Dad Academy

Chapter 1529 Pottery Figurine

After the donation ceremony, everyone visited the Modi Cultural Exhibition Hall, with the county leaders leaving first.

In the eyes of the other party, Liu Yan from Sichuan-Shu TV Station is more important than Zhang Tan. At least he is from the provincial TV station.

So before leaving, the other party specially greeted Liu Yan, but ignored Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan didn't care, he had no intention of inviting the other party to come, it was the other party who asked them to invite them.

Liu Yan also noticed this and smiled apologetically at Zhang Tan. She asked reporters and photographers to follow Zhang Tan and others as they visited the exhibition hall.

"Sister Liu, you don't need these..." the cameraman said.

Liu Yan interrupted him and said unhappily: "Follow me if I ask you to, and take more material to be prepared."

The cameraman walked away awkwardly, and Liu Yan followed Zhang Tan and others, but she was very careful about her position so as not to appear in the camera.

She left after that, not leaving the exhibition hall, but chatting with Zhu Xiaojing.

Zhu Xiaojing is also a reporter, and she is traveling with her, and the two have topics of conversation.

When Zhang Tan and others finished their visit, they were still chatting.

Zhang Tan heard that the two were chatting about traditional bookstores. Zhu Xiaojing talked a lot, while Liu Yan listened carefully and occasionally added a word or two.

The survival and development of traditional bookstores is the theme of Zhu Xiaojing's research report this time. She spent several months doing research, and now in Baijia Village, she uses these few days to compile data and write a report.

Liu Yan gave her some suggestions in a few words, but Zhu Xiaojing felt that she was quite capable and the suggestions she gave were good, so she went deeper and deeper.

"Old man - look, what a cute little man~"

When Xiaobai saw Zhang Tan finished the visit, he ran over immediately and showed off the colorful pottery figurines in his hands to him.

"Who gave it to you? It's very cute."

Zhang Tan picked up Xiao Bai's pottery figurine. She was a chubby little girl, wearing ancient clothes, which looked like a Tang suit. She was colorful, had rich expressions, winked, and was funny and cute.

After holding it in my hand, I realized that it was not a pottery figurine, not made of ceramic, but rather like resin.

"That sister gave it to me. I also have the baby doll. Everyone has it."

Xiaobai pointed at Liu Yan who was chatting with Zhu Xiaojing. This was the gift Liu Yan gave them just now. One for each child, which is exactly a set of pottery figurines.

Xiaobai's maid held a pipa, Xi'er held a flute, Dudu held a waist drum, Cheng Cheng held a fan, Xiaomi held a harp, and Luoliu held a flute.

Dunzi was also there, which made Zhang Tan secretly sigh that Liu Yan was careful, because when she came to Baijiacun that day, Dunzi just wandered for a moment and left, not staying with her friends.

Liu Yan didn't miss him unexpectedly, she was thoughtful.

The one holding a pair of cymbals is a pair of cymbals.

"Is this a band?" Zhang Tan smiled.

The children like it very much. The little figures are very exquisitely made, colorful and very cute.

Zhang Tan also noticed that there was a small seal and signature on the bottom of each little figure, which read: Liu Zhangzhi.

Zhang Tan didn't know who Liu Zhang was, but judging from the appearance of this little man, he must be a famous person.

Zhang Tan especially thanked Liu Yan for this, and Liu Yan waved her hand and said it was nothing.

"Let's have dinner together at noon." Zhang Tan invited.

At noon, he planned to have dinner with Wang Hao and others. After eating, Wang Hao and others would fly back to Pujiang.

"Okay, I'll be the host and invite Teacher Zhang and the others to try Sichuan specialties." Liu Yan said with a smile.

"No need to fight with me. There is a treat today. If you want to host something, she will be in a hurry with you."

As soon as Zhang Tan finished speaking, Zhao Xin on the side responded: "Mr. Liu, don't compete with me. I applied a month ago. I am from here. I will have more experience if I try the local food. "

Zhao Xin is from the local county town. She used to be a passer-by and was not popular in the industry. Now she is well-known for her movie "Mo Di". She will definitely invite Zhang Tan and others to dinner to show their kindness.

It just so happens that today is an opportunity.

People's fate is so magical.

"Why are you still going to eat, Sister Liu? Didn't we book the train for two o'clock?" the cameraman asked the reporter colleagues around him.

A reporter colleague glanced at him and said, "Can your train ticket buy you the opportunity to have dinner with Zhang Tan?"

The cameraman thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No."

