Dad Academy

Chapter 1573 Before leaving

Everyone is leaving Baijiacun and returning to Pujiang.

I spent twelve days in Baijia Village, two days more than originally planned.

After everyone agreed, everyone began to prepare for the return trip.

Meng Guangxin accompanied Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing to the county town to buy some things for the neighbors near Baijia Village to thank them for taking care of them these days.

The adults were preparing for their return step by step, while the children were very depressed after hearing the bad news one by one.

They had a great time in Baijia Village. The sky was huge here, allowing them to run around everywhere.

Although there are many places to play in Pujiang, as well as delicious food and beautiful amusement parks, they are far from being as free as here.

There are gardens full of fruits, flowing rivers, and fish swimming in ditches. On sunny days, you can hide in the shade of trees and take a nap. When it rains, you can pick lotus leaves to use as umbrellas. You can go to the mountains and fields... everything is full of it. Novelty.

The close contact with nature allows them to experience a different kind of childhood happiness.

Now that they heard that he was leaving and all this would be over, the best friends all mentioned how depressed they were.

They approached the adults and wanted to argue and stay a few more days.

But they have no decision-making power and can only listen to the opinions of adults.

Dunzi is the saddest.

These ten days were his happiest days. There were so many friends accompanying him every day. Even when he went to herd cows in the morning, Dudu accompanied him.

And soon, he will lose them.

But Dunzi is not a yeller.

Although he is sad, he will only hide it in his heart.


Xiaobai found Dunzi.

She was extremely reluctant to leave Dunzi. The two of them had a deep relationship and neither wanted to leave.

But in fact, if you do the math, they didn't spend a long time together.

Xiaobai returned to Baijia Village from Pujiang when he was two years old and was left in the care of his grandmother.

At that time, Xiaobai met his neighbor Dunzi.

After that, after staying in Baijia Village for less than a year, Xiaobai was adopted by her uncle and aunt, who took her to work and travel around the world, only returning home once during the Chinese New Year.

So based on this calculation, Xiaobai and Dunzi only spent roughly one year together.

But friendship is not deep based on the length of time.

In the year they met, it was a difficult time for the two of them.

Xiaobai had just left her mother and came to a strange place called Baijia Village to live with a strange grandma. She was very scared and insecure inside.

As for Dunzi, his father is away from home all year round. Because of his slow speech, he was bullied by the children and could not find a partner to play with him.

During such a difficult time for each other, they got to know each other. There were no words of encouragement or mutual support, but only getting along and accompanying each other.

Because of my companionship, I got through the difficult time of that year.

After that, Xiaobai left Baijiacun and only returned once during the New Year. However, her relationship with Dunzi did not weaken.

"Tell your mother that you can come with me to Pujiang to find your old man, okay? You live in my house. Little Red Horse, you have been there."

Xiaobai wants to encourage Dunzi to return to Pujiang with her.

"Dunzi, if you come back with us, I will take you to the amusement park to ride the merry-go-round, hiahia~"

Xi'er added another chip to Dunzi's wavering heart.

Dunzi was indeed moved.

This wasn't over yet, Dudu also came over to support Dunzi and them in going to Pujiang.

"I'll take you to pick up the doll."

Dudu’s hobby is to clip dolls in front of the doll machine, which is how some of the dolls in her home came to be.

While grazing the cows in the morning, Dunzi heard Dudu talk about clamping dolls.

He really wanted to see it, he hadn't caught a doll yet.

He has two dolls at home, both of which were given to him by Xiaobai.

His father bought him toy swords and toy guns, but not rag dolls.

Xiaomi also came and said, "Dunzi, do you want to see Sister Xiaomin as a policeman?"

Dunzi didn't know if he was tempted, but Dudu was extremely envious and nodded crazily.

She now also really likes to see Sister Xiao Min in police uniform, her eyes are shining, and she looks like a little fan girl.

"I think~" Dunzi said.

In his impression, Ding Jiamin was just the sister next door, and he could not imagine her majestic and heroic appearance.

The pomegranates are here too.

Liuliu was more direct. She waved her arms with great arrogance: "Treat guests, treat guests to dinner, eat delicious food, drink bears, drink until you are full, get massages, go swimming in the sea~Wow~~~"

As she talked, she felt envious of herself.

She enthusiastically wanted to invite Dunzi to eat, drink and have fun.

Dunzi was very moved by everyone and wanted to go back to Pujiang with everyone.

He had lived in Pujiang for a while before, during the summer vacation, and his mother also went there.

