Dad Academy

Chapter 1644 Best friends are together

When Zhang Tan drove Xiaobai, Xi'er and Wang Xiaoyu back to Xiaohongma from the municipal party committee compound, he happened to see Lao Li taking out chairs and his small coffee table from the guard box.

He is ready to make tea and enjoy life.

Xiaobai, Xier, and Wang Xiaoyu filed in carrying schoolbags and dragging mini suitcases.

"You're back~" Lao Li greeted with a smile.

"Come back, hiahiahia~~~"

"Come back~"

"I'm coming too——"

"Hey, it's Wang Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lao Li saw Wang Xiaoyu. It had indeed been a long time since he had seen Wang Xiaoyu, except of course last night.

The three children were dragging their suitcases and were about to go home and put them down when suddenly a familiar voice came from behind them:

"Hahaha, I'm back, you guys——"

Xiaobai looked back and saw it was Dudu.

Dudu was standing at the door of the guard box, pushing a trolley in his hand. On the trolley were Lao Li's teacups, teapots and tea cans.

"It's Dudu here - Xiaobai." Xi'er was overjoyed, dropped her suitcase, ran over and hugged Dudu.

She originally wanted to pick up Dudu and spin him around half a circle.

This is what she saw on TV these days.

But she couldn't be carried. Instead, Dudu easily picked her up, lifted her feet off the ground, and spun around in a circle before putting her down.


Wang Xiaoyu took the initiative to say hello and was very excited. He had not seen Dudu for a long time.

"It's Wang Xiaoyu——"

Dudu was pleasantly surprised and subconsciously shouted: "Liuliu-come on, Wang Xiaoyu is here!"

After shouting, I remembered that Liuliu hadn’t come back from grandma’s house yet.

Her eyes fell on Wang Xiaoyu's schoolbag, and she felt that there must be a lot of delicious food hidden in it, but because Liuliu was not there, she didn't have that much impulse for snacks.

Dudu had just arrived. As soon as he arrived, he helped Lao Li move things into the yard, leaving the cart at the end.

She especially liked pushing Lao Li's stroller, and she used to push it around the yard.

"Try the tea that Dudu brought me today." Lao Li said a little shyly.

"Give it to you."

Dudu took the initiative to take out a large bag of packaged tea from the cart, which looked colorful.

Lao Li tore open the package, took out a small bag of tea leaves, read the words on the package, tore it open and poured it into the bubbling teapot.

"What tea?" Zhang Tan asked.

"The scented tea Dudu brought." Lao Li replied.

Dudu specially brought this to him from his grandmother's house. His filial piety was touching, so even though Lao Li didn't drink scented tea very much, he still happily accepted it.

It was rare for Miss Zhao to have this kind of affection, and her love for her was not in vain.

"Dudu, you go play with Xiaobai and the others." Lao Li said.

Dudu followed Xiaobai and others back home, and Balabala talked about his experience at his grandma's house.

Her grandma's house was in the countryside. She followed her grandpa to the fields every day, always followed by a group of little ducks. She bought them at the market with her grandma, and they became her followers after buying them back.

Wherever she goes, the little duck follows. Unless she chases her, the little duck will not go.

She also became best friends with her grandfather, and they fought against her grandmother together.

Grandma always goes to play mahjong and takes care of grandpa’s pocket money.

Dudu loves to go to the market with her grandfather, but she has no money.

I can only ask for money from my grandmother who is in charge of money.

No matter how much grandma gives, they must spend all their money before they come back, so grandma gives less and less each time.

"My grandpa is so miserable -" Dudu said.

When she left, she secretly left her piggy bank with her grandfather.

She asked her mother to bring the piggy bank.

After Dudu finished talking about her experience, she asked Xi'er and Xiaobai to talk about theirs.

The children didn't go anywhere all morning, just watching cartoons and chatting at home.

Today is already August 1st, and the summer vacation is just over halfway.

Dudu, who went to grandma's house, came back. The next evening, Cheng Cheng suddenly appeared at Little Red Horse without saying hello, which made Xiaobai and others very happy.

The other children in Little Red Mali are also very happy. The story king is back, and everyone finally has a story to listen to.

Cheng Cheng rested for a few days and brought many new stories, which were told to her by her grandparents.

She corrected it and told it to the children in Little Red Mali.

By this day, only Liuliu was left in the group of best friends who "just want to play and don't want to work."

Xiaobai's urging call made the happy-go-lucky Liuliu think about returning to Little Red Horse for the first time.

