Dad Academy

Chapter 1523 Fireflies

Zhang Tan finally caught two large Anhui fish, weighing about three or four kilograms. After putting them in his net bag, he closed his pole and went home.

The sun set on the top of the mountain and was about to sink. The blood-red afterglow splashed on the earth, and at the same time, the sunset also dyed a large area of ​​the sky red.

After everyone played in Lao Bai's fish pond all afternoon, it was time to go home.

Dudute proudly carried the big carp she caught. She walked with wind and high spirits.

Liuliu followed her, putting one hand on the net bag containing the big carp, announcing to others that her half of the military medals were awarded.

Cheng Cheng and Dunzi walked together, Cheng Cheng was muttering to himself, Dunzi listened silently, and occasionally said a few words.

The two of them were exchanging fishing experiences. They were the busiest today, but had no results.

A box of earthworms was used up, and no one was harvested, not even a small fry.

I bet they are here to feed the fish today.

Zhao Gongcheng and Meng Guangxin also caught big fish, not many, just one each.

"Let's all have dinner together tonight," Zhang Tan said.

Meng Guangxin: "Okay, let's go home and clean up first, and we'll be here soon."

He called Cheng Cheng and Dudu, returned home, cleaned up briefly, and soon arrived at Xiaobai's house.

Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing were cooking tonight. Zhang Tan gave one Anhui fish to Ding Jiamin, and then gave the other one to Dunzi, asking Dunzi to take it home.

"Call your mother here and have dinner together tonight."

Dunzi nodded, took the big Anhui fish, and ran home.

The moon has risen and the sun has completely set. Baijia Village, located in the valley, is shrouded in darkness. Various small insects in the grass are screaming. Among them, the loudest and most noisy one is the chicken.

Xiaobai took Xi'er in the grass in the yard, looking for the chickens that chirped, but so far they haven't found anything.

"Look, there are fireflies!!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise rang out in the yard.

It was Xiaomi who noticed the tiny dots of light flashing in the night sky. He looked closer and realized they were fireflies!

Although the light spots of fireflies are not very bright, they are still very conspicuous in the night.

The children all gathered around this little firefly.

The fireflies were flying up and down, trying to fly away, but found that the front was blocked by children. They changed directions, but they were also blocked, and they turned another direction, and they were still blocked...

The little firefly panicked and wanted to run away, but was surrounded on all sides and had no way to escape.

"Duck 666, such a cute duck, let me catch it."

Luoliu makes her move, she likes rare things.

"Don't catch Liliu, it will get hurt," Cheng Cheng said.

"I'll protect it."

Liuliu will not give up so easily.

"Liuliu, don't catch fireflies."

Xiaomi also stepped forward to stop Luoliu from catching the fireflies.

"We have to catch the fireflies and prevent them from flying to the mountains. They will catch fire. If they catch fire, they will burn. It is so dangerous."

Liuliu has a set of principles, and he is very aware of safety and environmental protection, but he has completely misunderstood the concept.

"hiahiahia, I caught you~"

Xi'er suddenly laughed, and saw a firefly landing on the palm of her hand, the light on its tail flashing, making Xi'er very happy.

"Look, there are fireflies here too~~~" Xiaobai said.

She noticed several fireflies flashing in the bushes outside the yard. The fireflies seemed to have heard her words and took off. Three of them landed on Cheng Cheng's shoulders.

"Look, Firefly likes me."

Cheng Cheng was very excited. It was the first time she saw real fireflies and she felt it was very magical.


"What are you doing? Don't blow~"

Liuliu whistled at the firefly on Cheng Cheng's shoulder.

"Hahaha, why can't the fireflies extinguish the duck? How strange the duck is!!!"

Luoliu was confused and stupid, and even Xi'er laughed at her, saying that the bright spot on the firefly's tail was actually not fire, but light.

Luoliu was not embarrassed and laughed loudly. Since he was not allowed to blow the fireflies on Cheng's shoulders, he could blow them flying in mid-air.

With a gasp, she tilted a freely flying firefly and fell into the air, almost falling to the ground.

The fireflies not only took the initiative to get close to Xi'er and Cheng Cheng, but also got especially close to Xiaobai. Several of them flew in circles around her.

Meng Guangxin came out of the house and came to join in the fun. Unexpectedly, a firefly landed on his almost bald forehead, which made the children laugh and embarrassed him.

"Liuliu, come and help kill the fish."

Zhu Xiaojing called Liuliu.

Liuliu waved her hands quickly and said that she did not dare to kill the fish because she was afraid.

"Dudu is here." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Only then did Liuliu notice that her good sister, Chubby, had never appeared in the yard.

She ran to the kitchen and saw Dudu rolling up his sleeves and washing vegetables in full swing.

When Zhu Xiaojing saw how diligent Dudu was, when she compared her own durians, she immediately felt that the gap was too big, so she came to ask dudu to join in the work.

Liuliu was called, but Dayanyan was not here to work, but to call Dudu to play.

Not only did this little guy not work, he also took away Dudu who was doing the work.

Teacher Jiang smiled and asked Dudu to stop working and go play with Liuliu and the others.

"There are fireflies appearing outside. They are flashing and flashing. It's so beautiful." Teacher Jiang said.

When Dudu heard this, she couldn't help but move, but she also wanted to help everyone with their work.

At this time, Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing also asked her to play.

They have realized that Miss Zhao is hardworking and capable, and sometimes they really feel sorry for her.

After listening to everyone's words, Dudu put down his work and happily went to the yard to watch the fireflies.

As soon as she left, Zhu Xiaojing said to Zhao Gongcheng, who was moving things into the kitchen: "Teacher Zhao's education is really good. Look how sensible Dudu is. If my durian is half as sensible as Dudu, I will wake up laughing in my dreams."

Zhao Gongcheng smiled humbly but could not hide his pride. Dudu was the greatest pride of him and Sun Dongdong.

Speaking of tutoring, Zhao Gongcheng and Sun Dongdong have always believed that they don't actually have any special tutoring, let alone what others think of as special tutoring.

None of these, just like an ordinary family, no special education.

If you must look for it, it may be that he and Sun Dongdong are both hands-on people. They may be influenced by Dudu's ears and like to practice their own actions.

Before she could talk, Dudu was naughty. This little kid was full of energy and couldn't find any children to play with. She would turn everything upside down by herself and tear down the entire home.

When she passed Little Red Horse Academy for the first time, Miss Zhao was lying in front of the iron gate at the gate, rattling and shaking, which made Lao Li worried. She might have pulled down the iron gate as well.

In the evening, Mr. Jiang was the chef, and Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing took charge. After nearly two hours of work, a sumptuous dinner was finally ready.

We had dinner in the courtyard, where the evening breeze blew, making it cool and comfortable. You didn’t have to worry about seeing clearly without turning on the lights. The moonlight was like water, hanging overhead, and there were fireflies flying up and down with small lanterns.

It’s gone tonight, I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow

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