Dad Academy

Chapter 166 Poaching (4/5 please subscribe)

Chapter 166 Poaching (45 please subscribe)

When Zhang Tan volunteered to come to the TV station, Jiang Rong couldn't persuade him. Now that "Unlucky Bear" has been beaten so miserably, what can he do? He will be so angry for nothing.

She felt that if Zhang Tan went, he would definitely be embarrassed by the TV station, because this project ultimately originated from him. Now that the ratings are not good, the quality of the content will be questioned first, and he might become a scapegoat.

Now it's too late for everyone to hide, so no one can take the initiative to move forward.

Besides, Zhang Tan is no longer responsible for this project. No one will say that he won’t get involved, or that he won’t take the initiative to get involved.

At this time, it is important for Mingzhe to protect himself.

But Zhang Tan didn't listen to her advice and insisted on coming.

Although Li Liang didn't say anything about this, he was happy in his heart. There was a target that attracted artillery fire, and he had no reason to refuse.

It's not like I asked you to go, you took the initiative to come.

Jiang Rong came to whatever she was worried about. The female director of the TV station bombarded the audience from the beginning, and then started to attack Zhang Tan.

At least in her opinion, she was attacking Zhang Tan!

Listen to what she said, she was forcing Zhang Tan.

Jiang Rong looked nervously at Zhang Tan, who was sitting on Wang Zhen's lower left hand, and couldn't help but sweat for him.

However, when she saw Zhang Tan's expression, she felt relieved for no reason, because Zhang Tan looked so calm. After listening to the female director's words, he slowly took out a small notebook, took out a pen, and wrote in He wrote and drew pictures in his notebook and said at the same time:

"I'll make three points."

Jiang Rong curled her lips, it was three o'clock again!

"1. "Unlucky Bear" has only aired 4 episodes, and it's not even close to the time when life and death can be judged. This animation lasts 5 minutes per episode, and 4 episodes only last 20 minutes. It only shows a few splashes, and you have to watch the big waves. Early on It’s too late and I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry..."

Everyone couldn't help but secretly look at Wang Zhen, who was in the first seat. Zhang Tan's words were obviously a refutation of her. She just said that "Unlucky Bear" had reached a life-or-death moment.

Wang Zhen was not furious, but her face was calm and emotionless. She couldn't see any emotions or anger, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Zhang Tan continued: "Second, this animation is not without its merits so far. At least, I have seen a lot of good reviews on the online platform. The online on-demand volume has reached 50,000 people, and this is without any publicity. "

Liu Qi, who was opposite him, looked up at him and thought to himself, what's the use of this!

Zhang Tan: "This shows that "Unlucky Bear" has an audience and the quality is very good."

Oh, Liu Qi thought to himself, it turned out that he was trying to clear the ground for himself. It meant that "Unlucky Bear" did not do well. It was not a problem with the content, but other reasons. As for the other reasons, it was nonsense. It was due to poor market development. Yes.

He thought to himself that Zhang Tan was beginning to blame himself.

"Third, Mr. Wang is right. "Unlucky Bear" will definitely die if it continues like this. It must be changed, and it must be changed drastically."

Everyone raised their heads now and looked at him. After hearing what they said before, they thought he was trying to shirk responsibility.

Liu Qi asked: "How to change it?"

Zhang Tan: "There are three points."

"1. The broadcast time period needs to be changed. Our current broadcast time period is 19:20-19:30, this will not work."

Liu Qi interjected: "This is the prime time period of the TV station. If this doesn't work, then changing to other time periods will not work."

Zhang Tan: "Avoid 19:00 to 19:30, any other time period will do."

Liu Qi shook his head and said: "You are not on the TV station, you don't understand."

Wang Zhen said to him: "Listen to Zhang Tan first."

Liu Qi kept chatting, and Wang Zhen asked Zhang Tan again: "Why?"

Zhang Tan: "Some people have made a mistake about the audience of "Unlucky Bear". I have said it before, but maybe no one takes it seriously. This animation is not specially for children. From 1 to 50 years old, it is all us. Even at this stage, adults are the group we should focus on. Therefore, the 19:20-19:30 time period is not suitable because it is the time period of the news network and we cannot grab it."

