Dad Academy

Chapter 1534 Listen to them talk about mom’s past

Several children squatted on the roadside and spit out everything in their mouths.

The good-tempered Xiaomi was angry and felt that her friends had teamed up to deceive her.

"It's Liliu! She lied to us."

Xiaobai first pointed the finger at Liuliu, because the bite she took was from Liuliu, and the melon seeds were said to be delicious.

"It's not me, it's not me~~~"

Liuliu waved his hand quickly and pointed at Cheng Cheng secretly.

Xiaobai asked deliberately: "What are you talking about? Why are you referring to Cheng Cheng?"

Liliu: "..."

What a little girl, I just want to see her and Cheng Cheng turn against each other!

Liuliu couldn't withstand everyone's accusations, and finally openly started to tear Cheng Cheng apart.

"It's Cheng Cheng! Cheng Cheng gave me something to eat!"

Cheng Cheng was right too. She said, "You gave me the food, and you said it was delicious, so I ate it."

Emmmm~~~ It seems that what Cheng Cheng said makes sense.

Liuliu immediately aimed at Xiaobai.

"It's Xiaobai, she picked it from the tree!"

"Gua Wa Zi, I'll give you two bags with your brain!"

Xiaobai kindly went to the tree to help Duoliu pick small plums, just to satisfy her craving, but now she is blamed.

It’s really something good-hearted people can’t do, and unkind people will never be hurt.

Xiaobai will do it as he says, and he will give him a good beating.

Liuliu ran away, shouting as he ran: "It's not Xiaobai! It's not Xiaobai - it's Xiaolizi!! It's all because Xiaolizi is not delicious!! Xiaolizi is the little bad guy."

This fire fanned across thousands of miles and fanned the little plum in Pujiang River.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, you have to calm down~~~"

Dudu chased after him and decided to help a group of her good sisters. Just now, her good sisters secretly helped her a lot, otherwise she would have eaten sour little plums.

The canteen of Baijia Village is located in the center of the village. There is a small square here. When the farming is slack, this is a place for everyone to chat. When the farming is busy, the rice is dried here.

When Xiaobai and his party came here, they saw several old men and women sitting in the square. There was a big jujube tree in the center of the square, and there were many jujubes hanging on the jujube tree.

Under the jujube tree, these old men and women were sitting there enjoying the cool air and chatting. When they saw Xiaobai and others appearing, they all looked over, with kind smiles on their faces, and they were very curious.

"Hello, grandma and grandpa——"

Xi'er was the first to greet them obediently.

The old men and women responded with smiles, their faces smiling like flowers.

"What's your name?" asked an old lady.

"My name is Xi'er." Xi'er said. She pointed to Dudu beside her and said, "Her name is Dudu."

"One is a durian, one is a millet, one is a chengcheng, one is a mound, do you understand?"

All the other children were introduced by Xiaobai.

The old men and women all said they understood, and then started talking about it, not anyone else, but Xiaobai.

They have all met Xiaobai when he was two or three years old. He was a pitiful little boy at that time, pitiful and fierce. Now that they have not seen him for several years, they almost cannot recognize him. A girl's 18th birthday changes, while Xiaobai's changes start at the age of five or six. Not only do she grow up a lot, but more importantly, her spirit and temperament change.

"She looks like her mother." Someone said, feeling that Xiao Bai's eyebrows resembled Bai Yuxin's.

"More like her old man. Her old man came here yesterday. He looks very much like Xiao Huahua, especially those eyes."

Some people also think that Xiaobai and Zhang Tan look alike.

"Want to buy something?" someone asked.

"We want to buy bear drinks for Xiaobai's treat." Liuliu said first, feeling that she was worried that Xiaobai would default on the bill or ask her to pay, but she didn't have the money.

Xiaobai took out a hundred yuan from his trouser pocket, gave it to Liuliu, and asked Liuliu to buy a bear from the canteen.

When Liuliu saw it, she was immediately excited. She couldn't believe that Xiaobai could be so good? Give her the money? Let her buy a bear?

"Give me?"

Liuliu asked unconfidently, and then without waiting for Xiaobai's answer, he immediately took away the hundred-dollar bill, laughed and ran to buy a bear, and asked Dudu and the others to follow him.

All the children ran to the canteen, but Xiaobai stayed. She walked under the jujube trees and asked, "Have you seen my mother?"

The old men and women all laughed, and one of them said, "We watched your mother grow up."

When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became interested.

She sat on an empty bench and curiously asked these grandparents about her mother.

It was rare for children to be willing to chat with them. These old men and women talked about Bai Yuxin's things.

They couldn't remember many things clearly, but the years were so long that just what they could remember was enough for Xiaobai to listen to.

Xiaobai listened with great interest until Xier and others also came over. They bought the bears. Dudu carried a box of bears by himself, and Dunzi also carried a box of bears.

"Xiaobai, there's no money left, it's all spent." Liuliu said.

She was worried that Xiaobai wouldn't believe her, so she turned her trouser pockets out and found that they were indeed empty.

But Xiaobai just said "oh" and didn't care about the paper flying at all.

She is only curious about her mother now.

In fact, the things these old men and women know are all about Bai Yuxin when he was a child.

When Bai Yuxin was a teenager, he went to the county town to study, and then went to work in Pujiang. He rarely came back once or twice a year, so he had no chance to interact with these old people.

So they knew very little about what happened to Bai Yuxin when he grew up.

The white clouds drifted leisurely in the sky, and the wind blew gently, blowing the clouds away and making the leaves of the jujube trees rattle.

The sun was hanging slanting in the sky, not ready to go down yet.

Two dogs lay under the jujube tree, lazily sleeping with their eyes squinted, yawning from time to time. Whenever there was any movement, they would raise their heads warily, look around, confirm that they were safe, and continue to lie with their chins on the ground. Squint and take a nap.

Xiaobai was particularly interested in what happened when her mother was a child. She chatted enthusiastically with these grandparents and asked questions.

The old people tell you everything they know.

Several old people and a child were chatting very enthusiastically.

Seeing that Xiaobai refused to go back, the children also stayed.

Liuliu sat for a while, scratching his head and ears. He couldn't sit still anymore and decided to open a box of Little Bear drinks first.

There were 10 bottles in a box. Luoliu and Dudu worked together to open the box. Luoliu took out the bear drinks and distributed them to the friends. There were 7 of them in total, and there were more than three bottles in the box.

Luliu then distributed these three bottles to the grandparents, but they all declined with a smile.

Little Bear drinks are loved by children, but not necessarily by the elderly.

When Luoliu saw this, he put two bottles in his trouser pockets, and stuffed the other bottle in Dudu's trouser pocket.

This is called not leaving the rich water as a field for outsiders.

While drinking Little Bear, she listened carefully to Xiaobai chatting with his grandparents. After listening for a while, she couldn't help but sympathize with Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, you are so pitiful."

Xiaobai glared at her and told her not to speak.

Liuliu promised not to speak, continued to drink Little Bear, and continued to listen to the chat. After a while, he couldn't hold it back and said again, "Xiaobai, you are so pitiful."

"Hey, Liuliu, don't talk~"

This time it was Dudu who said it.

Dudu also began to dislike Liliu.

Liliu: "..."

Liuliu promised not to speak this time. She raised her head to look at the jujube tree above her head, and suddenly found that there were many jujubes hanging on the tree...

She didn’t know it was a date, but this little fruit looked edible. Hey, pick one and give it to Xibaba to have a taste.

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