Otherwise, she would have no intention of coming back.

It was so comfortable to live at my grandma's house. Her grandparents treated her like a treasure, answering all her requests, providing her with enough food and drink, and being able to sleep in late.

Zhu Xiaojing couldn't stand it any longer. During the video call, she found that Liuliu seemed to have gained weight again, and asked her mother to weigh Liuliu on the scale to see if he had gained weight.

But her mother quickly called back and said that Liliu refused to get on the scale, and there was no other way. It would be more difficult than killing her if she couldn't get it on.

Zhu Xiaojing knew immediately that Liuliu must have gained weight.

We can't continue like this. The two old men are too doting on Liliu. There is no discipline, only love.

Zhu Xiaojing rushed over immediately and brought Liliu back.

Dayanyan's return must be grand. Before Liuliu's return, she informed her friends that they must pick her up at the Little Red Horse.

So in the morning of this day, a group of girlfriends who "just want to play and don't want to work", plus Wang Xiaoyu, were waiting.

Waiting, waiting...

Finally the pomegranate appeared.

"Hahahaha 6666 duck - kids, kids, I'm back -"

Liuliu, whom she hadn't seen for a week, finally came back. As soon as she finished speaking, a small figure flew away and hugged her.

It's Dudu.

The plastic sisters have not seen each other for a long time, and now they have become steel sisters. Good things are mixed with oil.

"Is that Wang Xiaoyu?" Luoliu glanced at a little boy who looked like Wang Xiaoyu and asked Dudu quietly.

Dudu nodded and said, "That's him."

"Good guy~Good guy duck——"

Liuliu didn't expect that such a big fat sheep would be prepared for her just after she came back.

However, today she brought a lot of delicious food to share with her friends.

"Good friend~"

Liuliu took the initiative to hug Xiaobai.

"Good friend duck——"

After hugging Xiaobai, I went to hug Xiaomi.

Xiaomi's temperament is a little different, and her posture has improved a lot. This is the result of practicing ballet.

Ding Jiamin enrolled Xiaomi in a ballet class. Xiaomi went to class every day. Although she was tired, she was very happy and had truly found her interest.

Zhang Tan also wanted to throw Xiaobai and Xi'er away, otherwise they would be hanging around outside every day, hanging out with Liu Changjiang's gang of second-rates.

After Liuliu hugged her friends one by one, she began to hand out snacks to everyone.

This is a specialty of grandma's house. Grandma makes it herself and is hard to buy in the mall.

We haven’t seen each other for a week. We all had dinner together at noon. The adults also came. Of course, the protagonists were the children.

It was only lively in the evening. When Liuliu came back and saw Shi Baobao, he took Dudu and went to catch him, which scared Shi Baobao so much that he ran away in the yard.

After failing to catch up with Shi Baobao, Luliu was not upset. She laughed and greeted every child enthusiastically.

The children were frightened by her "reputation for cruelty", and all responded to her obediently.


Only Xiao Lizi was unyielding. Not only did he not respond to Liliu, but he gave her a cold snort and a roll of his eyes.

As you can imagine, the two had another quarrel the next second.

Liuliu said angrily: "Why do you have to be angry with me when I come back???"

Xiao Lizi showed no sign of weakness and said angrily: "You are going to make me mad to death - hum!"

Luoliu escalated the situation and said loudly: "I've been pissed off by you several times."

Little Plum: "That's great."

Liliu: "..."

Liuliu was really angry to death this time. She flew into a rage, bared her teeth and claws, and was immediately carried away by Xiaobai and Xiaomi.

"Let me go, let me go - I'm going to fight with Xiao Lizi - I'm so angry!"

Liuliu struggled, but Xiao Lizi on the other side didn't show any weakness. With her little fists clenched, Xiao Weiwei and Xiao Youyou pulled and dragged her away.

"You will be beaten flat by pomegranates." Xiao Weiwei said worriedly.

Little Youyou: "Liuliu is so big, but you are so small."

DiCaprio: "I will grow up."

Little Youyou: "Liuliu is fat again."

Xiao Lizi: "..."

There was nothing she could do about it. The difference in size was getting bigger and bigger, and the hope of defeating Luliu was getting slimmer.

After Liliu was taken away, she lost her temper in a blink of an eye and started doing whatever she had to do. When she turned around, she saw Xiwa kicking her legs in the yard.

"666 Duck, Xi'er, what are you doing?" She rushed over curiously and asked.

While Xi'er was kicking her legs, hiahia laughed and said that she was practicing kung fu.

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