age, but she also stopped saying that she was the youngest girl in front of Xi'er. After all, she had to give some face to her friends.

"This is kid Tan Xi'er." Teacher Liu Ya introduced everyone, "Xi'er, come and introduce yourself to everyone so that everyone can get to know you."

Xi'er opened her mouth and came: "Kids, I am Tan Xi'er. I will be in the first grade of elementary school soon. My sister is Tan Jin'er, my godfather is Zhang Tan, and my best friend is Xiaobai Xiaomi Liuliu Dudu... and you... …”

After Xi'er's introduction, teacher Liu Ya took the lead in applauding, and the children also applauded to welcome her.

After finishing, Liu Ya asked other children to say their names, starting with Xiaomi.

Only then did Xi'er find out that the name of the little girl standing next to her was Shangguan Feifei.

Xi'er was shocked. It was the first time she heard of someone with a four-letter name.

This made her curious about Shangguan Feifei, and she looked sideways at him from time to time, as if he was very different from the person with the three-letter name, with three heads and six arms.

"Xi'er, please pay attention in class. The teacher is teaching you skills. Please listen carefully. You will do the moves later." Liu Ya reminded.

After Teacher Liu Ya finished teaching some skills, she led the children to start doing warm-up exercises.

At this time, Xiaomi took the opportunity to do warm-up exercises and came to Xi'er to remind her that Liliu was coming.

Xi'er looked towards the door and saw Liliu and her mother standing there.

When Liuliu saw them, she waved enthusiastically.

Xi'er wanted to wave in response, but was stopped by Teacher Liu Ya's eyes.

"Let's go. Xi'er and Xiaomi are both in class. They can't come over to chat with you. You have to go to class too."

At the door, Zhu Xiaojing said to Liuliu.

She brought Liliu to take music lessons.

Take music classes on 135 and performance classes on 246.

Zhu Xiaojing arranged a full course schedule for Shen Liuliu, trying not to give her a chance to be idle.

"Let's go~~" Liuliu cried bitterly, "I'm so pitiful for the duck, I'm so pitiful, Xi'er can practice dancing with Xiaomi, why am I only one person, my God, I'm so pitiful, I'm a A good boy no one loves~~~"

Zhu Xiaojing was speechless and said: "Dudu also has to go to class. She doesn't like singing and performing. This is your strength, not hers."

Dudu participated in intensive skateboarding classes and hip-hop training classes, and could not accompany Liliu to singing classes and acting classes.

"Hmph~" Liuliu hummed and said, "Mama Zhu, give me a baby sister~ I'll take my sister to play with duck——"

"Children, don't worry too much." Zhu Xiaojing said, "When Xiaobai comes back, she may be able to join you. She is also good at singing and performing, so you can be a good companion."

When Liuliu heard that Xiaobai was also good at singing and performing, she immediately wanted to overpower Xiaobai: "I'm much better than Xiaobai."

She also extended her little finger to indicate that Xiaobai was only as good as her.

"Stop bragging. Today is your first day singing. Cheer up and don't be lazy."

While they were talking, they had already exited the elevator.

"Welcome, little friend Shen Liuliu!!"

Music teacher Ou Ya was at the gate, smiling and giving Liuliu a warm welcome.

Zhu Xiaojing was a little unaccustomed to Teacher Ou Ya's enthusiasm, but the child Shen Liuliu was content and calm.

I saw this little guy holding his little hands behind his back, taking a figure-eight step, swaying, nodding towards Ouya, and walking straight to the singing class.

This is official material, he can hold it.

Ou Ya smiled hoarsely, landed behind Liuliu, and greeted Zhu Xiaojing.

She almost couldn't sleep all night last night, and the sentence sung by Shen Liuliu, a child, played repeatedly in her mind:

"Ah~~~Ah~~~~~~The beautiful scenery of West Lake~~~March Day Duck~~~~Ah~~~~Ah~~~~~~~"

It's really magical.

She tentatively asked Zhu Xiaojing: "Has Liuli learned to sing?"

Although she had communicated with Zhu Xiaojing yesterday and knew that Liuliu had not received professional training, but as one of the core members of the Little Red Pony Malanhua Choir, even if she had not received professional training, she should have learned some basic skills. Otherwise, why would we release so many children's songs?

Zhu Xiaojing did not doubt that he was there, and said truthfully: "She has no professional training, but she likes to sing. In the summer, the Little Red Horse Academy will set up a mobile karaoke machine at night, and Liliu is the Maiba."

Ou Ya: "Interest is the best teacher."

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