Dad Academy

Chapter 1543 Sudden Battle

The usually noisy house was much quieter today.

The children were sitting or lying down one by one, no longer as naughty as before.

The foreign spicy food and the leech made them experience another side of rural life. They had been so happy the past few days, but today they finally learned something powerful and did not dare to be lawless.

When Zhang Tan bought some ointment from Lao Gua, he saw Liu Yan and others in the yard when he came back.

Liu Yan was sitting on the steps, talking to Teacher Jiang. The two were exchanging some questions about Shu embroidery.

Although she had just arrived, Liu Yan was already in the zone.

Teacher Jiang talked endlessly about the topic of Shu embroidery and had a lot to say.

The other children were all moaning and groaning as if they were beaten by frost.

After Zhang Tan came back, he gave the ointment to Xiaobai, who immediately went to apply it on the children.

"Madam, madam! It's time to apply the medicine——"


Liuliu screamed in pain, but the sound was a whimper.

Da Yanyan is having a hard time today. Her arm is in severe pain, coming and going, burning.

"Lady, let me blow for you!!!"

Liuliu collapsed and suffered physical and mental injuries.

"Xiaobai, don't tease Liuliu, and quickly apply ointment on everyone."

Ding Jiamin came over to help and quickly applied ointment to the children.

This ointment is very effective. After applying it, the red and swollen areas feel cool and the pain is eliminated a lot.

Zhang Tan joined the chat group between Liu Yan and Teacher Jiang. He didn't expect Liu Yan to come. It was almost dark.

Upon hearing this, I realized that she came to see Teacher Jiang because of the Shu embroidery interview.

Zhang Tan saw that the two of them were chatting deeply, so he went to the kitchen and saw Dunzi's mother and Zhao Gongcheng busy preparing dinner. The sound of water came from the small yard behind the house, and it was Zhu Xiaojing washing vegetables.

Zhang Tan wanted to lend a hand and help, but Dunzi's mother asked him to go out to entertain the guests.

Xiaobai ran to find him and asked: "Old man, old man - is that the bag I brought?"

"Put it in my room."


Xiaobai ran to the room like a gust of wind and found a huge plastic bag filled with stuff.

Xiaobai laughed, ran to the yard with a big bag, and shouted: "Kids, kids - I bought you a gift! Look!"

Xiaobai dug around in the bag and took out a small yellow water gun. He held it high and showed off: "I bought a small water gun for you guys. Which one of you wants it first?"

"Huh? Such a cute duck~"

Xiaobai was stunned. The small water gun in his hand was gone. When he looked back, he didn't know when Luoliu had appeared here. He took the small water gun away quietly and put it in his hand to play with.

This melon boy, who just a moment ago was sighing and looking desperately ill, suddenly became energetic and climbed up in one go without any sloppiness.

The small yellow water gun was given to Liuliu, and Xiaobai took out a blue one from the big bag and gave it to Xiaomi.

Dragging the bag again, each child got a handful.

Everyone has a share and no one is in need.

She and Old Man Zhang went to town and asked Old Man Zhang to buy it.

It seems that she made the right purchase.

The living environment in this rural area is so harsh. There are foreign chili peppers, leeches, big roosters, big fat pigs, night owl beards... it's really too dangerous.

How can a child grow up if he doesn’t have a weapon for self-defense?

Xiaobai gave each of the children a small water gun, and then asked everyone to fill the water together. With a gun in hand, I have the world. Each and every one of them has straightened their backs. They are no longer afraid of foreign chili peppers and leeches. When they encounter One beats the other.


A water arrow suddenly shot from behind, hitting Xiaobai in the back of the head.

Xiao Bai felt a chill on the back of his head, and when he touched his hand, it became wet.

"Which melon kid attacked me!!!"

Xiaobai was angry and turned around to glare at everyone.

Everyone pointed at Liliu in unison.

When Liuliu saw Xiaobai's look of wanting to kill her, she was so frightened that she quickly raised her hands.

"I'm sorry Duck, I'm sorry Duck Xiaobai, I didn't mean it—"

Da Yanyan really didn't mean it.

She was so carried away that when she pulled the trigger, she accidentally injured Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai refused to let go of Liliu and shot an arrow at her too.

"Eat my sword——"

"Ah - my God!"

Liliu yelled, but she cleverly lowered her head to avoid it.

How could Xiaobai be fooled by her, catch up with her, and start a desperate pursuit?

Liuliu ran away to where the children were gathered, but the water arrow accidentally injured Xi'er and then Dudu.

Dudu reflexively shot an arrow, which made Xiaobai's face tickle.

Xiaobai wiped his face and shot Dudu.

"Don't shoot, it's me, Xiaobai~~~~"

Xi'er shouted, but it was too late.

Xiaobai's water arrow hit her right in the face, making Xibao's face wet.

And Dudu, with his flexible body, had already escaped and got together with Liuliu.

"I'm sorry, Xiwawa~"

While Xiaobai apologized to Xi'er, he called Xi'er and went to hunt down Liliu and Dudu together.

For a moment, water arrows were flying randomly, and Cheng Cheng was soon accidentally injured and joined the chaos.

Then Xiaomi was also accidentally injured, and Dunzi was forced to join the battlefield.

The yard was a mess.

The photography guy immediately moved his camera away to avoid being hit by the water, but despite this, in order to protect the equipment, he was hit by an "arrow" in the back, screamed, and exited the shooting circle.

This battle started suddenly and ended suddenly.

Zhu Xiaojing suddenly rushed out of the house, holding a blackened fire stick in her hand, and called out to the melons, scaring all the melons to flee. They hid on the ridge of the field one by one, only to escape. Yu Difficulty.

At the critical moment, Zhu Xiaojing, who is capable of ruthless actions, has to take charge of the overall situation and calm the situation.

Zhu Xiaojing stood at the edge of the yard and spoke harshly to the melons who were confronting her on the field ridge, telling them to come over and admit their mistake quickly, otherwise they would not be able to eat at night.

After saying that, Zhu Xiaojing returned to the kitchen and continued to help cook.

The melons looked at each other on the field ridge, and then all looked at the durians.

Liuliu didn't ask what everyone meant. She seemed to understand very well and said without hesitation: "Mother Zhu really knows how to deny us food."

Liuliu's meaning was very clear, that is, Zhu Xiaojing would really not allow them to eat, so everyone should just apologize honestly.

She took the lead and lined up with the melon boys to go to the kitchen to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and ask for food.

"What are you doing here?"

When passing by the yard, the photographer asked knowingly and even gloated a little.

Xiaobai glared at him, while Xier said honestly: "Go and give Mother Zhu——"

"Don't say anything~"

Before Xi'er could finish her words, Xiaobai covered her mouth and dragged her away.

What's there to say about such a shameful thing, and it's said to a bastard?

Although he has only been here for a short time, Xiaobai has already seen that this photography guy is a bastard and a fool.

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