It was a rare day when he could see his parents at the same time during the Chinese New Year.

Thinking about that time, Dunzi couldn't help but miss his father.

He hasn't seen his dad since the Chinese New Year, except for video calls.

"I'll ask my mother~" Dunzi said.

"Go quickly, we are waiting for you."

Dunzi rushed home like flying.

He ran out of the yard, ran up the narrow field bank, and shuttled through the rice on both sides...

As his girlfriends watched, he rushed into his yard and disappeared into the house.

After a while, just when Xiaobai was about to go find Dunzi, Dunzi's figure finally appeared in everyone's sight.

He ran out of his yard, crossed the rice fields, and ran in front of everyone, panting.

Xiaobai asked eagerly: "How about Dunzi? Your mother agreed."

Dunzi took a few breaths, and Xi'er quickly patted his back gently.

"If you can't breathe, you will die."

Dunzi was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe loudly. He shook his head at everyone and said sadly: "I'm not going. I want to stay at home and help my mother work."

Just now, he returned home and saw that his mother had just returned from hoeing and was preparing to spray pesticides in the rice fields.

Mother's clothes were soaked with sweat. Her face was tired, but her hands and feet were still busy.

When Dunzi saw this scene, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

"Dunzi, why didn't you go and play with Xiaobai? Xiaobai and the others are leaving tomorrow. You should stay with them more."


"What's up?"


"Then you go play, I'm going to the fields."

Dunzi left the house silently. He didn't ask his mother, and he didn't plan to ask.

The farming season is about to begin, and he has to stay at home and help his mother with the work. Her mother is working too hard.

Dunzi is seven years old and he understands many things, but he looks naive many times, making people think he doesn't understand anything.

Children from the countryside are already in charge.

He started helping his mother at a very early age.

After all, he witnessed his mother working hard every day, and he learned everything he should do in ordinary days without the need for teaching.

Dunzi saw that after he finished speaking, the children all had dim expressions and looked very disappointed.

He tried his best to smile and said, "I can call you."

Dudu said in despair: "I can't herd cattle with you anymore."

"I will feed the big buffalo until it's full." Dunzi said.

"We can't play with you anymore, Brother Dunzi~" Xi'er was equally disappointed.

Dunzi: "I will come find you in the future, Xiwawa, do you want to ride a big horse?"

He squatted down, carried Xi'er on his back, and walked in the yard.

These days, he often carries Xi'er on his back like this and lets her ride a big horse.


Xi'er became happy.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi discussed going to the village to buy things.

Liliu heard something and shouted to follow her, never wanting to get rid of her.

Dudu and Cheng Cheng stayed at home to play.

The three children walked to the bridge, and Xiaobai and Xiaomi discussed how many bottles of Little Bear they should buy.

Pomegranates: →_→

She was indeed right.

But the next moment, she suffered disaster.

"Come here, let me see your pocket, how much money you have, hand it over~"

Xiaobai went on a robbery to steal Liliu's private money.

Liuliu was anxious: "I don't have one, I don't have a duck~ I'm a pauper duck——"

"What is Le?"

Xiaobai found ten dollars from her pocket.

Liuliu was in a hurry: "This, this is a paper flying duck. It should be thrown away and cannot be used."

"Guawazi, do you think I'm a fool?"

Xiaobai feels that Liuliu must be laughing at her IQ, this is obviously money!

Seeing that the first plan didn't work, Luoliu immediately hatched a second plan.

"I'm so miserable, Xiaobai. This is my mother's money. She put it in my pocket. I want to return it to her~~~~~ Please do a good job and let me go~"

The durians began to sell badly.

When Xiaobai heard this, she burst into tears, and it seemed as if what she said was true.

Xiaomi couldn't bear it, believed Liliu's words, and asked Xiaobai to return the money to her.

"We can also buy it with our own money, it's just a little less."

Xiaobai listened more to Xiaomi and returned the ten yuan to Liuliu.

Liuliu said: "You have money and you still rob me. It's true. I'm so miserable~"

Xiaobai said: "We want to buy a bear drink for Dunzi, and we need to buy a little more thiophene."

"Huh? For Dunzi?"

"My enemy, we have to leave. Let's buy some bears for Dunzi to drink."

Liuliu stopped talking. On the way to the canteen, her face looked entangled and painful. It was not until she arrived at the canteen that she reluctantly handed over her ten yuan.

There’s another chapter, don’t wait, I’ll update it tomorrow.

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