"You know you can't, but can Sister Liu still know?"

The journalist colleague left after saying this. He felt that if he stayed with the camera for more than a minute, his brain would turn into mush and he would become a big fool.

The cameraman carried the equipment and hurriedly followed, adding: "Not one train ticket, but three."

"...Go away~"

The camera did not roll around, but followed him closely, and gestured to him to look at a child in the distance: "Look at that child, he has dark circles under his eyes and is chubby. Does he look like a panda?"

The reporter took a look and remembered that the child came with Zhang Tan and others, and his name seemed to be Liliu.

Not to mention, it really looks like a panda, haha.

The two were also invited to have lunch together.

After leaving the Mo Di Cultural Exhibition Hall, the group went straight to the hotel. It was already past twelve o'clock.

Zhao Xin found the hotel. It was not a big hotel, but more like a private kitchen. It had an elegant and quiet environment.

According to Zhao Xin, the cooking skills of this restaurant are very good, especially the local dishes.

If you are not a local, it is rare to find this place.

The dishes had been ordered long ago, and as soon as everyone arrived and sat down, the dishes were served one after another.

During this period, Liu Yan and Teacher Jiang started chatting.

She talked about another documentary she was working on, about Shu embroidery. That day she accidentally saw the Shu embroidery at Teacher Jiang's home. She learned that Teacher Jiang was good at Shu embroidery, so she invited Teacher Jiang to appear in her documentary.

Teacher Jiang was flattered and her first reaction was to refuse. Although she had been embroidering for decades, she had never wanted to be on TV and did not think she was good enough to be on TV.

This Liu Yan has good intentions in order to establish a personal relationship with Zhang Tan.

You can't say that she has no trace, but she can hit the mark.

Teacher Jiang refused, but she liked it in her heart.

Sichuan embroidery and paper-cutting are her strengths. If she doesn't want to share her experience, it would be an unintentional politeness.

"Don't worry, this documentary will invite many people to appear, and you are one of them. Don't put too much psychological pressure. The filming time will be approximately three to four minutes." Liu Yan said.

What she said was not only for Teacher Jiang, so that she would not be under too much psychological pressure, but also for Zhang Tan, so as not to cause him to misunderstand, so she made things clear in advance.

Teacher Jiang did feel a little more relaxed, but she still didn't agree. It wasn't until Zhang Tan spoke and encouraged her to go on camera that she agreed.

After Zhang Tan said something, Teacher Jiang knew what he was talking about.

She is quite old. Although she has not experienced many things, she can see through them. Of course, she knows that this big reporter from the provincial capital invited her to be on camera. It is definitely not because of her skills, at least not entirely, but more. Zhang Tan’s face.

Teacher Jiang was most afraid that the reporter would ask for help from Zhang Tan, so he let her appear in the documentary.

"Are you very interested in traditional culture?" Zhang Tan asked Liu Yan, who was interviewing Mo Di Cultural Center and making a documentary on Shu embroidery.

"I'm really interested in this area..."

Not only is Liu Yan interested in traditional culture, but her Sichuan-Sichuan TV station also attaches great importance to it. Over the years, Sichuan-Shu TV station has always attached great importance to the promotion of traditional culture.

"Our station is a poor station and has no money to hire celebrities, so we can only find new ways to explore new horizons in terms of program content. We have made many attempts over the years, but with little success and unsatisfactory ratings."

What Liu Yan said was true. The ratings of Sichuan and Shu TV stations were basically at the bottom among the major star TV stations in the country.

They are really poor. For example, they have already begun preparations for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. The budget of their TV station is hundreds of millions, or at least tens of millions. They invite celebrities one after another, and there are still more than two months left. Momentum and topics were created.

On the other hand, their budget is only a measly 5 million!

"What can you do with 5 million? Not to mention hiring celebrities, the costs for actors and staff are very tight." Liu Yan said with a wry smile.

Zhang Tan has a close cooperation with Pujiang TV Station. He talks to Wang Zhen a lot and is quite familiar with the operation of the TV station.

Comparing Sichuan and Shu TV stations with Pujiang TV stations, they are really poor. What can they do with a budget of 5 million? Nothing can be done.

"However, there is a lot of potential in traditional culture that can be tapped. For example, the pottery figurines you give to children can be an idea. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty would entertain officials on the Mid-Autumn Festival night and invite them to perform. Restore this scene and use the liveliness and cuteness of the Tang Palace girls to show the prosperity and openness and tolerance of the Tang Dynasty at that time..."

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