Dad Academy

Chapter 1549 Nap

Xiaobai collected everyone's dreams and distributed them. Among her besties, everyone was assigned a task, except Xi'er.

Xi'er quits.

She approached Xiaobai and asked, and Xiaobai asked her to supervise the implementation of everyone's dreams.

Xi'er went away in a hurry, and first went to see Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng for tutoring, and the results were very good.

I went to see Dudu again. Oh, Dudu wasn’t assigned a task either.

She is helping to dry bedspreads in the yard. She is very busy. If she is not assigned a task, she will find one by herself. She cannot let herself be idle.

Xi'er nodded with satisfaction and went to see Liuliu again.

But I saw Liuliu sitting under the eaves, kneading bread crumbs for the ants on the ground to eat. Seeing her coming, he smiled and said: "666 Duck, Xi'er, look, there are many ants, all of which are raised by me."

Xi'er asked her: "Where is Xiaogua?"

Liuliu looked around and asked doubtfully, "Where's Xiaogua?"

"I didn't see it~"

"I didn't see a duck either."

"Aren't you going to teach her kung fu?"

"...He couldn't bear the hardship and ran away~"

Xiaogua ran away, and Liuliu saw him running out of the yard crying.

But I never expected that this little melon would actually make trouble. On the surface, he ran out of the yard to go back to Baijia Village, but in fact, he went around in a circle and found Xiaobai through the back door to complain.

At this moment, Xiaogua, under the leadership of Xiaobai, comes to Liuliu to settle the score.

→_→, Luoliu angrily accused Xiaogua of not being able to play, and making a tattling, even though he ran home, he went around and lied to her!

"Pang Liuliu, what are you doing to Xiaogua?" Xiaobai asked Liuliu.

"...What duck?" Liuliu looked around and asked him.

"Why are you scaring Xiaogua and pinching his little chirp??"

As soon as Xiaobai's words came out, Xi'er immediately opened his eyes and opened his mouth, looking at Liliu in disbelief.

I was so embarrassed to see it.

In particular, she saw Dudu, who was helping to wring water out of the bedspread, suddenly dropped what he was doing and ran over to see what was going on.

Being stared at by two children, even though Luoliu was thick-skinned, he couldn't help but turn red at this moment.

"I, I, I'm just scaring him!!" Luoliu argued.

But no matter how she argued, the next moment, she was judged by Xiaobai, and Xier and Dudu did not side with her this time, and continued to accuse her.

Liuliu was criticized and was very discouraged. She saw Grandma Jiang being interviewed in the room, with a camera placed in front of her.

She got up, walked slowly over there, moved a small bench, sat down near them, and watched with great interest.

As Da Yanyan, she still feels more intimate with this scene. As for teaching Xiaogua to practice martial arts, it was not Da Yanyan who did it.

The novices in the village stayed here for a long time before leaving.

They called Xiaobai and others away as well, saying they wanted to go out to play.

As for where to go to play, wherever you go counts.

The house was finally clean, and not a single one of the children was left.

Zhang Tan stood in the yard and looked out. He saw these children walking on the dirt road back to the village, playing slowly and looking around.

In the morning, Liu Yan led people to conduct an exclusive interview with Teacher Jiang and collected enough material.

I planned to skip lunch and go back directly. Liu Yan was in a hurry to implement the program of "Tang Palace Night Banquet".

However, the breeding expert brought here was too busy, and one morning was not enough for him to answer questions from the farmers.

Half a day is not enough.

Old white people have many questions to ask experts.

Usually they can only figure it out on their own and rely on experience to breed. When they encounter some special problems, they are helpless.

This also shows that the expert Liu Yan invited is genuine and has real talent and knowledge. The key is that he has practical experience and is not just talking on paper.

At noon, the village chief invited the experts to dinner, Liu Yan and others were also invited, and Zhang Tan was invited to accompany them.

Zhang Tan can't go, they have no confidence and always feel that they don't have enough face.

After Zhang Tan left, they felt confident and didn't panic.

The village chief called Zhang Tan at home, and Zhang Tan followed him back to the village. On the way, the village chief kept praising the expert.

"A large number of Laobai's fish died inexplicably this spring, and experts saw it."

"See what reason?"

"It's said to be a soil problem. A large amount of soil was dug out next to the fish pond..."

The two of them were walking and discussing when they suddenly saw a few children walking in front of them. Who was it if it wasn't Bai Chunhua?

I just want to have fun and don't want to work, my girlfriends group, plus my tricks, are all here.

A few people were walking slowly, eating something and chatting.

After being crazy outside all morning, I finally came home.

"It's godfather!"

Xi'er was the first to discover Zhang Tan.

"Come back so late? What did you do in the morning?" Zhang Tan blocked their way, "What are you eating?"

"Hoo ho ho, it's sweet potato."

Several children each had a roasted sweet potato in their hands, and there was a lot of it on their lips.

Sweet potatoes smell delicious.

"Who gave it to you?" Zhang Tan asked, wondering if Xiaobai led you to dig in someone else's field?

But Xiaobai told him that it was Xiaogua’s mother who gave them food.

As soon as Zhang Tan heard about Xiaogua, he immediately looked at Liuliu subconsciously.

The pomegranate fell last, lowering its head and concentrating on eating the sweet potatoes, without paying any attention to the situation outside.

"Go back quickly, food will be ready at home soon." Zhang Tan warned.

"Okay~ kids, go home-"

Zhang Tan turned around and warned again: "Don't run outside after eating. The sun is shining like this. You are all sweating profusely. What should you do if you get tanned?"

"Old man, where are you going to stay?" Xiaobai realized that her old man was not coming back with them.

"The village chief and I are going to have dinner."

"Have you eaten well?"

"Accompanying guests."

"I'm very good at accompanying guests."

This time it was not Xiaobai who spoke, but Liuliu.

One second he was concentrating on eating sweet potatoes, and the next second he jumped to Zhang Tan's side. This little guy must be a yes man.

Of course Zhang Tan refused and told them to go back quickly. Zhu Xiaojing would come to them with a stick in hand if it was too late.

These words were indeed very effective, at least Liuliu sped up his pace.

After Xiaobai and others left, the village chief said to Zhang Tan: "Although the experts are here to help, some hard work expenses must be paid. How much does Zhang Tan think should be given? We don't understand the market outside."

Zhang Tan said: "Hard work pay should be paid. Although people say it is voluntary, it should be paid based on emotion and reason. As for how much to pay, my opinion is that it should be based on the standard of an expert traveling for a day. It is more. Don’t give it, they won’t accept it, I’m sorry if it’s less.”

"That's right, but what's the standard for a day?"

"Well, he took the high-speed train from Chengdu to come to us. He stayed for one night and had three meals based on the best in our area. Let's count it down to four or five hundred. If you round up, let's give it five hundred."

The village chief also agreed and later gave a red envelope to the expert.

When Zhang Tan and the village chief arrived, the experts had not yet appeared, nor did Liu Yan and others.

Several people seemed to be discussing things in the room vacated by the village chief.

After a while, several people heard that Zhang Tan had arrived, so they hurried out and had dinner together before Zhang Tan returned.

When I returned home, I saw several children lying in the living room, sleeping soundly on bamboo beds.

Only Dudu sat aside, flipping through a picture book and reading with gusto.

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