Both Li Liang and Liu Qi heard Zhang Tan say it, but whether they can listen to it is another matter.

There was a lot of discussion in the conference room, and Zhang Tan's words caused controversy.

Someone said: "If our group is adults, then it is not right to broadcast it on a children's channel. Should it be broadcast by other channels?"

Of course, these are angry words. How could it be broadcast by other channels but not broadcast by my own channel? Wouldn't that be making a wedding dress for others?

Another meaning of the other party is that "Unlucky Bear" is wrong from the source, and there is a problem with the content!

Someone spoke up, others responded, and the argument became louder and louder.

Wang Zhen knocked on the table to ask everyone to be quiet, and continued to ask Zhang Tan: "What else? Two other points."

Zhang Tan first said to the person who made the angry remarks: "I will explain your question later on the third point."

"Now, secondly, in addition to changing the broadcast time, the broadcast frequency should also be increased and broadcast at different times every day. It is not necessary to choose a very good time period, such as late at night."

No one raised any objection to this point. This is the routine operation of the TV station. Moreover, "Unlucky Bear" has a major advantage, that is, it is short. It does not take up too much time each time it is broadcast, making it easier to arrange.

"Third, we need to increase the promotion of online platforms. We can not sign a contract with the platform and continue to publish for free, but we can cooperate with them on publicity matters..."

Someone questioned: "Doesn't that mean that when we post our works on their website, we not only don't charge a penny, but we also pay for advertising?"

Zhang Tan glanced at him and said, "Although I am an outsider in publicity and distribution, I know a little bit about it. This is easy to operate. If you don't want to discuss with the website, then make an agreement on the payment. For example, the payment will be delayed for a period of time, one week. ? Two weeks? It’s okay. During this period, as long as "Unlucky Bear" has traffic, do you think the website will still ask you for money? What they should worry about is that we ask them for money. I am just giving an example. , there is a lot of room for maneuver here, Minister Liu knows better than me, you can ask him."

Zhang Tan said to the person who made the angry remarks before: "Because of the limitations of our channel, "Unlucky Bear" should increase its broadcast on online platforms to complement the channel. Those who can watch animations online are us. audience, and it is the largest and easiest group to attract.”

He said to Liu Qi: "This is why I insist on broadcasting on the Internet platform. It is not that the video platform pays us, but that we need them. At least at this stage, before we start, we need them." , much more than they need us.”

The meeting was over, Jiang Rong gave Zhang Tan a thumbs up, and Li Liang whispered to Xu Jian beside him: "It's a good thing I brought Zhang Tan here, otherwise we wouldn't be able to end today."

"Should we wait for him?" Jiang Rong asked.

Li Liang said: "Forget it, Director Wang probably has something to ask him about. It's already this hour. Maybe we can stay for dinner. Let's go back first."

Jiang Rong had no choice but to leave first.

On the other side, Zhang Tan followed Wang Zhen to her office.

Secretary Wang poured him tea, closed the door, and exited the room.

Wang Zhen: "How is it being on the set?"

Zhang Tan briefly talked about the situation of the crew and chatted casually for a while. Wang Zhen invited him to have dinner with him at the TV station and then go back after dinner.

Secretary Wang accepted the task and arranged the meals. He thought that Mr. Wang valued screenwriter Zhang too much, but I heard that this screenwriter was very successful at the studio and had a big crew. Su Popular artists like Lan are filming for him, so it's not surprising that Mr. Wang thinks highly of him. Furthermore, his performance at today's meeting was really impressive, completely crushing Minister Liu Qi. He looked more like the director of the marketing department.

As soon as he was ready, Wang Zhen came with Zhang Tan. This was a small private room in the canteen inside the TV station, specially used to receive guests.

The food is not rich but very exquisite, and you can see that the kitchen is very careful.

After dinner, Zhang Tan said goodbye and left. Wang Zhen said with a smile: "Zhang Tan, if you don't want to work in the studio anymore, you are welcome to come to the TV station. You are always welcome here."

PS: A second chapter has been added for the leader of the alliance, Dynasty Warriors.

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